Pokemon box 3

Pokemon box 3.

Previous thread:
Requests welcome.

Attached: Gardevoir208.jpg (894x894, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Lopunny202.png (1280x1043, 279K)

requesting the abolition of capitalist society
pls deliver keith I know you got this

Attached: Lopunny225.jpg (1280x1247, 276K)

Do gotta say what if my new girlfriend were to discover the pokemon porn

I really, really hope that's fake.

Would if I could my dude

You're gonna have to cross that bridge eventually. Best of luck when you do.

It is, it's been making the rounds the last few days.

Attached: Lucario355.jpg (1500x2269, 209K)

Continuing request for futa

Requesting some adorable Lurantis

Attached: Lopunny11.png (800x800, 140K)

Or hell when she discovers my collection of sex toys due to my lonliness in my job

Attached: Lopunny11b.png (800x800, 135K)

Thats kinda hot

Attached: 1728372935.jpg (1916x1604, 213K)

In my experience, the majority of people are honestly cool with whatever as long as it's not waved in their face. I wouldn't fear it. Though I also wouldn't bring it up date 1, that's for damn sure.

futa selfsuck is cute

Attached: LucarioMega8.png (691x1159, 642K)

Attached: Kirlia2.png (696x1200, 199K)

Attached: Mewtwo23.png (850x850, 118K)

Attached: Braixen3.png (1400x1200, 886K)

it's a bot, the link takes you to yet another shitty discord server link

Attached: 1555305827754.png (878x1920, 630K)

Ooo, whaddaya got?

Attached: Mimikyu19.jpg (2048x2048, 260K)

Oh yeah. We just had our first date earlier today. If was great, we went to the park and we were holding each other and flirting for 6 hours. And i could not stop smiling. She makes me so happy, I still cant beleive it

Attached: Gardevoir7.png (900x900, 379K)

Pocket pussy, dildo, modified plush toy, and embarrasingly a tpe sex doll

that's cute as fuck

Attached: Lewd2.png (379x379, 5K)

good shit

Attached: Misdreavus10.jpg (640x551, 53K)

And it was a humid texas day in the park so we had some sweaty cuddles on the bench

Attached: Misdreavus11.jpg (1500x1500, 110K)

More than what I've got, which is nothing, because I have snoopy room-mates.

Hm. I don't think that's quite as cute, but still cute.

man you're making me envious

The only contact I've had with a girl in the past 3 years is a few hookups with an ex and a bot messaging me on Ok Cupid.

I'm happy for you though, it's really sweet.

Attached: Gardevoir9.png (759x881, 301K)

Attached: Gardevoir9b.png (528x884, 158K)

Also worth noting i have a big collection of stuffed animals in my barracks room. Helps with the stress and depression of working in prison. Im curious when she inevitably sees that

Attached: Gardevoir9c.png (1135x932, 551K)

I also have a fuckton of stuffed animals. Most of 'em are in boxes under my bed but I've still got easily a dozen around my apartment. I also got the GIGAFURRET which should be arriving this month.

Attached: Mismagius34.png (1280x1061, 327K)

Huh. Speaking of snoopy room-mates...

Probably that they're cute.

Attached: Mismagius34b.png (1280x1061, 307K)

Attached: Nidorina47.png (1390x1400, 719K)

I have a roomate too. Im just good at hiding it.
I know i was lonly for years, being in the marine corps and working and living in prison didnt do much better, i really never thought it would happen. I was just planning on talking with her and killing time until shift was over. Its happening so fast i really cant believe it.

Girls are people too, man. You're both in a shitty stressful gig and odds are good she's lonely and pent up too. Don't overthink it. It sounds like you've got a good thing here.

