we need to start another war with vietnam and force this draft dodging cuck to do his god given duty of serving his country.instead of winning a bowling trophy instead
We need to start another war with vietnam and force this draft dodging cuck to do his god given duty of serving his...
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Hmm why didn't you force Obama, or Clinton to do the same?
Trump hold deeply democratic values hes not going to start any wars.
oh right,another trumptard bringing obama and hillary into a point that has nothing to do with them
i bet you were sad to see cadet bone spurs military parade being rained on
Obama was 12 during the draft, Hillary is a woman.
You'd have had a better argument bringing up bill who was a draft dodger like trump. But that's only if it was at all a good argument to just reference other people you don't like to deflect from the topic at hand.
Trump is a draft dodger. McCain was not, however, and look at all the respect and love for veterans trump showered all over him. Member?
Bill Clinton you retarded cuck
How many tours did you do, which countries did you fight in?
you'd have a better argument if you didnt bring up democrats like the typical trumpshit
if its not hillary or obama,its the news media.trump supporters are all the same when it comes to arguments about donald trump
Nah. You're just calling for the massacre of a peaceful asian country if you sent the big D to war with them.
doesnt matter,im not the president and commander in chief of the military.you retard
massacre? lol,you think that pussy is going to do anything? he's as limp wristed as the rest of the trash that comes out of liberal cities and states
>impotence expressed in text
Democrats are warmonger scum
how come Trump never had to register for the draft
democrats are anti war and anti military
and republicans aint exactly any better.since they thought electing a draft dodger who got a military parade was their way of saying "we support the troops"
Retard thought there were airports during the revolution and nobody in his administration proofread his shit...and now I am willing to bet all you Trump supporters will adamantly argue there were airports nearly 150 years before there were airplanes
meanwhile,if you said obama was a retard for saying some dumb shit.you would call people racist.how ironic you cant go a day without shitting on donald trump for something he did
Be honest, you’d never fight in this war. Would you?
Face it he can't even start a with Iran or any country
There is no draft and there hasn't been in decades, but when there WAS, Trump sure as shit dodged it....
>democrats are anti war and anti military
>Trump is a pussy for pulling out of Syria
>Trump is a pussy for making peace with North Korea
>Trump is a pussy for not considering Iran’s drone shootdown as an act of war
Got you talking about something other than his nk photo op though, didn’t it?
This isn't "dumb shit" any other President or Vice President has said...not Potatoe not 51 states or whatever. This 10th level retard said, in front of AMERICA, in reference to INDEPENDENCE DAY...that we took over the AIRPORTS...is he talking about the movie Independence Day? I mean. How stupid do you have to be to say that in front of the country on its proudest day? And how stupid are you that you defend it?
Trump is just a pussy...period
>making peace with north korea
trump is a joke to most americans and the outside world.he isnt making peace with anybody
also,its a well known fact that democrats are anti war and anti military.maybe you should get trump's cum out of your face and you'll actually see it,retard
of course he is,all people from democrat cities and states are
So I'll take that as a flat 'I haven't served, nobody has shot at me and I don't leave my computer'
Does a CEO need to have a background in assembly if he takes over a tech company?
Also...Trump shits on himself daily...we are just pointing it out...plus, please note the difference, we dont use the words "monkey" or "nigger" when complaining about Trump. That's why it differs from people calling you a racist when you attacked Obama's words and actions...
id rather elect a president who has never served.then one who was to pussy to serve and dodged the draft
at least with trump as president,we've proven that republicans arent the pro military crowd they've preached being
your right,you just call trump orange.because i guess when you make fun of the color of white people's skin.it isnt racism,unlike whenever you criticized obama for things that wernt related to his skin color yet still got called a racist
He would have a better idea of how his company works from the ground up if he did....what a horrible le example
Apart from Obama’s drone war?
But you're also too pussy to serve.. So why should we value your opinion? If you haven't served how do you know what skills he would've learned?
I served. Six tours in Afghanistan. Three in Iraq.
WTF wtf WTF, niggerjews discord OMG jesus nigger niggerjew niggerjessu Join, WE are A proud Jewish kikish server join us cuz we are trunniestrunny kekekekekk3k3k43Zl www.discordapp.com\inviteuVjnVV
He actually wouldn’t. A CEO might be 20 years since he worked on the factory floor. And as a CEO, the technicalities of assembly don’t help him do his job. KPIs are the only information he needs. An assembler fresh from the factory floor with little management experience and poor understanding of how to use KPIs effectively, would be a terrible choice for CEO.
How impotent are you?
>caring about this
He doesn’t want to speak to you. He just wants the great unwashed, like you, to fight wars that he wants to fight. For (((some))) reason.
"Duhrdeeduhr" what? Dude, you most likely got called a racist because you are a racist...I am a white dude, never got called that shit because my complaints and arguments about Obama and the previous administration were educated made sense...in short if you ever posted a monkey meme or laughed at one you might be a racist
Tell that to Steve Wozniak and the ghost of Steve Jobs
Besides the example would be closer to making a good CEO if you avoided schooling and made excuses for never taking a job....its not that Trump never served it's that he ran and his when our country asked him to...
