Total Governmental Budget $3.8 Trillion

>Total Governmental Budget $3.8 Trillion
>Americans vote for a $20 Billion border wall and less immigration
>0.5% of the Budget
>All Democrats and half of Republicans say "Nope lol fuck you"

You do realize the Revolutionary War was fought over less, right?

Attached: Pol video game feminists nazi.jpg (1216x937, 292K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Electoral college members vote for a $20 Billion border wall and less immigration

Give it time user. Trump was an important step in the route to war. He proved that there isn't a political solution.

I can't wait to be able to legally shoot some literal nazis.

Trump campaign platform was just a catchphrase "build the wall" and he won
Presidents like Clinton, Bush or Obama run on platforms that are HUNDREDS of Billions
the Healthcare act for example (obamacare)

The only good thing about the Trump presidency, is that it's revealed the Government won't listen to the Will of the People

The difference is that healthcare is actually important.

Sry but repubs fall under the category of mentally disabled - this is a protected class in US law.

You are now remembering that Trump lost the popular vote.

the government's bank account is easy to check. it's usually about 70 billion in liquid cash at the end of the day. there are only 90 trillion dollars in the world.

>do you not want to America to become majority Hispanic for no reason? Do you not want to fight Israel's wars in Iraq and Iran? Do you have a little pride in your culture? You literal Nazi!

Attached: D5PmtoRWkAAS2vz Whites dont have racial pride or identity yet are somehow the most racist.jpg (1199x1200, 139K)

Exactly. Trump cucked hard but it's really proven to a lot of moderates and civic natcucks that there isn't a political solution. Neither the rinos or the dems give a shit about white people.

>pic related

Attached: Electoral College Chess.png (1077x539, 54K)

Yes, that does in fact parrot what National Socialism ran on.

>Can't come up with 8 billion for wall
>54 billion for Israel's wall is cool

>has the will of the people
>winning a strategy where the will of the people is not the deciding factor
Pick one.

I don't think Trump cucked hard
It's the Senate and House that did. McCain fucked over the border wall too before he died.
But it just shows that our Government is so incestuous and broken, we can't even protect our borders

And all it would take is 150,000 extremely violent men too.

Know how fucked up the Middle East is?
That's only from like 3% of people being terrorists and about 150,000 US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan

Attached: US troops in Afghanistan timeline chart.jpg (620x391, 147K)

What was the margin for that popular vote?

>hand over your culture and land to Hispanics, bankrupt your country in crippling debt, and die in a war for Israel
At least I wasn't called a Nazi in my life!

Attached: brainlet.jpg (700x1045, 55K)

Slightly under 3 million votes.

Donald "I want more legal immigration" Trump definitely cucked. Yes fuck McCain the House and Senate too but Trump failed as well.
>And all it would take is 150,000 extremely violent men too.
Yep and then the goddamn fbi shows up and arrests THEM instead of the fucking CRIMINALS that INVADE the country.

Keep spouting your nazi drivel, you're free do so.

you do realize the republican party doesnt care about your immigration bullshit

>half of republicans

more like trump supporters,who will never be republicans

What's the percentage of that compared to the number of votes?

Fuck off

Do you know how many Right wing people live in California and New York who don't vote? It far outweighs the number of Left wing people who live in the Red states
If we had a popular vote system, Trump would've won the popular vote too

Fuck off Eurofag

Exactly, which is why we need to give it to all illegal immigrants at the taxpayer's expense

trump is a pussy like the rest of people from democrat cities and states.i mean,the guy's feet hurt to much to serve his country but they didnt hurt bad enough to win a bowling trophy

Ok great
Revolutionary War then.

We have Government to keep things organized and so we can decide what to do in our country.

Government is the method to avoid war among a group of people.
So if the government isn't listening to the people, the only other option is war.

I live in California. I know at LEAST 50 deep red people who don't vote in national elections myself included.

What does it matter? That he didn't get the most votes let alone the majority of votes is proof that he doesn't have the will of the people on his side. He has no mandate.

Was it important to spend 4 billion dollars on a website that crashed daily and never ended up working properly?

Attached: 6756765769879788766545654654.jpg (620x362, 33K)

Citation required.

I don't think you realize, it would be war.
There is no "arresting"
If you are about to be arrested, you get into a shootout and kill people.

The war wouldn't even look that way.
It'll look like the Middle East
People blowing up government buildings and throwing molotov cocktails, and truckers, plumbers, carpenters, all boycotting work

Same here in NY.

