If the vaginal canal is only 4inch to 5 inch why do big dick matter?

if the vaginal canal is only 4inch to 5 inch why do big dick matter?

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Hello sir I'm from the JIDF. I need to ask you to kindly shut the fuck up with those horrible and vile ideas.

they don't.
long and thin goes too far in
short and thick does the trick

Because women are stuck up slutty bitches that only care about size because it's in their instinct to like the biggest banana those ape descended mother fuckers.

-Hate from An Asian Incel

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Tenda, is that you?

They're 4-5 inches when they're just sitting there. But they stretch. And the more they stretch, the better it feels, for both the man and the woman.

Idk, I have great girth and I'm 6 inches. I always go balls deep.

Because a long dick is usally a girthy dick, and that's what really matters.

As long as you’re not asian u good

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I'm 7 and my girl can grind on me with no problem

Because I'm a guy and my asshole isn't limited to length or girth

If you only need 2000 calories a day why are you so fat?

Yes when they’re not aroused. The hornier they get the more it grows. This whole but the vaginal cavity is only 4-5 inches hurr duuurrr shit needs to stop

To be fair, guys are way more focused on the length of their and everyone else's dick than the vast majority of chicks.
You should be hating on men instead of women on this topic... at least if you were real with yourself.

Why are they so small...

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you can see pornsluts take 3/4 of mandingo's cock in their pussy - therefore the canal either grows with arousal or that nigga is going up past the cervix and massaging the sides of it

also, assholes can take huge cocks and some women are into this. i know a two married lesbians who are 'gold star' but peg eachothers asses with huge strapons on the regular

Some women enjoy it, others might not.

If the penis is too big, sex can be painful, and partners can find it difficult to find a comfortable position.

It seems the average size is compatible with every women, and no matter what size you are, you can always please a woman with oral sex.

yes 1 pic reps it all 1 billion

ever notice on almost every porn video out there, the big dick never goes in all the way? look at most vids out there and its the case. Ofcourse some women have longer canals so they can take it, but the norm is contrary. research it.

> All girls are born the same

I don't know about all this, but I can tell you my dick's only average and chicks love it.

But I'm also strong and fit. And I have this problem called delayed ejaculation which means it takes me a long time to cum and I can stay hard for hours, which means I can introduce them to new positions they've probably never experienced. I also use my fingers and usually make the girl cum at least once before I even stick my dick in her. By the time I'm finished, they're nothing but a shivering pile of flesh. My last gf made the mistake of telling her friends about our sex, and then they cornered me on different occasions looking to get fucked, too.

Porn implies big dicks are what you need, but most porns, in addition to big dicks, also feature dry pussies. Don't fall for the big dick myth.

With Asians it does...

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Unless youre having sex with a womanlet.Then you shouldn't have a problem.Girls that are 5'7 to 6 feet have some pretty big canals.Perfect for my dick.Im 7 inches.Average girth.

>population of china: 1.39 billion (and growing)

is this trues

Because it stretches and thats what provides most of the pleasure. Hence fisting makes a lot of girls insta-cum

It can strech up to double the length. Also, there are theories that, because of their shape, penises can pull out the sperm of other males to make room for their own.

This.How would womanlets ever compete?They start screaming in pain the second i put in more then 5 inches.

>small dicks going extinct

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>watching this much porn


>1 inch dick

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But but but im cute.Im just fun size.Kek.No real woman is smaller then 5'4.

Tf are you about? Ive known three women who actually admitted to trying fisting (one lesbian, two straight) and all of them said they came almost immediately.

But still didnt want to do it again, curiously.

Well, that's quite a sophisticated survey you've complied there. I stand corrected. Carry on, doctor.


Kek actually am a doctor.

Shall do, random friend.

Same, on all counts except getting the gf's friends, unfortunately, lol.

The delayed thing sucks sometimes though. I'm in my thirties and sometimes I get tired before I get off. 2-3 hours in and I'm done. Gf gets pissy about it, too, thinking she did something wrong.

>tfw 4.4"

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How many inches is average


>2-3 hours
>delayed thing sucks

Try cumming after five seconds


Try either being able to cum quick, or lasting longer but eventually losing the erection and not being able to cum. I wish I was a 1 pump chump. Things would be normal.


1: Thats for a virgin vagina, it stretches
2: Pleasure

Shut up microdick faggot

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Use your fingers, use your tongue. As long as she's getting hers, she's not really going to care.

Thank God I've got the woman I do now, plenty of women in the past wouldn't even suck my dick more than once because "it's not really romantic when I'm getting a stiff neck". You could spend twenty minutes on her, she could spend twenty seconds on you, and she'll love you for it.


Depends on the girl. But I have 6.5 incher and can pretty much always can make girls cum. But I’m strong with good stamina. I know how to fuck.

Bro I would swap every time, at least sex would be fun and girls would want to come back for more.

Cumming just feels good for a few seconds, I don't care that much about it.

To be fair, we all came from apes

True but it's not the same as pleasing her with your dick, also feeling like a faggot when you can't last.

Most girls would choose a guy who can fuck her to orgasm, anyone can do it with hands /tongue.

Ling ling coping with his micro cock

uh statistically they are a cm shorter or whatever

not true and ladies dont care you idiot.

6 you idiot.

think clitoris moron

sure u and me too.

Both canal size and dick size correlate strongly with overall height. I'm just above average height and I'm slightly above average size. All girls except two petite Asians could take me balls deep. Having a long dick does enable you to do more different positions where a substantial portion of your dick is outside, but I think in general it's more of a fetish. Women are well known for not knowing what they want until they get it, so show them.

Average is surprisingly small, its only 5" worldwide.

Because most women are whores and want to be stretched out by oversized king kong cocks.

Maybe so, but all we can do is to do the best we can with what we've got. Besides, for them it's more about the experience of being close to someone than it is the physicality of it... well, with the good ones anyway.

how the FUCK do i find the god DAMN FUCKING clitoris? last time i fucked the chick didn't even fucking orgasm and it was frustrating as fuck

Anyone now the average / mean / median for the US?

I've never been surveyed... where are they getting these numbers?

That’s not what she said pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cc01c63f03dd

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That brown girl has my dick rock solid.

I too have taken the Latina pill

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>Women are well known for not knowing what they want until they get it, so show them

Never heard truer words. You have one shot to show a woman that what they want is you.