My daughter is blacked

My daughter is blacked


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lucky!!!! DONT let him use a condom and make sure your in a southern state. No abortion for that whore! TRUMP 2020

you are missing out if you havent leaked a girl yet

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If you approve watch, if you dont fuck the dude and establish dominance

Those jeans make her look like she's pissed herself

>My daughter is blacked


Fixed that for you

Someone needs to photoshop the darkness out of this photo.

Why are you a massive disappointment and failure as not only a father but also as a human being?

you should steal him from her bc hes fuckin hot

looks like you are white trash

disown her before you're looking after a half niglet for the rest of your life because she OD'd on heroin and he's in prison

And here I thought these demoralization threads were only found on /pol/. Fuck off schlomo.

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As a father, you have lost the game.

My son brought home a big gay nigger. My sons poor asshole is probably ripped and ruined. Praying for no aids

You are racist

There is nothing to discuss. You are up to a lifetime of drama and disaster. Ban her out of your life.

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First time here?

He looks black and asian. Your grandchild will be a one third breed.

He looks Indian

figure out if its a joke or if im serious

that's... not how it works

congratulations. you raised an utter and complete slut.

Disown her, and remove her from your will.
Fuck off libcunt, no one is going to fall for your shit.

Don't blame OP, he probably thought showing kindness to others would just be a good lesson, he didn't realise it'd go this far

That picture looks like it was taken in 2007