>deep red


nope,republicans dont live in communist california.only faggots and liberals live there,which one are you?


most people come over water and through highways

still tries to build a wall over inhospitable dessert

Doesn't understand 20 billion is a figure designed to get started with the concept of well since we started we might as well finish btw we did 2% of the wall

i think you missed what's happening right now. it's project destiny. california's rift got nuked and it's about to fall into the ocean. fuck those assholes.

You do realize that not all of California is LA and SF. You do realize that there are MORE conservatives in California than there are in Texas right?

It's right there in the Declaration of Independence
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

Some of my mom's family lives in NYC and yeah none of them vote because they know it doesn't matter.

You're right, it doesn't matter because it was an insignificant margin you dumb fuck.
This is a representative democracy not a popular vote contest. Hence the electoral college.

Doesn't look like a citation to me.

>Americans vote for a $20 Billion border wall and less immigration

>FBI shoots you and kills you. You take maybe two or one of them with you
>MSM spins this on Trump
>Even more immigration
>Even more gun control laws passed

I agree that Trump legally won the Presidency. That is not in dispute. But there is a difference between "Trump is President" and "Trump has the will of the people".

Fuck off retard
There are hundreds of thousands at the border every year.

And we need other laws to deport illegals.
Stop allowing them to have a bank account, jail anyone caught hiring them, stop the "asylum" loophole from being abused

>hola essay shiiiieeetttt my country is like bad and stuff and there are bad people trying to get me so George Soros told me to say I'm seeking asylum
>Ok sir come on in!

Attached: Illegal Immigrants Apprehensions Border Wall.jpg (550x681, 50K)

ok fair enough

>the Revolutionary War was fought over less
You aren't wrong OP

Attached: mbj3gu5t31i11.jpg (2397x2829, 691K)


>well we can't do anything otherwise they win
>well we can't do that otherwise they win

You are such a milquetoast faggot
Organize. Get a group of people doing this.
It's not just lone wolf retardation.
War is organization and planning.

>Republicans win House, Senate and Presidency in 2016
>hurr durr not the will of the people!

So your basis for saying that is the fact that he didn't win the popular vote?
What if he campaigned in CA and NY?
What if citizens in those states who would normally vote R but don't because it's meaningless did in fact vote?
There's too many variables for you to making that assumptions, user.

WRONG! It's too early for that. You need to wait until most conservacuck whites are ready to revolt and that won't be till Texas flips in 2028.

>fair election where every citizen has the opportunity to vote
>a King imposing taxes on people that couldn't vote for him

The left can't even meme right

Republicans win House, Senate, and Presidency, yet the border wall still didn't happen before Democrats took the House back. Hmmm....

>democrats get more votes in all three elections
>hurr durr trump is the will of the people
If the Republican party and its policies are that popular, why don't they agree to proportional elections?

i'm kinda scared to ask, but what was that again?

The actual voting results combined with continuing polls showing that Trump does not have majority support makes me pretty confident.

Texas will be blue in 2020 retard
Wake up

Just keep spreading the word about this at least

Just point out to people "hey you know the wall is only .5% of the budget...and Trump won a fair election...and why do people want to turn our country into majority Hispanic for no reason and if you challenge them on it you are called a racist?"

>We agree to the rules
>Democrats loose
>Hurr durr we need to change the rules!!

>Texas will be blue in 2020 retard
Bullshit. That's way WAYYY too early. It'll take till 2028

Exactly my point.
The Government is so bloated, so effete that it needs to be abolished

The ACA website.

the cope

Just make preparations sooner than you think is all I'm saying

>I can't wait to be able to legally shoot some literal nazis.
>Anyone who is straight and white is defined as a nazi
>Whites immediately shoot back
>Revolution starts
>Is over in an hour
>Straight white guys rev up the wood chippers this time rather than gas chambers

Except this time it won't be based on race, that was retarded.

Base it entirely on beliefs and political affiliation. Start with ANTIFA.

Attached: 1560378237360.png (515x590, 153K)

The dems spent MILLIONS propping up Beto and he still lost. Texas has insane voter turnout. I am prepared.


Great argument, user.

Attached: 597576546437689978.jpg (657x543, 72K)

>our policies are the will of the people
>yes more people voted against our policies but they're the will of the people because reasons
cope harder. america always rejects the republicans, they only get in by gerrymandering

Thank you.

>He says this with a strait face as Democrats have been caught redhanded busing illegals around to vote.

Attached: laugh.gif (160x158, 466K)

Attached: 1552717200828 white people.gif (290x223, 1.13M)

People think this is a joke. I can assure you it's not.