Well clearly then by your own argument, you are too stupid to be President, because you served when you should have dodged...of course we dont really believe that but it's amazing that you sound like you do...
So conscientious objectors should be vilified too? And people who dodged fighting a quagmire war should be vilified forever with no form of forgiveness even 50 years later? Where is the line for you?
>i served
>yet im defending a draft dodger,instead of criticizing him because he's a disgrace to those who have served
your probably one of those idiots who only joined the military to get training for your street gang
>were educated made sense
so educated you cant even type right,its "were educated and made sense"
but i guess if you didnt have a lump of shit in the place your brain is suppose to be.you'd realize i didnt like obama for more reasons then just his skin color,which i bet you morons still cant get right.he's actually half black
The fucking disrespect
>6 tours
>your probably one of those idiots who only joined the military to get training for your street gang
You’d never say that to a 6 tours guy’s face
Listen up nigger please join my,
sisy server OK?!@
Tranny server there is zero males or females which is (((good))) cuz only traps
The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.
Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=
> Disrespect
Anyone can say anything on the internet, my dude. That guy probably didn't serve, if he did that's very nice of him, but the majority of soldiers I've met don't do it to protect anyone, they do it because they've always wanted to have a "cool" job and then only after experienced the horrors of war do they retroactively start claiming that they did it because they wanted to defend their way of life. This is all an aside since using your dad's money and influence to avoid going to war when everyone else has to; is completely different to not signing up to fight against an abstract enemy when nobody has to. You'd have to be a complete brain-dead spastic to not see that.
Trump didn't kill a bunch of innocent brown people and children in a made up war, how awful
Stop putting words in his mouth, that’s not what he meant and you know it
no lets vote democrat and disband the army and get fucked by everyone with a gun
So every military guy signs up to be cool? And no draft dodger deserves forgiveness, even after 50 years?
He didn't conscientiously object, bad point try again.
That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that someone doesn't automatically get an above average amount of respect just because they chose to be a soldier, a very large number (if not a majority) just don't do it for altruistic reasons. As for forgiveness for draft dodgers, absolutely, but surely you'd expect a guy who runs the most massive military complex on earth from a perspective of a pro military party, with a pro military base to at least not also dodge questions regarding his draft dodging past?
I don't know the exact meaning of "conscientiously" other than trying to use a big word to seem intelligent.
Trump really can get away with this one because overall this was an unnecessary war that costed many innocent lives to be lost.
I don't believe you've ever heard of a "conscientious objector", it means a guy who objects to serving based on a moral conflict of interest, it's a stance which under certain circumstances exempts you from national service or the draft. What possible reason would you have to assume I didn't know what it meant?
Sorry I read wrong, thought you were accusing me of using big words I didn't understand. But what's worse is that you have never heard of the phrase. Point is, Trump could have done what a lot of hippies did and claimed moral objection and done some other kind of national service instead, but he didn't; instead he made the ultimate bitch move and made no contribution for the guys putting their lives and bodies on the line over there. He's a lazy, hateful cunt and deserves nobody's respect.
I'm not smart enough to be president. I don't want to be. But you don't accidentally fall into the position of president.
Never ran with a gang. Not a nigger. Great grandfather served during WW2. Grew up without parents. Didn't fit anywhere.
>Hey kid, wanna see the world and get some food?
I didn't do it to protect anyone. I didn't do it through love of king or country and I certainly didn't do it to look cool to anyone. I couldn't keep a normal job and I needed to eat. Which is great when you're serving. Once you leave you go to the fucking dogs. If anything, Mr. Pres is a fucking genius for not serving.
Exactly, I know plenty of lads who joined just cause it's a job too. It's not a reason to disrespect, but it's absolutely a reason why respect isn't automatically earned by doing it. I'm only trying to goof on the dude who got angry at the idea of another guy disrespecting a soldier.
Being smart doesn't preclude you from also being a cunt though. In fact more "genius" people I've met are cunts than the retards.
Yeah sorry man, if I came across like I was wailing on you with that reply. I wasn't. No hostility here. I've been drinking. I don't want any more respect than you'd give anyone else you see in the street.
Perhaps if you stopped trying to "force" people to do what you want them to do and started living your own life you wouldn't feel the need to have a nanny state as your own personal babysitter.
Nah no worries dude I'm pissed up too
Liberals use to support draft dodgers, because the Vietnam war was “immoral”. Now, they want war, women drafted, and hate draft dodgers.
And you are worthy of judging all of these other people how again?
What does that mean? I'm old as fuck
>you mad snowflake CUCK?
Oh, which wars did you fight in? Which wars did the people you voted for fight in? Hillary and Elizabeth and Kamala got where they are sucking dick and lying about being a victim soooo
Equal rights bitch.
How about redpilled? It basically means you’re a pretty smart guy, got shit figured out.
> All these other people
Dude I'm only judging the Donald, it's the world's perogative to judge the moral fibre of the most powerful man in the world, a man who's decisions affect everyone from Michigan to Mali. That fella could crash a third world economy with a tweet (or cause WWIII). People judge all day every day, just make sure you're making the best judgement you can with the information you have.
My point regarding soldiers isn't that they're bad for joining the military, just that it doesn't make them automatically any better than anyone else. Something that most soldiers would corroborate, including the other response to that post.