Be me

>be me
>turn 20 today
>family forgets my birthday
>no presents or celebration
>no phone calls
>hear phone email ping
>birthday email from Dunkin’ Donuts
>at least they remembered me
>email had free any size beverage
>don’t feel so sad anymore
>thanks Dunkin’ Donuts

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Yea Forumsros never forget your birthday except if you dont tell us

happy birthday beta fag

Happy birthday user, sorry your family sucks.

Happy Birthday user.
Hope you enjoy your coffee.
Have some tits.

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Happy birthday. Hope it a good one

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Can we turn this into a birthday thread in honor of OP? Post your lonely boy birthday pictures while wishing our good fren a happy birthday!

Happy birthday

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Hey americano halo? Me wish you have happy birffday halooo?
Hey you haloo???

Happy Birthday dude, have some tits

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Happy birthday user

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