Attached: trump_voter_breakdown by state how the map would look if only blank voted.png (630x542, 63K)

I think it's funny when people auto-assume that gun owning straight white people will be on the side of the Nazis.

Attached: 1517607988388.jpg (431x768, 86K)

nice bait

When they're the only side that welcomes them with open arms they will. The dems openly hate whites, the republicans pay lip service to them while they do nothing to stop the one thing whites are screaming about (illegal alien invasion) FARRR more whites will wear swastikas and chant heil hitler than you think.

No problem.

Attached: 1495822816097.png (605x490, 114K)

How come the media doesn't tell you about this?

Attached: 1541566973333 walls do work.png (1774x978, 619K)

>the only side
They aren't though. People who are expecting whites to flock en masse to Nazism when 'the revolution' begins are going to be in for a rude awakening.

>They aren't though.
Oh really? Pray tell what other ideology/side is openly pro-white? Like I said above the dems display open hatred for whites, and the rinos only pay lip service.

OG revolution was english against english

First time around it was ideology, second time will be the same. Black and Hispanic chads with family values and appreciation for a hard days work I'll be happy to fight alongside as we slaughter incels, traps, trannies, commies, and antifa.

If having a little pride in white culture, and not wanting to flood my country with immigrants who reduce free market capitalism to slave wages, makes me a "Nazi", I'll gladly be a "Nazi"

Attached: The exact same time that wages stagnated is when the US started being flooded with immigrants Immigr (600x467, 114K)


you mean police,the fbi arent going to bother with your average citizens problems.they only step in when it comes to the serious shit

and even then,thank your president for whining about the fbi and hillary.they cant even do their job right because of cadet bone spurs tantrums

Well less than half the people came out to vote, and most of them voted against trump and understand how to more efficiently combat illegal immigration. But go ahead ad keep being a retard
Honestly you're a nigger and the average gun owner would live to execute your little bird sanctuary friends with his vet family

Exactly this.

>welcomes them with open arms

the national socialist party were the ones taking guns away from their own people.i guess this is to be expected with a country as dumb as america.learn some history

You don't need to be "pro-white" to not be "anti-white". Again, the number of whites that give two shits about white nationalism is going to be pretty small.

Buddy, the word "Nazi" Now basically means anyone who isn't an open borders advocating communist.

I know hardline jews that have been called "Nazi" by online keyboard warriors.

So yeah. Saul Shekelstein and Charles McSaurkraut are going to be standing shoulder to shoulder rifles in hand to exterminate all of the drooling purple haired otherkin when the time comes.

Attached: 5a2acdc962f52-Stannis-Baratheon.jpg (634x312, 17K)

"white culture" if you mean "having culture" then yes, but spanish culture is not the same as Irish, which is not the same as german, which is not the same as...etc etc.

>most Americans don't vote
>most that voted actually voted against Trump
>POTUS= a king
>"Will of the people"
Dumb white trash snowflakes are just another form of being nigger. Yea Forums can't logic anymore

>Again, the number of whites that give two shits about white nationalism is going to be pretty small.
5 years ago white nationalism was a fringe thing and now it's talked about on the MSM. It's increasing exponentially as whites realize that our nation is being colonized.

I didn't say they were perfect.


lol you must be new here

Shut up cletus I will shoot a traitor american faster than an iraqi family. And I'll get a discount on cars for doing so

Don't bother talking if you're seriously that retarded.

You're definitely post-2005 user.
This place had shitposting but white niggers were never so prevalent

>Black and Hispanic chads with family values and appreciation for a hard days work I'll be happy to fight alongside as we slaughter incels, traps, trannies, commies, and antifa.
See this? This is 100% spot on.
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has a right to take pride in their heritage.
Masculinity is important, borders, nations, and personal security are important.
Family is important.
Fair wages for a good day's work, being useful, and doing something to build up the world is important.

Fuck the screeching communist whites
Fuck the useless blacks
Fuck the cockroach hispanic gangers

All the useful people of EVERY color and race need to throw out the trash.

>I will shoot a traitor american
Then why don't you march into congress and open fire.