Attached: Nidorina48.jpg (1002x1280, 183K)

Attached: Kirlia3.jpg (707x1000, 141K)

I have about 50 stuffed animals in my room. Plus i have a 5.5ft bunny being made by bigsexyplush.com

Attached: Kirlia3b.jpg (707x1000, 180K)

you can't say that and not give pics of the bun

(not my plush)

Attached: Lopunny81.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Attached: 3621241477.jpg (934x1360, 79K)


Attached: Kirlia3c.jpg (707x1000, 162K)

Hell i love her when she works too. Shes strict and loud on those inmates, a lot of other officers are lazy. i wanted to go for sargeant some time, she wants to be warden. We both love the job


Attached: Kirlia3d.jpg (707x1000, 164K)

Attached: Nidorina49.png (1000x1500, 434K)

I'm sure it'll be fine. I wish I could say more than that, but I honestly I prefer being alone. I haven't been in any kind of real relationship beyond a high-school fling, and I like it that way.

Attached: Nidorina50.jpg (1280x985, 75K)

Attached: Sylveon3.png (2146x2041, 684K)

Bruh, best idea is to wait a month or two before having the fetish talk. Wait for her to say something weird before you bust out with the Pokémon, then it won't seem so odd cuz liking cartoon beasts is 100% better than having a foot fetish or some other weird shit.

Attached: Nidorina51.jpg (1081x1398, 131K)

Attached: 3169962 - Lopunny MegaLopunny Mega_Evolution Porkyman lonelycross.jpg (857x1280, 180K)

Attached: Zoroark3.jpg (1141x1280, 154K)

what about a beast foot fetish, where does that fit in levels of weirdness?

My camera file size is larger than 2mb which im hating. But heres a google image of my build a bear bunny i sleep with every night. I was gonna get it in life size so i could cuddle with that in my lonely room at prison

Attached: New-Build-a-Bear-Pawlette-Huggable-Bunny-Rabbit.jpg (332x400, 36K)

Attached: Ninetales17.png (650x660, 758K)

paws are good and pure


no shame in sleeping with a plush. I had a cat and ferret I slept with for years before gradually transitioning to sleeping with balled up covers between my arms. Got a body pillow from costco a few months back and it's a game changer. Being able to hug a thing and rest my leg on top is top comf.

Attached: Lucario86.jpg (1000x1000, 185K)

Attached: Ninetales44.jpg (3800x2500, 806K)

Most people when they walk through the gate they pray to go home to their families safely. Im ready to die in a heartbeat cause i had no further reason to live. I damn near passed out from the heat on the job and couldve died. When risk management asked why didnt i drink water or request respite i told i really didnt care, it was a good day to die

Uhh... Hmm. No clue doodarino, my brain isn't wired to think my genitals are in my feet so your in some muddy waters there

Attached: Noctowl4.png (832x976, 197K)

Cute bun.
You get individual rooms? Neat.

Attached: Octillery8.png (1071x1125, 737K)

Hold on now, don't misinterpret me. I just think relationships are a hassle. I don't think I have no reason to live.

Attached: Espeon67.png (1122x1000, 403K)

No i have a roomate he just doesnt mind or care

Respite is an air conditioned room for over heating

Attached: file.png (600x900, 963K)

I used to think that too. In fact i deliberately chose not to get a girlfriend for years simply cause i believed theyd get in my way, but this girl makes me smile so much i dont want to pass it up

Attached: Blaziken17.jpg (1000x950, 379K)

Re-requesting Lurantis

Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. ki

Livestream video link + explanation:

Attached: 1562390038.981.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Attached: Blaziken60.jpg (600x900, 164K)

Attached: Blaziken101.jpg (1050x900, 119K)

And im not suicidal, just stressed. I dont want to die of old age or something embarassing like puking in my sleep from exessive intoxication. if i die id like it to be honorable like killed in action, dying on the job or sacrificing myself for a family member. Not suicidal, just dont fear death

Attached: Blaziken132.jpg (1495x1473, 555K)

Yeah thats gotta be spam

How many people are still here

Attached: Blaziken136.png (2500x3000, 950K)

I'd say about a dozen, +/- lurkers

Attached: Blaziken152.png (1000x1400, 385K)


Any more like this with kissing?

