Just another thread in wich we try to get a game before event ends

just another thread in wich we try to get a game before event ends

beggin for Wolcen, Monster Hunter World or anything in my wishlist
please and thank you giftanons

Attached: 1529751509871.jpg (500x667, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/bigfoot104/#sort=order&term= dark souls™ iii

Begging for Deep Rock Galactic pls. Also friends to play it with.


Attached: 1562290989228.png (400x300, 113K)

Begging for either one, always wanted to play a TES game. Free blowjob for gifter guaranteed.


Just looking for Fable anniversary, i'll trade a gift copy of worlds adrift for it.

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Attached: lolibooru 175775 emily_(pure_dream) leaning_forward one-piece_swimsuit school_swimsuit simple_backgr (600x800, 49K)

poorfags cant even buy games on sale ahahaahahaha

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Can I get a gift card instead? Only asking for $5

why bother buying when people just give me stuff for free?

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sent ;)

Thanks, I got your gift. I'll use it to beg even more.

Hey ppl, if anyones feels kinda generous and has some money to spare..

Something from my wishlist would be nice. Not the DLC though

send me a steam gift card or else the anime gets it, homos
[email protected]

Attached: IMG_9217.jpg (850x1201, 135K)

begging for Cuphead

Attached: 1321191_1.jpg (630x630, 71K)

add me id/KAIIRU for free games, only poorfags with no games and account of 2+ years

I'm asking for refund as of being stolen. Enjoy your account b& ;—)

shitty game

A dota 2 Battle Pass or The Handsome Collection would be nice Thank you in advanced user

Attached: 72915375_p0.png (992x1403, 1.4M)

hope things are going well for all of you.

Attached: Skeleton Aisha.gif (130x130, 6K)

i'm gonna shit my pants if I don't get fable anniversary

Void Bastards or Nioh, please user, im starving

well i been trying to get wolcen and pushing my luck for MHW since the sales start, would buy it my self except i dont have credit card and the rent is eatin all my money
so far no luck at all

private profile no thanks...

Hey, if someone wants to "spread" kindness, if someone buys me something from my wishlist I'll buy something else for half the price for someone from this or another thread.


Begging for Fallout New Vegas. Would've bought it myself but paypal froze my account

oh really? sorry, im gonna change it right away

Oooh, my best friend loves the fable games. I hope you get it.
I've never played any monster hunter game. I've heard they're quite grindy.

Attached: Spooked.jpg (1440x1415, 143K)

>I've never played any monster hunter game. I've heard they're quite grindy.
yup they are, but id say 90% the fun is killing the monsters, the other 9% is gearing yourself and the last 1% is playing with strangers

it's not private, what are yout alking about?

Attached: steanmeane.png (1655x843, 1.27M)

you must be mongoloid because you are watching your own profile thats why you can see everything...

You dont deserver nothing faggot!

>begging for games with a level 59 profile


dead cells or forager? which is the best?

kek you're a fucking mongoloid, look here, faggot

Attached: nibberfaggot.png (776x299, 49K)

Bump, still relevant.

lvl 160 badge form this event got me to 59
i just want void bastards and too poor to afford it

retard why are you hidding the games???



I remember for years straight in past sales used to have this guy make these poorfags do shit dumb shit woth mayonnaise and butter and all stupid shit. Always delivered. Has he been around on this one?


Hoping for Tekken 7 my friends just got it and they're loving it and i wanna hop in the fun with them
if anyone could help me out that'd be great!

begging for DOOM,Dark Souls III deluxe and bad rats


Attached: кто бы это ни читал, хорошего дня .jpg (299x168, 8K)


Just lost my job, would give my right nut to play something new to take my mind off things.

Attached: FullSizeR.jpg (981x1424, 109K)

you can level with just the cards, and most people give those away if you ask

Blowing up a federal building would take your mind off things aswell.

Anyway.. 321 games kind of a lot, maybe He could find a games to play.
He didn't even run almost half of these games. And another quarter is under 1 hour.

Yo guys, I'm here begging/trading for The Bioshock Collection.
I've been wanting to play the Bioshock trilogy really bad for quite some time
and the whole franchise including the DLCs is on sale for $15,
but I don't have money to spend on games right now.
I would really appreciate if anyone could gift it to me
and I even have a Steam Gift for GTA 4 Complete Edition (Which is $30 on Steam) in case you want something in return.
Thank you so much.



