Why do you hate reddit

why do you hate reddit

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A lot if its users tend to be self-righteous douchebags. It also has an obvious ‘progressive’ agenda it pushes. Like how conservative posts will never make it to the front page, but you’ll find leftist material shine with pride in said-front page. It can be overbearing at times

I like being a decent person more

because of the hivemind of itself, and how almost everyone obsesses over their internet points rather than their opinions, also what other user said, too liberal

the fact that you get a username means all your posts can be linked together by everyone. Sometimes you have to hold back on what you say. Don't get me wrong there are plenty forums on leddit that are good but I can't be bothered to sign up.
On Yea Forums it's just the admins and governments that can link every post to a person. Feels wrong, but not as wrong as any site where you have to post under a name. Posting anonymously on certain topics let's people speak more freely


Same old circlejerk comments to achieve maximum karma. It's a non-stop popularity contest.

Shills, user tracking, powermods, powerusers, vote bots, sjw mods

I hate everything

They’re a demographic of sheltered cappuccino sipping hipsters. Too sensitive not open minded enough ironically enough.

It just hasn't been the same since the 2016 elections. Nonstop politics. Every other post is a repost, and you'll see the same post plastered across the same eight subreddits for days at a time. Faggots will look through your post history to find that one time you called dave bautista a wide nigga in an attempt to prove that you're racist in an argument over the casting decisions in the little mermaid remake. It's full of children now. There was a day when you'd be downvoted like hell if you admitted to being under 17. The liberal agenda there is just so fucking overbearing, and i say that as a bleeding heart far left socialist. You can't call OP a faggot or a nigger any more.

I actually just recently left reddit for my own mental health, came here instead ironically.

Yea Forums is a lot more funny, but I’ve only been on reddit maybe twice. Yea Forums is so much more entertaining

Idk, I've scammed near $2,000 off of people on /r/borrow

Just don't use PayPal. They can get their money back through that.

It feeds narcissistic behavior where dumbasses equate their karma with digital currency. The only site more cancerous is Faceberg.

>if you have a "free" account to access something, YOU are the product.

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I don't.
It's just another forum, like fourchan, sevenchan, twochan and eightchan, facebook, ebaum (if that still exists) and other assorted fora where angry, immature, self-entitled kids go to vent their frustrations and talk about stuff. It's all the same shit, just on the block one street over, which means we must hate it.
Human tribal behaviour is fun to observe.
Pic unrelated

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Many reasons, but the main one being that when someone there starts a new 'meme', literally fucking everyone else will start milking the meme down to it's final drop of milk, it's fucking annoying.

Oh, like Yea Forums you mean? Exactly like Yea Forums?

Yea Forums has had the same four memes being remade for ten years.

This is the worst. Most of Reddit is pathetic but it's the desperate need for approval that makes me truly hate it. It's like the internet equivalent of a country club but with a liberal bent instead of conservative.

How do you accept money without using PayPal?

Enjoy the trap threads and dick rate threads.

So, like Yea Forums then?

So, very much like Yea Forums then?

it smells like you

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Well for 1 it was recently sold to a Chinese company for another ya been proven time and time again the stuff that makes it to the front page is dictated by mods anyway

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I hate /pol/ and Yea Forums more than I hate r/popular and r/politics for example

There are shit places on plebbit and shit places on Yea Forums and also good places on both sites

If it wasn't for the overly liberal and progressive fucks that plague the big subreddits, the site would be pretty great. All of the small, more specific subreddits are totally fine.

I hate that it auto sorts everything by best. Even though I made an account and said I wanted it sorted by controversial by default, it still sets it back to best. That is annoying and just the whole comment threading system is fucking garbage.
>view replies
>50 walls of text
>30 [removed]
>40 single word comments
>no way to close it other than refreshing
There are a lot more fundamental design problems that irritate me more than the userbase or culture ever could.

Because I cant talk shit and get away with it

No. Not like Yea Forums.

because want to say fuck Niggers freely

Also because most of them are acting all liberal and open-minded when it comes to degeneracy while reddit hardly makes it to the levels of degeneracy Yea Forums does, hypocrites fuck them, they now shit

It was good back in the day before it became a Russian propaganda troll farm.

ITT a bunch of fucking reddit faggots who need to go back

because they censor free speech

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>get popular because of jailbait sub
>top result on google
>delete sub when news starts whining about it
Is Reddit the most cucked sellout site? They didn't even have to do it, they weren't going to get in any legal trouble for it.

We hate ourselves. We see our reflection in them, and we react with disgust.

These, but mostly this:

Too liberal, usernames, shitty memes 9gag-tier and upvote/downvote is horrible, people will just downvote you instead of giving you an actual answer.
Can you give some examples of good small subreddits?

you still haven't figured out Yea Forums, have you, sport?