>says the redditor

>now it's talked about on the MSM
It's not like modern mainstream media focuses on sensationalism to get views instead of actually reporting relevant news, right?
>It's increasing exponentially
In the sense that going from 1 to 10 is an exponential increase, sure, I guess.

no,your just a moron.they were not welcoming gun owners with open arms.go figure a country that calls you a nazi because you support a JEWISH president doesnt even know what the nazi's actually believed in

>literally eating the b8 this hard

Sorry shitting on Honduras, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria has led to unintended consequences for the USA. Cry me a river

That's real edgy son

oh really? what are you gonna shoot them with cleetus,donald trump hates gun rights as much as a democrat does

>the american,naming off countries that the only knowledge he has of them is what the tv man said

I'm not arguing that they were perfect I'm arguing that when the time comes whites will happily march with the so called nazis you not know what guns our nation's armed forces use? Are you dum or underage

2004 was 15 years ago. I myself preferred newgrounds back in the day, but 15 years is a long time. Yea Forums is more post 2005 than pre 2005. things change dude

It's the truth you moron. Those fat cat fucks on both sides have openly been flipping the bird at America for decades.

Trump took away the army's guns...?

>its talked about on the MSM

yeah,because you turned it into a buzzword.real white nationalists dont care about trump and your politics

I have no way to verify this, but for the record, i have never used reddit. Honestly I regret ever getting involved with Yea Forums

>are you dum

says the person who cant even spell dumb right.not to mention,bringing the armed forces into a discussion that had nothing to do with them


But there is an overarching European culture.

Ireland has way more in common with France, then it does with Nigeria, or Saudi Arabia, or Japan.

All of the European countries have quite a bit in common.
It would be absurd to say there is no "Middle Eastern" culture simply because Pakistan is a little different to Iran.


Oi not American yah shithead. Secondly tell me how America hasn’t negatively meddled in any of those countries? Assassinations, rigging elections, supporting dictatorships, wars, air strikes, contributing arms and weapons to rebels, stoking rebellion.

fair point. The Irish interacted with the romans. The Germanic people created Runes as their own alphabet after being inspired by the roman marks on paper used for communication. French, Italian, Spanish, are all Italic languages. I'm just a bit particular about "white" and "black" because I feel like they are usually too vague to mean much.

That shady stuff the the expertise of the CIA, not the will of the people. We had a president once who said he'd smash the CIA into a thousand pieces. He was assassinated shortly after. Intelligence agencies are the enemy of the free world.

You're talking shit m8. I just did three searches with different keywords and found nothing of the sort. Produce a link

The ACA was a Republican plan cooked up by the Heritage Foundation.
Obama's problem was that he a was a moderate conservative.
No liberal would propose a plan like the ACA.
Truly a weak president.

In the usa black is pretty much a right description because colonization led to so much lost culture and language (you know any african americans that speak any african languages that aren’t 1st or 2nd generation immigrants), they pretty creates their own with some african and western influences

>any culture at all
Please. They wouldn't have ever gotten off of their own continent if it werent for Europeans or Arabs.

Hell, they wouldn't even have concepts like farming or buildings if it werent for the Arabs coming in and nation building for the glorious african caliphate.

sub saharans are literally retarded

Yeah its understandable.
Noone looks at an Egyptian, a Pygmy and a Negroid Nigerian and says they are all the same "race" (Black African)
Egyptians look like Middle Easterners and not "Black African"

I say "white" culture because that includes Russians too. "European culture" implies the Russians aren't involved like Dostoevsky but he's one of the most influential authors of all time

The president still makes decisions about wars, air strikes, embargo's and economic sanctions, larger support campaigns. Air support in Syria and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with allowing the exploration of Guatemala by American companies. We could also talk about the USA having such a bad drug problem has led to the gangs and drugs in south america to supply it

yah. "black" is vague, but in american context it tends to mean "african american" and that is descriptive enough. They are quite odd. Freed slaves were incredibly hard working and motivated by all accounts, and made soul music, good food, etc, but today, inner city folk just form tribal gangs, struggle to speak their first language like adults, and blame all their problems on the white man.

By all means, do what they did, leave the country and start your own.

Same could be said about many white Americans, especially the poorer ones

I believe a president of ours (reagan if i remember correctly) was deeply involved in drug businesses in a bad way. Fuck politicians. The founding fathers warned us this wound happen

Well, to be fair, most of europe got writing and farming from the romans, who got it from the greeks, who got it from the middle east. Africa is not terribly far from there. They SHOULD be more developed. I'm not a believer in the idea that they are inherently incompetent because of race, but I'll admit that I don't understand why they are doing so poorly

The only reason that "blacks" are perceived this way is because they fill up a lot of cities. You are entirely correct. I've seen more meth head white guys that can't hold a job than blacks. I knew a darker fellow who became something like the 3rd highest political position (I want to say it had something to do with the budget and finances, but forget the title) in indiana, before the democratic opponents forced him out with some old school mafia shit. Dude was very well spoken and intelligent

>a soldier has nothing to do with the armed forces
Reread what soldier user said you underage.