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I want to play it tho

they are mostly from sales and from the times when my mom gave me money for them
i played the shit of the games i like, and that 'under 1 hour quarter' is games that either don't run on my pc or i just didn't like them
don't do fucking charity if you're gonna ask this shit, i don't need it that way, faggot

How is it shitty? It's one of the best of it's category.

I'd gift anyone whatever game they want, if they superglue their asscheeks together.
Now i want to be clear and say im joking. Poor or not, its summer go outside and meet a girl and have the time of your lives, you fucking retards

I was going to, because I C Wiener was funny,
But then i saw your number one game was Psychonauts, And Tim Schafer is a fuck and i hate him for what happened with Space Base.
Sorry Champ.

I'm not asking for anything atm, but I'm curious...
I've seen plenty of people saying stuff like "90% games unplayed" or "over X games" as reason for not gifting.
My question is, does my account seem nice? I've been gifted a few times and I don't wanna seem like I just wanted those games in my collection for no reason. (Right now I'm not playing much since I'm in the last stages of a project, but I will as soon as I finish with that.)

Also, most of my unplayed games are either bought by myself when I had the money (Ass creed games, Doom) or gotten on bundles (sonic games, lego games).


Thanks for anyone that tells me if my account looks good or bad in that regard

Attached: Spooky.jpg (599x590, 41K)

Why waste money on thots when Lord Gaben has provided us with such great discounts?

I dont have psychonauts lol
am i being meme'd?

>Anyway.. 321 games kind of a lot
ah yeah, i cant argue with that

>spending money on thots
You fool. Apply your brain and add some creativity and you can court thots for free.

Woah, what a nice guy. What games do you want?

I just want more twitch viewers.

So you've chosen a picture of a Skeleton thats Spoopy. So You're doing good from the start.

80% of games played... Nice even number.
36 games under 2 hours playtime...... and accounts been around for 7.4 years....

565 hrs on warframe....
Yeah you alright.

Its in your wishlist.
At the top.
You fuck

Thanks! I actually drew the skeleton pic since I tend to be obsessed with them in places like here.

Attached: When the Graveyard is just Right.jpg (500x500, 91K)

ah I see that I am mentally challenged in some way.

I haven't fixed my wishlist in years

You sir are a man after my own heart.
Stop it.
Get your own.
This things are hard to come by

And yet, here you are begging for something from your wishlist.....

Oh my steam list is fucked.
I signed up to the humble bundle a few years back.
So every month 8+ new games,
Normally i only care about 1 of them.

Uh yeah I'm fat and ugly, so that isn't happening

I have since fixed my ways with a wishlist of games I actually want in hopes of curing my retardation.

I used to beg a lot in these threads, then i realized pirating actually works if you're smart enough, and i played and finished ALL the singleplayer games i ever begged for by just grabbing a ripped GOG release or a CPY/CODEX crack. Shame that other people don't follow.

educate the masses pirate king

Are you saying people should beg for One Piece games?
Please don't take this too seriously.

Attached: Skull and Bones Breakfast.jpg (700x514, 71K)

this, there's so many people begging for single player games I just laugh at them.

Begging for Praey for the Gods, any richanons wanna lend a hand?


I'm almost losing hope :^(

Ah, I see whats happened here.
I think I just got epically trolled by a 1337 Yea Forums hacker

Someone let me borrow a copy of Oblivion

do it for the OC titties

bumping my almost 3 hour post


Kenshi or anything from list would be cool, thank you.

Attached: 3757384.png (500x500, 166K)

I've been begging for Octopath Traveler, Where can i get a pirated copy my good sir. Oh and also cant i get a copy of Monster Hunter World but is it possible to play with friends?

Attached: butts.gif (500x280, 1.04M)

>Monster Hunter World but is it possible to play with friends?
there is a way but i think you only play with other pirated MHW also youll need another steam acount cus you can get banned, isa mess but i read it is possible, and it sucks cus events are only with internet
i too am waiting for octopath traveler to be pirated

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Sounds like a hassle, especially for me and my friends.

it is,
is much better to save and buy it, but rent and bills eat my money in my case

And people wonder why we beg.




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looks like another night with no gift anons

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Hopefully soon lads, At least we have skeletons with us

Humbly asking for PSN codes, if that's even possible, please.
[email protected]

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anything would be appreciated if any giftanons are on

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richanons r ded

Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. XE

Livestream video link + explanation:

Attached: 1562388725.178.jpg (360x640, 80K)

>site can't provide a good concection
>site blocked for Trojan
i wanted to get a virus and you couldn't even give me that correctly

store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/bigfoot104/#sort=order&term= dark souls™ iii

I just wanted Bloodstained on ps4


Fuck too slow


lose it rip

what was it?

