Be nice everybody please, even if you're hurt don't hurt others, maybe being nice will even help you...

Be nice everybody please, even if you're hurt don't hurt others, maybe being nice will even help you. Life is too nice to be not nice to yourself.
So please be nice

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h*cc you

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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datd tru! i use tto b r*debl b4 sso i nno how bad life gets when u wanna b r*de! leds b nice insted bcuz dats alot cooler den tryign tto maek urslelf ann ebery1 aroudn u hurt!

Attached: hana magic but as a hamster.webm (640x480, 1.94M)

You get nothing but pain and suffering.
People will use you because you're nice.
Don't be nice fuck people build a big wall and say goodbye

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>being nice
Is this what they call mental retardation?

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beign nice doesnd meme beign a pushober

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第12話「京都!終わらない夜」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 109K)

It does.
being nice gives you nothing this the cold harsh reality

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Doremi is having a mental breakdown because he has to face the reality

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beign nice gabe me happy

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第28話「おばあちゃんズにはかなわない!� (640x480, 115K)

iv neber ben nod-confident in beign nice bcuz i wuz rly r*de b4 ann dat maed me rly wanna k*ll myslelf b4 i cryd intto my mamas arms ann watchd doremi ann niceposted on [s4s]
now lifes alot butter... i hab a jorb, im eaty hlelthy, i hab nice relationships ann im drawign moar

beign nice is how u b happy!

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.Sharp.33.[01028741].avi_snapshot_18.45_[2017.09.26_03.48.43].jpg (640x480, 95K)

Like i'm gonna believe that shit

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>cried myself into moms arms
WTF sounds like a good life and what relationships?
Ripa who rejected you haha

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>i was gonna kil myself then i watched a kids cartoon and everything was alright

holy shit

i'm quoting you btw

God I wished I wasn't saved when I was od'ing on H fucking shit life

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lots... dond phrase id liek dat. i dond look at my frens liek dat.
eberythinks jus alot butter ann nicer wodout loleways beign on guard ann hurty... ids feels nicer nod maekign a j*****s out ob myslelf eberydaye...
who r u quotey?
nod me dats ffor shore
dats nod a cool think tto wish ffor fren... u onlely hab 1 life

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第03話「ハナちゃんには負けられない!」( (640x480, 205K)

Why isn't he responding anymore is he crying in mothers arms and watching that shit childrens show

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u shud watch doremi insted ib buyign intto bullyign. ud hab alot moar fun

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第12話「京都!終わらない夜」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 166K)

Can you actually stop talking like a fucking child? How old are u ffs?
>1 life
Yeah and it fucking sucks no matter if ni e or rude

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watching anime makes me wanna rip my scalp off

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but hab u tryd beign nice? ud suprise urslelf wid how much stuff liek optimism respeck ann hlelthy habits cam maek u ggo... uid maed such a yurnaroudn ffor me id problely wlell ffor u... wudnt hurt... ann ids fun tto... wut ddo u hab tto lose?
doremi wont maek u wanna ddo dat... ids one ob da bestest eber...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.01.[640x480].[7A1AB22A].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_10.14_[2017.07.04_22.04.30].png (640x480, 378K)

the /r9k/ discord are pop-prog boomers lole

if u dond liek anime, u can at least hug ur mom

ids nod cool tto jus dismiss frens who need a littlel hlelp... ebery1 needs a littlel hlelp...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第19話「どれみとはづきの大げんか」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi (640x480, 131K)

I have been nice to people my whole life and i'm living in a shit ass flat.
Have anxiety disorders and all kinds of mental illnesses, I'm broke my life is shit and choosing to isolate myself was the best choice

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It's the way you type that annoys people I think, regardless of what you say

I'm dismissing them for listening to posercore tbh

wlell.... u gotta hab a plan tto... beign nice is jus 1 part ob id

wut ddo u thing u gotta ddo tto lib a nicer life?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第22話「魔法使いのワナ 帰ってきたオヤジーデ!」(DV (640x480, 460K)


DODE FORGED DO BE DICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucknug TRASH BAAAAAAAG LIVIN INNA TRASH BAG ass fuck nug ass nigga

id's fine pinky
anmated cartoons arn't ffor ebery1
u jus hab tto find somthink els tto comforte urslelf
(no druggis)

be-y neice is nod harde but id wlell put u in ctuatoons dat wlell test ur ndurance ann prsevrance touuards da cause

Attached: hana(47).png (1135x851, 399K)

ids imports ffor [s4s]...

