Family member posted this on Facebook. Trips decides how I respond with screenshot proof

Family member posted this on Facebook. Trips decides how I respond with screenshot proof.

Attached: IMG_20190706_043607.jpg (690x960, 164K)

"it's *your you stupid nigger"

Black people can't swim

pay up OP

lol rolling

You go girl. #BLM #Antifa #Wikileaks

Rolling for what I already got it

`Wait, what have I missed, are they doing a black mermaid??`??
Could someone post a pic?

Winner winner nigger dinner

Fucking retard you don't roll on the WINRAR

Trips have spoken

should I just do both? holy shit that was fast

post the reply faggot op

That was fucking quick lmao


post it

OP is a fag

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Op is a faggot and won't deliver, abandon thread

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Bump for justice


op better fucking deliver, look at them digits.

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This is entirely unbelievable. Ariel has a father, she can't be black.

"Hey, I'm not racist, I'm just a dipshit that is sperging the fuck out because they changed the skin tone of a fictional mermaid from a children's cartoon!"

Holy shit. A winner in more ways that one.

you mean like the sjw's multi-year long spergout over whitewashing that led to the demand to give some payback?


remember the great spergout when they cast the last airbender characters as white kids

it's almost like, maybe we shouldn't do this either way? but nah, whitey fucked them, whitey gotta get fucked, eye for an eye

Can I have your script?

telling someone to die sounds pretty mad

we got gender equality now too. ariel's black mother ran off

> you're racism is showing
> you're

block that bitch

Y’all are fucking retards. Be consequential about it. Doing a chimp out is exactly what this PR stunt aims at. Ignore or block this shit if you see it, don’t waste a thought about it. In the end this will be another awful nu Disney reboot again like all these past year. Where they suck out all the character traits that made those characters for a quick buck.

What an asshole you are OP, hope this karma gets you aids or something


OP deliver replies of them too

OP didn't abandon, she didn't reply is ass in the morning. I don't like her at all, haven't seen her in years so I don't give a shit about whatever she saids. Also sorry the blacked out shit is so half assed my phones can only use some shitty brush.

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Where exactly did you black anything Gilbert


Also that reply is not on the OP post as this screenshot says “be the first to like this” where in the OP screenshot there’s already several likes

wtf why have you done this gilbert

My sides, gone.

She's not swimming though, she's drowning without the drowning.

yeah, fake af

Charge your phone, Gil-... wait, it's actually charged?

Good on you, fake OP.

It's not that much more ridiculous than a white mermaid. Personally, I'd have cast black and used CGI to make them greenish/blue

OP confirmed to swallow gallons of horse cock on a daily basics

I'm half black myself and only dumb niggers and dumb white leftists think this is ok

sounds like youre pretty mad op, way to prove them right

Niggers can't swim dumb bitch

Is this little
Mermaid take place in Oakland port?

racewashing of any sort is bad, and the character was meant to be a dumb ginger. if they give her the shocking red hair, who cares what her skin tone is, then. if she keeps black girl hair, her second most noticeable trait is removed and that's bad marketing.

I completely agree with you (family member). I don't understand where all of this deep seeded racism is coming from. I wish people would be more appreciative of Disney's approach to diversity.






Trolling is a art.


yeah! I won! Post screenshots OP



Op dont let us down

looks like we have a winner

This is not funny, this is just fucking racist.

That Facebook post is right

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They re-rolled and got trips. OPs gotta post that

I can't wait for someone to make a Martin Luther king movie starring a white trans man in 20 years.



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I don't think OP's going do deliver.

ask them why niggers have to steal everything, including the stories and culture of others? I mean, if they're so awesome and all that, shouldn't they have their own stories to tell?


looks like OPs a lying faggot. he was never going to actually post anything.

The problem with being a half breed is that both races of origin will hate you.

Look at the bright side.
Jacob Trembly will be nekked in this live action fuck up.

"So brave. You're doing a great job of a making people think you aren't racist. Remember what you said last thanksgiving about blacks?"

it's true. I'm a pale half hawaiian. when the whiteys find out, they say "you're not dark, it's fine" and when visiting family there with my dad, they all shunned me and called me white boy instead of using my name, despite being half siblings. there were some real threats of family abandonment during that trip, and my dad ended up passing away before talking to his daughter again, who was particularly nasty to me.

what's the fucking link