Would you buy my bath water Yea Forums?

Would you buy my bath water Yea Forums?

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No, why the fuck would I do that!

Depends on whats under that towel

i bet a cock is what your going to find

Why the fuck would I buy bath water when i already have bath water?


I'll put 5$ on that

No but id pay to fuck

Tits or gtfo, also a timestamp and then name your business

Belle Delphine started selling bath water, according to her she sold out. There was an entire thread of pissed off Yea Forumstards losing their shit about it. Kinda fucking stupid, but fuck if I could sell my bathwater for 30$ a fucking liter I would too.

Is that a Michelle dick under that towel.

Absolutely, cutie pie. Where can I get some?

You packin', bitch ?

No but I'd buy you another cute outfit.

woah it's you! fresh OC?

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I sure would. Show off any more leg, please?


Your skin looks great, I'd love to run my hands over you

kya faggot

only if i could drown you in it

Show a lil nip sweetie?