Why did Eddie Van Halen shave is beard and start playing that machine gun?

Anything from my wishlist would be much appreciated, but if possible i'd love to play either of the new Hitman games

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Anyone has leftovers of this past Humble Monthly, please?



Hey guys, I'm begging for The Forest so I can play it with my friends :) Thank you in advance user

put of curiosity, anyone saved that old pic of an inventory with like 20 skyrims? the one user used to bain people some years ago?

Attached: gold.png (875x215, 25K)

Never listened about that I remember the pic of 30 Cs go


Begging for UNO and if you're feeling generous then I'd really like Pummel Party.

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pubg or ds 3 eu region, if any1 could.

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Chrono Trigger please lads. I've never played this game and I don't feel like a real man.

Attached: chronotrigger.png (512x512, 422K)

nice quads UNO brother

still want tekken


anyone want's to trade trading cards? I'm trying to complete dragon ball xenoverse 1 and skullgirls sets

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never played dark souls 1 before



begging for Mount and Blade warband plz

Attached: benis.jpg (318x470, 64K)

i heard that it is nicee, hope u get it!!

lol these threads are just a way to grab steam ids of idiots to scam them

Boys just gift or add me as a friend, global in csgo. I play shit ton of other games. steamcommunity.com/profiles/664499

steamcommunity.com/id/664499/ u idioy


forgot my ID

thanks user-kun



>discord gg
kill yourself



A $5 gift card would be nice


I'm kindly asking for Evenicle, that'd be awesome. But any other game from the wishlist would be great as well.


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Begging for Praey for the Gods, please

I have a bit left to spare on you friends.
Convince me to buy you a game or roll trips.

Attached: balance.png (141x45, 3K)

I've seen that image too many times already troll so try something new


I'll be always grateful with you if you buy me a game, also roll for those trips

LOL I felt for it :')

asking for SNK Heroines


>I cannot pirate the game because there's literally no seeders on a 3 month old torrent
>it's 20€
>I don't have that money
>but you do

also check em

Attached: scrn.png (1023x47, 4K)






I'm just begging for a gift card. Hoping to finally leave the Level 0 club.






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Lucky sevens

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You're all poorfags and retarded. Get a job and stop bumming shit off the internet you absolute retards.

did op deliver?

Nope, nothing yet...

bump bump again
getting desperate for that tekken

hahaha how fucking pathetic are you, what kind of shit game is that you retarded nigger

play tf2 idiot

ill buy u csgo oops its free already yay






haha very funny joke friend x)

Still nothing :/

these actually work

No they fucking don't

Attached: notheydont.png (907x287, 46K)

2 of them are wasteland, 2 are outlast
wasteland is region locked

The keys have been posted previously, you can see what they were for just because you already own the games

oh nevermind then

>Already Owned
>Not available in your country
>Already Owned
>Please Activate the Original Game
Not Available in your Country


Attached: lm.jpg (1500x1501, 224K)

I'd just really like to play Hitman™. Can't say that I deserve to receive a game over any of the other guys on here, but I would be very grateful if I were to be chosen.

How do i shot torrent?


sent ;)


dont bother, somebody already rolled trips, but op is either fake or gone

Eh, I still like trying to roll. even if it's fruitless

last try



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get fucked

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n-no u...


Anything on my wishlist

Attached: 1518763504794.jpg (600x593, 41K)

sent ;)

asking for SNK Heroines(20)$


thank you

Attached: 1561748082874.webm (640x800, 891K)

sent ;)


fuck off nigger you got nier automata and both yakuzas


one more go.


>both yakuzas

wtf are you talking about


I'd love Final Fantasy XV (24 bucks) or just 20 bucks to pay for my Everquest 2 subscription, me love u long time

get DABBED on

Nier and 2 Yakuza games? The actual fuck, 2 of those games isn't on sale, and all 3 are long ass rpgs. Even just one of those games should've sated that greedy ass for at least a couple of weeks.

ikr and that greedy faggot still begging lmao
here's the core

he's lying.

I only got Nier Automata during this sale and it is lasting for a couple of weeks and will last for months.
I'm only asking for SNK Heroines while the SALE is running.

You still refuse to post your profile? What do you have to hide jew? Always calling out everyone but never showing your face, very jewy of you.