I believe you. But they're all shit holes tbh. Newgrounds used to be cool and Something Awful sometimes is

Newgrounds was great. They all change constantly though it's better to just talk to people irl. Or maybe we're older

>cant even spell dumb right.not to mention,bringing the armed forces into a discussion that had nothing to do with them
He forgot a 'b' but Jesus user are you on meth?

online interaction is different and great at times, but only ever a supplement to IRL discussion. yah, I don't really know what happened, but the internet is just not the same anymore. It used to demand being tech savvy to even access, but now every kid and boomer has an access point in their pocket

>but I'll admit that I don't understand why they are doing so poorly
Because they are inherently less competent.
More specifically they have less of a capacity for gratitude and long term planning.

Not their fault, but Africa, pretty much everything is edible and there is no winter.
This means that blacks never were forced to farm or starve to death. They never had great famines due to shitty farming techniques because they didn't need to farm.

The only reason there are so many "starving blacks" now is because when whites came in and introduced proper agriculture with colonies their population spiked out of control. Then the whites more or less left.

Because of this they have been struggling to maintain this population ever since.

I'd argue against the reason for them starving being that. I am involved in permaculture, and once read a book where a japanese man tried to show the ethiopian people how to farm more effectively with native foods. The government considers alternate farming methods treason, which carries the death penalty. The japanese fellow had to leave or die. Now, I don't know how those politicians got in place, but I will blame corrupt native politicians on their food crisis. at least in that country anyway. Africa is a big place, I have no idea what's up in other parts

Jesus fucking Christ all of you. The bottom line is we should not be attacking people for their opinions alone. Even if their opinions are massively fucked up, they still have just as much right to hold them. We as individuals hold the right to criticize them for their opinions, but to go after somebody with intent to harm them, their family, or their livelihood, is not fucking okay. Sure, when they take action and actually start hurting people, that's a different story. But even then, you can't persecute everybody with a similar opinion to them. Everybody has their rights, even the scumbags. Hoping for the opportunity to shoot somebody for having a different ideology is absolutely fucking disgraceful, and makes you just as bad as them if not worse.

You cannot blame everything on the nebulous "culture" because at some point that "culture" is created by the people of the land. IE the flesh and blood animals that is the human race, of whatever particular breed of human it is.


I ultimately place blame on what an individual does. The most disgusting, dishonest, backstabbing bastard I ever knew was white. Culture, race, upbringing, emotions, etc can get very complicated, so I make my decisions based on what people DO. This person lied. I don't care that they were white, I don't care where they were born, and I do not care how comfy lying made them feel. They were a liar, and I want nothing to do with them. I'm indifferent to ethnicity in the end

>The most disgusting, dishonest, backstabbing bastard I ever knew was white.
Yeah. Whites come from Europe.
I don't know if you know what the climate is in Europe without modern conveniences, but it was primarily hard winters, mediocre harvests, and inter clan warfare.

Whites can be horrible little monsters because that's what they come from. However, planning was necessary to continue to live. Living together was the only way to survive.

well the most honest and helpful two people I've known were also white. I'm thoroughly convinced that people are not solely products of their environments and can make specific decisions to improve themselves. My point is, actions matter, race does not

>well the most honest and helpful two people I've known were also white.
Again man, you have to listen to what I am saying.
Europeans were living in a freezing war torn hellhole for a long time, generations and generations.
This is what bred all the violence and serial killer esque tendencies.
HOWEVER, it also bred tendencies of working together and being helpful because working together meant survival.

Africans never had that. They just took what they needed from the environment at the time with zero effort into actually maintaining or putting anything back into the system.

Sound familiar? This is why "black culture" in white societies is basically them draining the public welfare systems and acting angry when asked to pay taxes back into it.

I'd love to read about african culture and see what they've done historically and what they valued.

shame they did not meet the romans enough and make a solid alphabet to write things down with

America is currently fighting its second Civil War.

Americans are more divided morally, ideologically and politically today than they were during the Civil War.

Unity was possible between the right and liberals, but not between the right and the left. Like the left in every other country, the left in America essentially sees America as a racist, xenophobic, colonialist, imperialist, warmongering, money-worshipping, moronically religious nation.

Without any important value held in common, how can there be unity between left and non-left?

Obviously, there cannot.

There will be unity only when the left vanquishes the right or the right vanquishes the left.

I wonder if maps will need changing in a few years?

>hurrhurr electoral college
Shuddup nigger

>Waiting on legislation to shoot people.


Try .005% of the budget