Name just 1 thing sand niggers have contributed to society

Name just 1 thing sand niggers have contributed to society
(Protip: you can't)

Attached: Angry_6d4fec_1476609.jpg (500x369, 53K)

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We advance our warrior class by crusading against them.

I think it's time we started reporting these threads as doxxing or invasion.

Peanut butter and jazz. I'd give up both to be rid of niggers.

Mathematics (and therefore ultimately literally the website and internet you're currently using to post this), navigation, cartography, to name but a few

They contributed a decent amount between 900 AD and 1300 AD. Since then, just about nothing. Our number system is Arabic.

They contributed the numbering system. Much of the actual mathematics wasn’t invented by Arabs or Muslims.

We really didn't. They attacked Europe and Africa for centuries before the Crusades, and only after there was no other choice did Europeans decided to fight back and re-take some of their land.

Europeans just don't want to work together on anything.

Yeah, no muslims no crusades. Meh

Nope, most of todays basic mathematics steps from that number system and many of the principles started there and then too. Same for modern medicine- it existed in crude forms but the arabs basically invented the modern equivalents used today

Indian numbers actually, they are merely called Arabic through misinformation. Saw it on QI so must be fact..

>abdul rolled a rock down a hill one day and therefore ultimately created the very car you drove to work this morning


This is islamophobic and spiteful. You clearly have no appreciation for their cultural heritage. Do you even realize how far suicide vests and IED technology has become over the last 20 years? Fuck you, bigot.

Numerals, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, ophthalmology etc

They provided tbe numbers you use aswell as a few other tech discoveries such as batteries

>what are the mayans for 500 alex

wrong continent faggot

Right timeline dipshit

OP here, so you got nothing? Figures, they've always been worthless

Yeh, they invented the numbering system. 0 through 9. It's actually pretty neat because the original numbers had the amount of angles in it that the number was worth. 1 has 1 angle up to 9 having 9 angles to make up the number.

Jews stole these numbers and created mathematics for interest rates. Much better accomplishment.

black stone

Attached: 1553277608076.jpg (769x537, 175K)

In that example the analogy would be abdul creating an internal combustion engine one day but nice try

a pedo life

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They're just lucky (or maybe unlucky) to be living on top of the worlds oil supply.

Ending it all on stream. Link and manifesto:

that doesn't fucking matter.
you have trouble following basic concepts, huh?

Almost every culture has had an energy source discovered in their civilization. Most of them MUCH older than arab nations'. None of them invented batteries, or energy. These are ever-changing designs. Quit grasping for straws.

Op said contributed to society, not stole from one. Found the sand nigger

explain to me how a non-seafaring people stole ideas from another continent you git

actually the muslims used to be contribute a ton to the sciences. google the Baghdad House of Wisdom. But the mongols destroyed everything

Because they were seafaring.
They were only recently semi-inclusive.

oh just fucking kill yourself. please? everyone around you would be better off.

The typical response the far left reaches for when they are counter argued with facts.

>counter argued with facts
>says The Middle East had contact with South America several centuries apart
cool story, needs more ancient aliens n shit

discovered and named many stars
basics of medicine and surgery

still hate the sand niggerz

this, but made by sand people, not sand niggers, there is a difference

Algebra (al-jabr). A major part of mathematics, pioneered by Arabs. They also kept a lot of the Greco-Roman classics alive while Europe was too busy killing itself to care.


dunno where is the difference?
arabs are arabs I tought

sand niggers: women with burka, basically covered head to toe, smelly, fat and poor

sand people: the opposite

Gold plated Lamborghinis, the tallest building in the world, cheap labor built on the success of the oil industry. You know... conservative paradise.

But you are right OP. What have conservatives really contributed to society and not themselves? I say we get rid of them.

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back there in turkey saw a lot of arab people not islamic, pretty good looking and easy tho, the girls were hot af

but if you check on any european slum nowadays you'll see the sand niggers, and niggers


Attached: Topless Muslim.jpg (345x345, 16K)

Islam gave birth to science as we know it today. But they since long strayed away from anything good for anyone. They need to be purged and removed completely from memory and existence.

ok then sand niggerz never had or will contributed any shit to society

More people being blown up.
More beheadings.
More goat fucking.

That would be brutal

They did nothing of the sort.

*slam says that mohammed was perfect and anything, including facts that contradict him, is wrong. This is not compatible with the scientific method.

The *slamic golden years are nothing more than barbarians looting greek libraries and rewriting it all in sand nigger script.

He's talking about middle eastern people. Look at the damn image dude.

Where's the uncensored version

Mathematics and mathematical theorems existed long before Arabs. The numbering system they used made everyday use easier. Most of the early mathematicians were Greek. Keep trying, Abdul.

The only one that is correct is the numbering system.

Ok yeah it's really looking like we need to start reporting these threads as spam or invasion.

Wrong. The basics of medicine and surgery were invented by Greeks and Romans. Mathematics was invented by Greeks, we just use their easier numbering system. All ancient civilizations had astronomers and discovered and named many stars. Keep trying.

even that's bullshit. our number system is closer to pajeet's than abdul's

Attached: arabicbullshit.png (587x259, 42K)

Legalizing beating women

You're confusing anons. I'm not the one who brought up the Mayans, I only pointed out that not only did the Arab's travel by sea, they actually invented the war fleet style and patterns that were used by nomands and scoundrels for meeeeehhhhh 800 years?

The Modern Scientific Method.

Newton was a christian

>*slamic scientific method: Does the quran say it's true? Do the hadiths say it's true? Was there a fatwa claiming it was true?

If not, it's wrong.

Great science.

>thinks there are no middle eastern atheists.

Sure there are. They just get beheaded as apostates as soon as they try to talk against anything from

The Arabs didn’t really invent anything, they just maintained the knowledge of the Greeks and Romans that would have been lost during the European dark ages.

It's not like they have a census. If they did, it was taken by Supreme Israel™

Threadly reminder rightists are fucking lying, dishonest brainlets and the guy you keep posting images of is an Indian Muslim whose family was killed by the Indian government. The reason you always see him yelling is because he's always at protests.

Irish did. They traded with the romans early BC and AD and accepted latin without being conquered. They were very important as scholars until the catholic church ordered the norman invasion on account of the Irish being christian but not acknowledging the authority of the pope.

>rightists are fucking lying, dishonest brainlets

child marraige

pretty sure that was a thing prehistory

Two less annoyingly tall buidlings

>hey everyone look at me im edgy