Are you afraid you're going to expose yourself as someone who has +100 games?

font be a coward, post YOUR profile. Lets judge you, maybe we can evewn find out what games you got gifted this sale

Attached: 281206294012211.png (654x858, 307K)

>only got Nier Automata

Attached: 【Touhou Anime】 A Summer Day's Dream Ep.2 【Secondary creator Doujin】 1080p (1080p_30fps_ (396x356, 20K)

one more roll

Yes Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami 1 were not gifts. So yes, only Nier was gifted. Quit your slander, its fucking annoying to always have you breathing on the back of my neck.

GTFO of me
Fucking parasite

he might have 2 games, he might have 2000 games. what does it matter? he is not begging

you on the other hand, are. and you are very very greedy about it, jew

>$50 game

user by only I meant that it's a 50 dollar game and you say that like it's nothing.

So I can't ask for games on a gifting thread? Why are you here?

its 40$
Do you ever stop lying?

Again, that game didn't even get discounted for the sale

Attached: Capture.png (628x733, 669K)

>no but you can't participate because of thing
>stop doing thing

Attached: (you).png (490x215, 24K)

Amidst this fuckfest


You still haven't linked your profile. You are very brave to call me out but never show your face.

Attached: 1555847230474.jpg (474x632, 210K)

sent ;)

not gonna get me with that buckaroo

yew obviously I'm the shadow jew who likes defaming others

oy vey

Ya still bit the bait by replying bucko ;)

you just got baited back

Attached: 35081624_10156464252258114_5183785227146756096_n.jpg (800x600, 33K)

link your profile I want to gift you for helping me blacklist jews like him

lmao, look at this jew and his hebrew tactics wtf super mega jew

If anyone wants to, i'd enjoy A Hat In Time. It's on sale.
If not a few more friends would still be grand.

Attached: smug.loli.gif (460x259, 913K)

All these threads always end up with

'you cant beg you already got something!1!!'

'yes i can stfu!1!'

'ew fucking jew'

sent ;)





Don't forget the faggots that keep blaming each other of 'Inspect Element'

truly the greatest time of the year

This actually my dad, pls don't be like him


Final Fantasy XV (24 bucks) would mean the world to me

Attached: 1562348485788.jpg (680x486, 86K)

thats true, this would never happen if we didn't have the dumb "hehe you are le blacklisted XD" jealous user that gets buttmad when someone links their p rofile.
I'm not the only one he likes to call out.

Your dad is a kike? Then you are a kike too.
Fuck off jew.

Yeah dont worry
ive had stalkers for two years that kept posting screenshots of my account

jokes on fucking them i still got games because not everyone a fucking cunt

I would shit my pants if I got BeatSaber store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198067609269/#sort=order

Attached: Untitled.jpg (164x133, 3K)

Has that really happened this sale? I haven't really seen any anons try to claim random gets as their own

Get a job you useless faggot.

sent ;)


Yes it has.

sent ;)


Attached: 1511454183215.jpg (214x265, 8K)

Still here, fable-less. In case there's anyone with v-bucks hanging around.

Attached: chrome_2019-06-03_16-29-26.png (343x329, 114K)

sent ;)

bump again, thanks

Attached: dcc362ce23ec9a388d9b1b809b3ec20e.jpg (1920x2944, 1.02M)

sent ;)

How do you people survive being so poor?

Money goes towards means of survival like bills and food before luxaries like games. Or for some people, their parents

Struggling, yeah, It's pretty bad when you're third world user and work to survive

by surviving and not living

work to survive > us
work to live > you

...do wut mate

Nobody in these threads are poor. You'll find that if you hang around long enough, you'll see the same people gifting with the average newcomer. A large majority of these beggars have 200 or 400 or 1000 games in their inventory, 90% of which are unplayed.
I've gifted 2 people games in the last 24 hours and they both posted in every new gifting thread after receiving a gift from me. They are all leeches

nothing came through

link profiles, I want to blacklist them

Attached: 5136716069.jpg (2360x1404, 171K)

Fucking yikes, real jews

link your blacklist im curious

And that's why I'd never gift something to a beggar. Just like pan handlers on the street. A few bad apples ruins my trust in the whole lot of em.

I dont' have one, just want to see their profiles

>go to beg thread
>gift to beggar
>complain that beggar still begs
>expect anything from a beggar

I'm a beggar and i'll tell you this so you don't face disappointment.
Gift because you want to gift, not because you're expecting something in return. You will not get anything in return besides a temporary feel of generosity.
It's ridiculous to have you giftfags give games and then come onto threads complaining how beggars aren't playing your games right away.

