There is an uprising against liberalism in the USA right now...

There is an uprising against liberalism in the USA right now. People are realizing it for the decadent degeneracy and evil that it really is. And people are tired of it forcing its ideas down their throats, as if extremes should rule and educate the mass majority of the people, which they never should. Because in the 90s and early 00s, it still stayed mild and hidden, now it's full fledged and it's gay, it's transgender, and even has a sexual relations with its cat and dog, in some cases even a car, and it wants to teach your children about how to live and express their sexuality "in healthy ways." Their words, in healthy ways.

And gay and transgender is fine, nobody wants to take away their rights, go and be and do whatever and whomever you want, as long as you don't hurt or take advantage of others. But now, it's gotten to the point where being straight and having a generally normal sexuality is almost shamed, like it's taboo not desiring or wanting to try something freaky, abnormal, have "a gay experience," or watch your wife have sex with her best friend 'cause everybody's doing it, et cetera, et cetera. When did this suddenly become OK?

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Other urls found in this thread:

And look, most normal people aren't advocating nothing extreme, these are rational minded people, good working-class people we're talking about, but in the media anyone who states or describes such views is shaped and manipulated into looking like a far-right wing idea terrorist who wants to hurt minorities, say no to every immigrant right at the border, and kick that gay boy's pink bicycle! Because grrr, angry, rage....they hate the gays, blah, blah. So now, more and more Americans are waking up to the media bias and the fact that you can't trust the mainstream media. They lie an obnoxious amount, and it's time they have an intervention and seek treatment, like rehab. All mainstream media should go to Brazil or Argentina for a few weeks, better yet, few months, and we'll decide if it's better with them or without them. But in reality, neither Argentina nor even Brazil would want them there, and we would never want them back because peace and prosperity, and love and understanding would hit within days and spread across this great nation like a flourishing warm breeze of love next to a flying eagle smiling at all of America and cawing his eagle war cry at a job well done! But we know this is unlikely and so the next best thing is to just shut it off and never watch it. Delete the MSM's apps, stop watching their gaslighting shows, they just divide and instigate the people, they don't even see reality clearly anymore anyway. Don't even click on their websites, especially CNN and MSNBC, they are like a crazy ex-girlfriend that doesn't want to leave you alone and she swears to you that "just one more time baby, and it'll work out, I swear! I won't cheat on you with 8 guys this time, you know I won't baby, look at me!" No CNN, no MSNBC, I won't even look. You are way too biased.

>But now, it's gotten to the point where being straight and having a generally normal sexuality is almost shamed,

No it isn't you fucking neckbeard, how about you switch off twitter occasionally and actually go outside, you'll see all the SJW bullshit hardly ever bleeds into the normie world.

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dude you need to take a couple months off of Yea Forums

anyone using snapchat...thank me later

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No CNN, no MSNBC, I won't even look. You are way too biased. Go back to the 8 stupid guys, because with your ratings dropping so low, 8 guys is all you might have watching you soon, give or take, the exact low number don't matter, because what matters is that the number will be low, and the only people watching will be real stupid, hypnotized by your bullshit. So long, queers! *freedom cries in the distance/an eagle screeching*

I wouldn't even want that for my dog, not even speaking of the children. Beware of the lies. Liberalism has an agenda and people and I don't wanna put stuff up my butt even if they say that's okay! So can we just go back how it was in the 90s and early 00s? That was right around somewhere or somewhat in the middle, and we can work from there, because we definitely somehow went the wrong way, and it needs adjusting. 2nd term of Trump will help fix that, and A THIRD TERM of TRUMP might actually change something! Everybody chant: TRUMP DESERVES THREE TERMS!!! TRUMP DESERVES THREE TERMS!!! TRUMP DESERVES THREE TERMS!!! How many exclamation marks!? THREE!!! THAT'S RIGHT. BECAUSE TRUMP DESERVES THREE TERMS!!! And why doesn't Trump wear glasses? BECAUSE HIS VISION IS 2020!!!