DEVER SDOB BEIG DICE!!!!!!! B'GURRRRRRRRRRRRRR B'DOROOUUUUPE shit smearan inna nose hole binshe

what the fuck are you trying to say someone please post that fuckinh translator.
I'm a benzodiazepine addict due to my mental illness meaning i'll become as retarded as you in 5-10years

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No there is really no need to constantly type like you are a baby

yea... dat point ob biew... id wont hlelp...
were on [s4s]
ddo u thing u cud stop beign an addict?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第24話「あげパンパワーおそるべし!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 647K)

wd is hell
crying in mothers arms and watching shows for toddlers won't cure me tard

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>were on [s4s]
That diesn't explain anything. You see a few people talking like "lole" and whatever, and you think that means you're fitting in with the silly speak, by typing the way you do, all the time? You are taking it to a whole new level, it's barely intelligible gibberish, you want people to take you seriously, stop that. Otherwise, you're a nothing more than a troll, intentionally doing it to annoy people. No point talking to you in that case.

nno.... beign positib wudnt hurt dough... taek da steps u need tto get hlelp fren... life cam get better dond nod beliebe id cant.. ddp u nno wut u gotta ddo tto stop irslelf from hurting ann get a nicer house? ddo u hab... any ambitions fren?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第04話「MAHO堂がつぶれちゃう!?」(DVD 640x (640x480, 160K)

I used to bee addicted to benzos and I stopped maybe stop being a rude poster and ull find energy to unaddict yourself??

Being a niceposter makes my anxiety disorders go away or what

i'm gonna try next week again and i'll post a link here so you fag can watch me dying

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it just makes you niece
but it's one of the first steps on the right path (or something)

pink dubs

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diaper smear inna nose hole binshe "B DICE B'DORRRRRRRR B'DUYYYYYYYY"

really just seems like another manifestation of this fuckin ZEITGEIST of fuckups demanding more respect, demanding normalcy, demanding acceptance into everyones hearts completely without caveat & without exception, SHOVED in your face, getting you used to FREAKS being SHOVED in your face and DEMANDING your utterances be altered for their benefit. B DIII-IIIICE :] IMMA FUCC-UP BUT B DIIIIICE MAKE ROOM FOR ME :}}}}} NOW NOW DOND HATEING ME, BE DICE!!!!! :] goddamn buncha freaks bro im tellin ya they get their foot in the door & its over

The only good guy on this board who deserved niceness is alcoholic neko 1337 loli

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r u ok anoni?

a neko 1337 loli s indeed an nice fella

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Leave him be!
he's my onii chan

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pinky smear offa diaper dookie inna nose holes binshe

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listen if your gona be baby? then yeah, ii mean, diaper squez of baby urine onna bath towel binshe smacc u w/ it. its like, piss baby bottle acten u wna do? then i mean, yes, pinky smears of dookie on your nose in the morning-time. 'that simple.

What... honestly I don't understand it please talk like grown ups

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i mean its been going on for a while, its either massoive mental issues, epic trolling, or something more sinister, like pretending to be kids to attarct real kids who dont realise its hairy arsed men, who knows who can say

i will hold up the stark reminders & embarrassing realities of the "TODDLER" period of development in the FREAK FLAG FACES of these DEMONS. not for the demons themselves––– but for those watching. we REJECT this regression, it is DISGUSTING, it is UNHEALTHY, it is UNFULFILLING. I. REJECT. TACO. KID.


Totally agree man it's disgusting, annoying and just fucking weird

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I think he really tries to lure children into his trailer by acting like a autistic toddler.