I also vote for kissing

Gonna take a shower dont die

terrible, all of you

Attached: LEWD11.png (1000x1000, 554K)

Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. xP

Livestream video link + explanation:

Attached: 1562390513.133.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Attached: LEWD12.jpg (1488x1061, 134K)

The most heinous of fetishes

Attached: LEWD15.png (1000x1000, 272K)

technically counts

Attached: Mawile6.png (1009x874, 277K)

Attached: Blaziken30.jpg (599x481, 203K)

I thought that was hand holding

Attached: Serperior17.jpg (1024x768, 189K)

Attached: Serperior24.jpg (800x600, 108K)

You're not supposed to mention the forbidden fetish, it is the fetish that must not be named

Attached: Lucario28.jpg (1280x1265, 470K)

Attached: Lugia3.jpg (1280x1024, 130K)

I got hard

Attached: LEWD.jpg (500x375, 51K)

Attached: 1562218815103.jpg (1500x1500, 669K)

Attached: LEWD2.png (2000x2000, 1.24M)

My dick is harder than diamonds

What. You mean holding hands?

Attached: LEWD3.png (830x700, 213K)

Yes now you've doomed us all

Attached: LEWD4.jpg (600x600, 115K)

So lewd

Attached: LEWD6.png (700x580, 193K)

I wanted adorable Lurantis and got adorable hand holding instead. I'm okay with this.

I'm sure a little hand holding won't doom us all.
You're too dramatic, user.

You genuinely make the best filenames

Also good evening

Attached: 1552529664128.jpg (1097x979, 315K)

is that like saying candlejack? cause I don't belie

Attached: candlejack.jpg (852x600, 134K)

Attached: Blasphemy11.jpg (800x800, 241K)

Attached: 5949173518.jpg (908x1586, 137K)

Attached: 79c672e987f8493520f90d6089fc650e.jpg (800x728, 78K)

Attached: 1557115470601.jpg (471x700, 53K)

I can do that

Attached: Lurantis1.png (1280x1387, 1.48M)

could i request more humanxpokemon stuff like this?

Attached: 1557115502881.jpg (471x700, 57K)

While I'm saying my "hi"s, are bumpfriend and prison friend around?

Haha, I think that's the first time I've seen you do

Attached: 1512950206252.png (1410x1056, 830K)

Attached: LEWD8.png (714x683, 953K)

Sure thing, I'll queue some up

why's that

Attached: Lurantis2.jpg (1500x1300, 370K)

Attached: 1540827662545.png (1000x707, 654K)

Just a joke, my good man.
That is the most adorable bug I have ever seen.

I was thinking it was more of a Knights Who Say Ni! thing.

This bump's for you, kid~
I believe Prison user is in the shower.

Hooray! Lurantis is the most adorable.

happy belated 4th

Attached: Braviary1.png (1024x768, 377K)

Prison friend still here. Staying up later than i imagined, time flew by texting my new girlfriend till she fell asleep lol. I dont mean to rub in but it feels good.

Attached: LEWD14.png (1511x2510, 1.52M)

Work wants to fly me out the the "HQ" location in California. I don't even know why I'm going to be there really. Probably just gonna meet faces, shake hands, see where some stuff physically exists as far as IT equipment goes, and probably learn some of our new warehouse stuff.

But it's a big trip, gonna be there for a week. Worried about doing and saying the right things while I'm there.

Good evening you two, and don't worry about it, I won't fault you for having a good time~

Attached: 1540832763243.jpg (1261x1131, 352K)

Attached: Charizard17.png (1000x866, 606K)

Speaking of, if I do make threads while I'm there, they'll probably start later than normal, as a heads up.

Attached: 1540832882996.jpg (1323x1187, 198K)

I can see that

Attached: 1540834594798.jpg (717x1080, 186K)

Attached: 1540835642627.jpg (1200x772, 446K)

Oh damn. I do not envy you a trip to California. It's hot enough up here in Canada as it is.

Again thank you all for being awake here. Its nice to vent out among decent strangers.

Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. Cr

Livestream video link + explanation:

Attached: 1562391921.3260002.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Attached: 1541360961037.gif (500x281, 1.8M)

The humidity makes up for it by far where I live. ~93 high every day with ~70% humidity every day

I do love this place. It's very comfortable.

