Is working as a dishwasher really that bad? I'm thinking about getting a job as one...

Is working as a dishwasher really that bad? I'm thinking about getting a job as one. I have a lot of free time this summer and I could use the money.

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No benefits long hours everyo looks doen on you i worked as one for a whole year

If you lasted a year than it can't be that bad. Did you quit or get fired?

ez work and no one gives a shit what you do as long as things get done. If you don't have other options, fucking do it. ez money

Easy work? What? That shit ain't easy that job is hard as fuck. Especially at this time of year you're gonna be sweating your fucking balls off in a hot af kitchen. OP you're better off working at Walmart. It's gonna end up being the same pay regardless.

worked walmart, too. Fuck that and fuck that. Just spray plates with hot water and let them sit in sanitizer water.

Alright Costco then. There is no reason at all to do dishwashing if you don't have too. The only people who do that job are illegals and felons. Anyone with half a brain is better off doing literally anything else with their time.

it's hard work. good luck.

Everyone will try to make u do their shit, the cooks will think they are better than you even though all they will do with their lives is make eggs and flip a pancake, and most are annoying Spanish people who are complete idiots, this coming from a Spanish person.

>the cooks will think they are better than you even though all they will do with their lives is make eggs and flip a pancake
Yeah what the fuck is that about?

They think they're kings of shit mountain

walmart has a deli which requires workers to wash the greasy food pans and equipment all day

They are miserable and probably know they are Literally useless so they try to take it out on you.

Hopefully you're not a germaphobe.

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You mean Mexican or Spanish from Spain?

When I was 17 I had a like 39 yr old Mexican cook say he would punch if I didn't get something for him( he ofc didn't tell me that ftf and instead told a female worker) I didn't get whatever it was and he never did anything.

And I bet that job is still better than your run of the mill dishwasher job, with pay being the same if not better

All of them were Mexicans, I'm Dominican.

To be fair, restaurant washers/busers make the higher wages and decent tips

It's assumed the dishwasher is either a total looser unqualified to perform literally anything else, in which case he is completely undeserving of respect, or else he is seeking to become a cook by working from the bottom up, in which case he is deserving of a thorough hazing.

Kitchen jobs attract lowlifes and macho fools who think this kind of thing is important.
Read Anthony Bourdain's book if you're interested in kitchen culture.

it's shitty but everyone has to have a shitty job at some point unless you have some nepotism shit going on

I had a dishwasher job a few years back when I didn't know better, and literally Everytime I asked one of the spic cooks to make me something to eat they gave me an attitude. Almost like they were doing me a favor or something. Keep in mind this was during a 10 hour shift with closing. Part of the reason why I'm racist now.

mexicans are the worst co-workers

they only know how to work fast

other than that, they are completely stupid

they also have a nasty habit of cutting corners

sanitation procedures? ha! have fun trying to explain that to them

if you're really unlucky, you'll get a stupid spic (wetback/mexican) who will try to bully you into working faster and cut corners, but throw you under the bus when shit goes bad

low paying shit-tier jobs are crawling with mexicans

I should add too the whites and blacks never gave me a problem, only the spics

no its not just get through the feeling of pushing your hand into nasty food mush

It triggered me to no end how spics refuse, or whatever reason, to wear fucking gloves. They would handle cooked food with their disgusting bare fucking hands then act like IM the asshole for telling them to wear a damn glove.

Ha! I fix dishwashers at restaurants and charge them an insane amount for it. You wouldn't believe how many dopey teenagers ask me how they can get my job.

Like I'd give up quadruple what you make. Hell, 4 hours of my day is riding the fucking clock in my van. Quit working at 4, home at 430, clock out at 5. I will NEVER understand why poorfags take those shitty jobs.
>Ib4 experrrence
>Ib4 Boomer
>Ib4 privilege
NONE of the above. Just common sense with electrical, good at bullshitting, a desire to not work as a fucking cashier.

Where I worked at if they ever hired a black cook the Mexicans would be extremely racist for no reason. Only other cook who wasn't Mexican was my buddy who's white and he was the only decent cook there, is he smart? No, but he was nice and cool with me whille the other cooks were also racist to him.

Work the dishwasher job for chump change and get some job training.
Cheap and guaranteed to land good salaries

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

OP I'm going to leave you with this; only do that job if you are desperate. As everyone has pointed out it's a shit job with shit pay where people going nowhere in life shitting on you at every chance.

Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. Ts

Livestream video link + explanation:

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take this after every meal and all the stupid bad shit will melt away

this has gotten me through some bad jobs in the past

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I worked as one when I was 15. Had fun throwing dishes into the creak outback, and stealing booze from the bar after closing. Shit pay though.

The spic cookes I worked with were cool. They just let me make whatever I wanted. They were usually drunk 24/7.

You were supposed to do this last week. Fucking do it already.

long term yeah, but just to kill time in the summer, it's fine.

>restaurant washers/busers make the higher wages and decent tips
Where the fuck are you getting that from? Also I've never heard of dishwashers getting tips

There are still far better summer jobs than dishwasher

Let me put it this way. Would you want your son doing dishwashing? Even if it's just a summer job?

Absofuckinglutely, as a first job I would expect nothing less then a shitty job that could give them some pocket change so I wouldnt have to pay for more shit

I have cheffed for almost 3 decades. I’ve always treated the dishwashers like gold. They notice.

Work is work.

You need the money and it's not like you have anything better to do anyways. Make some money, learn some discipline and run that dish pit with an iron fist.

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