Look who I met today!

Look who I met today!

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Kurt Cobain's uglier, less talented cousin?

Can’t stand that bitches face

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How Swedish are you?

lucky bastard

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Astonishing to think that one high school age girl started this protest a mere 9 months ago (Nov 2018) by herself, and is now causing one of the most powerful worldwide organizations of the last 100 years to quiver in fear.

When people say they can't make a difference, point to Greta, point to Rosa Parks, and Mahatma Ghandi, and say, "Look what they did. They've done the hard work, now all you have to do is echo their voices and vote."

Greta is going to change the world and you're going to see anti-Greta shilling on everywhere, because the biggest threat to big oil and systematic environmental abuse. Corporations will do everything they can to discredit and squelch her.

Understand what she does before you hate her because shillbots post about her every day here.

She is an icon.

quit doing drugs y'all

Attached: crackiswack2.jpg (360x270, 9K)

>didnt kill the autistic crypto downie

What have you done for the world in your crust infected tendie life? You certainly aren't saving the world like she is.
Only jealous neckbeards would argue with altruism.

is time to pay greta

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How is she saving the world? Why does Co2 magically sneak up in the atmoshere when it is heavier than air (it's why you suffocate at the bottom of a silo)
She is just the (literally) inbred poster child for kikes to further a scheme meant to make them rich, weaken certain states and further encourage foreign aid which will not go to whatever it might be meant for. You're just a pedophile with a thing for the ugly butch ones. You sicken me, i'd call the authorities on you, but the scandinavian countries as states and authorities is nothing but an illusion at this point. Your efforts will all be in vain since your people are dying out, and you're the only ones that care or are stupid enough to. What have you done? If you truly wanted to save the earth, you would find it in your heart to kill 80% of all indians, chinese and africans on Earth, for the Earth's sake

I'm honestly scared, and it's hard to articulate exactly why. It feels like something momentous is on the rise. Climate change is going to be the catalyst and the big threat, but there's more. There seems to be more and more civil unrest, not only in America, but across the world. People seem on the edge of rising up in numbers large enough to actually matter. Civil War is a real possibility. Global war is not a ridiculous idea. We are facing extinction. Actual extinction of the human species. By our own hand.

Millions, if not billions, of people are going to die. The question is not if, but how, and how many can be saved. We are past the tipping point, and we can only mitigate the effects. Governments don't seem to want to act quickly enough, and the people are starting to get the message.

This is the single greatest crisis we have ever faced. We may well not survive. Immediate, drastic action isn't enough. Drastic action ten years ago may have stopped it, but I'm afraid that it's already over and we don't even know.

This is a deep, exestential fear. Not for my life, but for all life. I don't know if we deserve to survive this. If we do, I sincerely hope we continue the trend of drastic action to root out the sources of greed and corruption that have caused, and will continue to cause exactly these existential threats to our species, and all life on this stupid rock.

I grew up actively and obnoxiously denying climate change because my dad told me it wasn't real.

I got to year 11 science, and we were doing this token chapter on the environment, and it mentioned that the vast majority of atmospheric CO2 is absorbed and stored by the ocean. We'd also done a bit of gas-water solubility, which basically says, any non polar gas (which CO2 is) is only dissolved in water because it's kind of stuck with all the water molecules, like trying to fight your way our of a ball pit. As the thermal energy increases however, it becomes much easier for the CO2 to fight its way out, thus for non polar gasses solubility decreases at higher temperatures (there's also other chemical reactions involved but that's the main gist).

It suddenly hit me. As the atmosphere heats up, more CO2 is released, which heats up the atmosphere, which releases more CO2, which heats up the atmosphere, which releases more CO2, which heats up the atmosphere, which releases more CO2......etc.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it's happening right now. It doesn't matter If you think 9 of the 10 past years being the hottest in recorded history was a coincidence. If that process of CO2 liberation begins, humans cannot stop it. Period. To ensure the longevity of our species we need to do everything in our power to make sure it never does.

That's what happens when you put the means to destroy the Earth in the hands of those too stupid to comprehend the concept of responsibility.
Something is coming, for sure. But it is artificial, constructed . Incrementally rolling out events that over centuries or just decades if you don't want the tinfoil hat, that leads up to this. Why? I don't know, probably for many reasons, to many different people throughout history..70% of all wealth in the world is hoarded among an extremely small clique of people. This alone guarantees you any unrest can be stopped woth retard money seeded back in, to stop any collapse. Well, it could also suck in more and cause the collapse. Why do this tiny group of people want this? You tell me

humanity is the problem we wont change climate any time soon we just cant hope for new technologies to emerge in the short time frame where we waste useful ressources for media industry... if mankind would be reduced significally we would help the world but thats not gonna happen

>Millions, if not billions, of people are going to die. The question is not if, but how, and how many can be saved.

technically its regulation... we are more harmful then helpful for the environment

>climate denial
>fox news parroting
Stop eating up television news and open a paper on the matter. 99% of scientists. Take that in. 99%. Of. Scientists. In this field of study will agree that climate change is very real, the science is known down to the mechanism, and the extremely rich you talk about will lose billions of the oil or agriculture industries go belly up.
You really think "da jews" want to lose that much money? The most powerful industry in the world wants you to be more environmentally friendly and lose all that money just because CNN told them to?
Question your own logic and read something other than a news website.


>Few of the statements in the references for this list are part of the peer-reviewed scientific literature; most are from other sources such as interviews, opinion pieces, online essays and presentations.

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uve never lived until uved seen jayden james fart smokin weed

why do people with fucked up teeth smile with their mouth's open?

that aint shit nigga,you aint lived until you've ate fruit loops out of roxy raye's butthole

hard to keep those fucking dominoes contained.

I don't have a tv. I don't read news. I dont trust the "science mafia" - it's all corrupt and you're a fool to spew what you do, with what you started out accusing me of.

>extremely rich you talk about will lose billions
they will loose everything in the end so they can live in denial till its too late

green greta

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