Attached: 1543201029877.png (921x1280, 1.39M)

Yo ive been to california for military training. I love it there, i was there for like 6 months the weather is beautiful the nature is amazing the heat is dry and the military training sucked. Id love to be there again

Attached: 1543286842231.png (900x1300, 730K)

hot damn, that's a trip

Still it sounds like a cool opportunity, and definitely a perk of "hey I did this thing" to bring up later for raises and such.

Attached: Lurantis4.jpg (912x1024, 64K)

Attached: 1545631213645.jpg (850x891, 422K)

Attached: Charizard18.png (1280x865, 358K)

Then just kill yourself already you fucking machine. Let us fap in peace

Attached: 1545632749379.jpg (1078x1200, 161K)

Thats kinda hot

Attached: LEWD16.jpg (1457x2064, 182K)

Attached: 1545641342084.jpg (827x783, 310K)

Attached: Lurantis3.jpg (850x765, 295K)

>let us fap in peace
But I'm not even fapping.

I love that were still doing this adorable stuff

I'll be spending about five days in La Mirada, I hope I like it.

Yeah, we'll see what happens. I'll just try my best to be personable, as I do.

That it is.

Attached: 1548045159643.png (910x1024, 856K)

Attached: LEWD18.jpg (1169x1273, 454K)

Attached: 1551239534204.jpg (1024x768, 269K)

any cute male gardevoir?

cuteposting is important

Attached: LEWD17.jpg (1292x2048, 209K)

Anyone got some Jirachi?

Attached: 1.png (1280x800, 554K)

Attached: 1552355977395.jpg (850x804, 191K)

Attached: af38a3194de01683d2a088487888410533a720d26803ca4bf3442cfedceedc63.jpg (1000x778, 403K)


Attached: Jirachi24.png (1000x1200, 1.03M)

Oh no trust me
Im masturbating furiously

Attached: 2.png (1280x800, 510K)


Attached: 3.png (1280x800, 510K)

Attached: e49da4834220f47cd63ca9b3ecac2cff8656a3d1a333b584ece2668ecf383e86.jpg (580x580, 152K)

Attached: Arcanine6.jpg (1795x1623, 353K)

Attached: 4.png (1280x800, 512K)

Attached: 5.png (1280x800, 520K)

Attached: c066a2bbb0cc09c34b71e8feee948a09afb4558a3b476cf0261751e4a838fa27.jpg (1116x1600, 500K)

Attached: 6.png (1280x800, 527K)

Smut is nice, but adorable is just as nice too, and is an important part of a balanced Boxfast.

I didn't say no one was allowed to fap. Just that I wasn't. I often don't when I hang out here. Like, 9 times out of 10. Probably more.

I've got a bit.

Attached: Gardevoir63.png (1000x1416, 1.25M)

Attached: 921068e97e8586d2aa4dc18a9eb60f46139b11164b4e097a476d00272ef3c21a.png (850x1247, 1.1M)

Attached: 75401455_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x842, 742K)

Attached: 75401455_p1_master1200.jpg (1200x897, 843K)

Attached: Jirachi25.png (965x710, 118K)

I'm probably on a 50/50

Attached: dc480a060149dbe8fe431257a27faa3d071c7bab20c350628a810863d34a1c6c.jpg (1704x1402, 1.12M)


Attached: 7.png (1280x800, 565K)

Attached: 75401455_p2_master1200.jpg (1200x706, 565K)

Attached: 75401455_p3_master1200.jpg (1200x660, 545K)

>18 ips
That's the most I've seen in a while

Attached: 2396abefa311d09a59e945ec677737f9b2bbff217581b9396e39b60838df2edd.jpg (601x850, 118K)

Attached: 75401455_p4_master1200.jpg (1200x660, 555K)

Attached: Eeveelution1.png (1200x676, 739K)

Attached: a3818967b2b257a8f68dc3b9a24bd0082231c1bbdfa0e81f25e4fc3266a1bb75.png (1000x979, 659K)

Attached: Gardevoir86.png (954x1090, 849K)

Dat low sex drive, yo

To be fair, we've had more than the usual amount of bots show up in dis thread.