My college is a fucking safe space duuude!


on scale of 1 - 10 how deranged or neurotic do i look?

fukin jew lord

I live in the normie world and this is pretty much happening give it a few more years in this direction and there will be no natural children that is how fucking gay everyone is, it is literally more common to witness a loud proud forcing our values mainstream gay couple than it is to witness a hetero couple trying to sneak by unnoticed to avoid some loud faggot ruining their night by shouting some obscene faggotry

Again because you just seemed to ignore user. Turn off your PC and go outside. The world doesn't work they way you seem to believe it does. So a quick recap for you

>Turn the PC off and go outside

>fukin jew lord
>I live in the normie world

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Lol, no it's not. By the next voting cycle a good chunk of conservatives will be dead because old fucks. All the kids will vote liberal and turn US into Norway.

When you support those in power who hate gays and want to take away their rights, it doesn't matter if you're just a normal guy who thinks they go too far. And it's not gaslighting to say that you're no different. Because you really are on their side.

Most of these threads are just propaganda that preys on the younger posters of the board

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>When you support those in power who hate straight white male and want to fuck kids, it doesn't matter if you're just a normal guy who thinks they go too far. And it's not gaslighting to say that you're no different. Because you really are on their side.

you must not get out often

When you have to make up positions for your opponents just so you have a reason to oppose them, you're probably one of the bad guys.

W-whites are being genocided

People think the leftists/antifa are commies and some of them may identify that way but in practice they are 100% just the arm of the neoliberal establishment. Leftists constantly capitulate to neoliberalism just to piss off the right. I miss the old school leftists who actually opposed corporate overreach and the commodification of everything under the sun. Real leftists didn’t stand for that shit. Real leftists knew that you had to be disciplined, well read and ready. but the idiots running around today couldn’t care less as long as they get to LARP as warriors fighting off imaginary Nazis, and maybe get single payer health care in the next 10 years. This is going to escalate.

>the left wants more worker's rights
>The left wants national healthcare so that everyone can benefit from it
>The left wants more accessible education so that everyone can benefit from it

Why does the left hate white people so much????

>I-it's okay when I do it
Low effort. Try again
This time apply yourselves

The right is more neoliberal than the left in the US, buddy. Not that they're not both corporate ass kissers of course

>The left wants massive immigration
>The left wants non-citizens to vote
>The left wants to restrict and choke out businesses
>The left wants open / no borderes

The left isn't anti-white, they're anti-America

Please point to me where high profile leftist politicians are asking for these things

The right:
> anti-women
> the christian religion rules the law
> Filter all money to corporate masters
> on behalf of corporate masters, disassemble the government
> Disasemble environmental regulations
> Disassemble education
> Disassemble civil rights
> Corporations to become defacto government now that government is dissolved
> Except for military, huge budget increases for the military... oh wait, much of it is going to corporate contractors
> Oh yeah, also use military to "liberate" other countries with natural resources such as oil, Lithium, etc
> Oh yeah, also use military to smite any socialist society that is starting to succeed because it makes us look politically ignant
> At the same time, hate fags, hate brown people, hate non-christians (get out of our country)
> Follow Trump, who is obviously a narcissist and is suffering from decades of untreated syphyllis

>No need to be a citizen in a LOT of places to vote (Keep in mind I never said FEDERAL)

>I wonder who was behind the Dream Act

>This one speaks for itself...

Do I really need to go on? You have links, educate yourself.

Yes, I just noticed I double-pasted the first link but you can look that up yourself

All those things have nothing to do with the actual left though, mass immigration lowers the value of individual labour and an actual leftist wouldn’t want that. Leftists today have become tools of the neoliberal elite and they seem fine with it

>Nothing about massive immigration
>Nothing about open borders
>Voting only on local issues
>Higher taxes for massive corporations nothing about "chocking out business"

Fuck off retard