It's fucking sale season, beggars will try to maximize and beg while the sale is up, then once its over you can expect them to play your game and not be on these threads

quit crying.

I dont regret gifting either of them, they didnt have mroe than 40-50 games and they actually spent hours in the games I gifted them. Just saying they came back by the next thread

Attached: 1438267919.jpg (2450x1344, 199K)

Most will play their games after the sale

You didn't send shit

I have like 1500 games on my steam account, just this sale I blew like 400 euro on codes. Fucking poorfags.

>acts like a richfag
>buys steam keys instead of buying them straight from Steam

Clearly you missed the part where I said I dont gift games.

I'm simply commenting on how rough it must be to not even be able to afford a $20 game. Like damn. What kind of poor life choices have led you here?

Fucking Quads of truth

yes you regret it, else you wouldn't be butthurt.
Why would a beggar stop begging just because you gifted a game? Do you expect them to play your game for the rest of their lifes? That ridiculous

I speak for myself. I beg for a much games as I can from my wishlist because I want to grow a backlog and play them through the upcomming months.
These steam sales are a window of opportunity to get as maby games as possible, it's like hunting season. So why shouldn't a beggar beg as much as they can even if they managed to get 1 game?

I hate this stupid unwritten rule "OH you got 1 game so you can't ask for more games"

Yes there's plenty of people with +100 games and are only looking to inflate their game list, but that's up to you to do your research and not be an idiot and gift to those beggars

Didn't get nuthing'

You don't get rich by wasting money where things are more easily attainable

Yeah, also where you are risky your keys getting revoked or receive already used key, instead of not risking with neither one of these risk factors and just buying the games from Steam

OK then, should people ask for more expensive shit then?

You sure are bitching a lot for someone with their hands out stretched.

no, just trying to understand why some anons get all pissy because it there's so many ethics that I'm clearly not aware of.
I'm not just a beggar and also a gifter occasionaly.

I'm not gonna beg as I already have 252 steam games. I'd just like to wish everyone luck in the grand prix giveaways. Have a good summer, anons.

i hate niggers

The fuck is this


I can gift someone a dying light but the catch is that it is restricted and can only be played in some countries from around Russia so if theres someone from those countries or with some good vpn (i think it still works) you can invite me

Last bump

South Europe here. You can give it a try. If it doesn't work, oh well, no worries.

rolling trips as requested

Begging for UNIST or SNK Heroines

damn it. trips?

ok, trips this time.

maybe trips now

bump I guess.

Attached: 1562407028229.gif (400x200, 23K)

trips gdi

bro the OP never delivered

U dumb ass


i hope you get your fucking game user!

god damn

sent ;)

thanks bro, very based

Attached: based.png (372x546, 121K)

>3k games

You're god damn right niggy, what's that, doesn't work

it's a spambot spreading discord, what's in it? Virus, ransomware, cp, or something else.

First six to add me get a £10 game, boys

Attached: 1529141514712.jpg (460x400, 25K)

Oh heard about it, thx

kill yourself you filthy nigger




check'd and also niggers

Thanks user, I hope you get what you're looking for too.
Holy crap guys, this guy just sent me Train Simulator + all the DLC!!!

Attached: WsJ0-fDJiGEKMEe7RT_iQmMLlouvAo7EOGtFulgcb7M.png (943x607, 253K)

beggers niggers

le funneh meme

Begging for anything rich Anons


>all dlc
wtf that like 3000$

Happy for you niggy, didn't get anything, although he said that he sent it :(

Something off of my wish list please

Attached: dMecNcX.gif (362x480, 152K)

He got quints
its deserving

It's an obvious photoshop, retards...

sent ;)

Yeah no fucking shit

What do you mean? I totally got Train Simulator 2019: Super Ultra Mega Deluxe Edition Turbo Kiwami (TL Note: Kiwami means Extreme) for rolling quints

Cuphead please

Attached: one_piece-monet-4_by_teebohne.jpg (1400x730, 187K)

sent ;)

>3200 games
what the fuck

Nigga lemme higher my chances of getting something


Getting peoples hopes up just to let them down

Attached: IMG_20190625_121650.jpg (720x704, 157K)

This is the internet, niggerfaggot.
Abandon all hope.

Ok sir. Sorry for being a nigger faggot, I'll kms now

You know what good games gave to me?
[spoiler]Nanomachines Son![/spoiler]

spoilers don't work on Yea Forums. good choice in game though. hope you get it.

I would give "Trine 2: Complete Story" and cs:s guest pass in exchange for BeatSaber