Attached: 1f21f4361aade354765e53956003256a1c0bfe9b10588d7c78e2ba5ac748a9cc.webm (1148x902, 1013K)

Attached: Jirachi27.jpg (800x800, 55K)

Is that so?

Well still, I think there's... four active image posters right now. Plus I think three more non image posters.

Attached: 9d22fce865cacd1037ef3dbeced11d545712542c429c66b9f6ceb70205b65782.jpg (580x580, 103K)

At least three*

Attached: 81caab22c8c17989d7a215635a849a1364a174a5144ae6a526da36a3079e1ab2.jpg (1100x1588, 1.22M)

Attached: Floatzel15.jpg (1024x814, 79K)

I can masturbate 9 times out of 10 but yeah. I just come to hang out, who would have guessed a thread of degenerate beastial animal fuckers on a website of scumbag edgelords. We meet great people while posting smutty pokemon

Attached: a0a8a5b4b464764d6be6ea81d4c47d42e8ee53564f14915ff04e64d3992f4be7.png (1900x1600, 635K)

Attached: Gardevoir72b.png (802x898, 126K)

Attached: 2a2991451a6e6888b8b10e0bb0490ca976ecbba35ee6be8fb1d507bacc3d8774.jpg (1800x1357, 797K)

In the years off and on I've participated in these threads, I've seldom ever had a bad time of any sort.

Attached: c4bbf2bd267157c8748d43d4d0f4ceaaaa6421cb48e30c3057f7fefcd745caa7.jpg (1100x1100, 853K)

Attached: Jirachi26.png (1200x1600, 341K)

I enjoy the people and pokelewds

Holy fuck its 1am. Im glad i dont work tomorrow

Attached: d64ea62d83e08a683023dabd9d9d547734768ae147c05b03c38bb9fa253f70c7.png (1529x694, 331K)

Attached: Gardevoir4.jpg (633x738, 195K)

Same. 2am here though

Attached: f48f838c7a8a32247b0f2809a7c5b58374db1eb58e11e9490da1b5167fa0c150.png (2752x3274, 1.03M)

Attached: Gardevoir70c.jpg (1812x1469, 316K)

Attached: fe355230215c1b96bcc08f658faa033d22671a4e8bdac0d64ac4ae10b3bbdaf1.png (1430x1000, 1.44M)

I know perverts are such nice people

Request a few bikini pokemons?

Attached: Jirachi28.png (1000x1000, 185K)


Attached: adb8ffbf0cd59a414d1e15548e5d88622b9796ab8c7bf27d52fb6584a9cfb50b.png (2026x1886, 942K)

This is such a nice loving picture.

I should probably cum so i could sleep

Attached: Jirachi29.png (550x600, 122K)

Attached: 202fa70b22837ac7d619336269caad4ab8f9ba14c01e057ac1fab7737823b0ff.png (1280x1006, 1.1M)

I really like this

Oh, my gathering of Pokemon-in-swimsuits will actually come in handy

Not a bad cure to insomnia

Attached: ebbc39afec6bda360dbd724272e9d5889fa2120169c897261f00afb28402cda6.png (1200x938, 754K)

Attached: Gardevoir87.png (1500x2362, 1.46M)

Though I'll probably start those next thread

Attached: 48eef0357791a05215fd63fc152b29eeb2957e7113417e2b77b91187d7ef306f.png (1200x705, 281K)

Yeah, it's been a good night. Had a few folks join the discord as well.


Attached: Jirachi31.jpg (800x800, 57K)

It is very strange community here isn't it?

Attached: 8860f06c6d7a6666a1f462d48a128b44df7e2b8295ba5b8ddee8b4bd0521cd9f.jpg (1500x1500, 426K)

Want this as well

May i request more human male on female pokemon please?

Will there be a new thread?


god yes

I love how we almost have 20 posters

Not today, there is still work to be done.