Thinking about picking up a street walker /b. Anyone do it?

Thinking about picking up a street walker /b. Anyone do it?

Something about thet "bottom of the barrel" woman that will do what she can out of desperation. I also love that "used up" look.

So general streetwalker thread. Any good resources beyond usasexguide?

I'm also wondering if a police scanner is worth investing in.

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I've made a girl who owed me money play lot lizard to pay it back before, but I've never picked one up.

Did she make the money back?

And then some.

How do you confidently do this? Like look out for cops and such?

>street walker
What are you 12?

Why did you post a picture of a man?

There is an ebb and flow. Vice works shifts at particular times and if they tend to do things like ask for drugs etc. Prostitution is a misdemeanor offense but delivery is a felony, so they're trying to roll a misdemeanor into a felony.

I hear ya, I cruise by strolls for a bit, but just don't know what to look for to comfortably make a scoop, and no offense, but I'm not scooping a girl with a dude near by.

What would you suggest to the john?

If the dude is nearby then he's fucking up by putting himself at the scene of the crime. Just observe for a while and don't put out any weird vibes because you'll make them nervous. Look for groups of girls and not lone girls.

Thanks man

Np. You have more questions?

Well, I don't know -- I don't know if I want to approach a gaggle of women. To me, that's more organized and loses the image of desperation I'm looking for, but I may see one and change my mind. There's a few strolls here, and obviously I'm just looking out for the best way to get less hassle by LEO.

There are some pretty trashy escorts if you want it to feel less organized. I would have had her do that to get my money quicker, but half the point was to punish her.

Nice dubs, I like the way you think, I may go that route. usasexguide has some pretty comprehensive and good methods to manage LEO.

So are you a general loan shark or just someone who sells to a promise but makes sure the promise is fulfilled?

I've done a bit of both, as well as a bit of driving. Driving is where I'm the guy who sits in the car and only shows his face if the envelope on the hotel dresser turns out to be full of monopoly money or empty.

Mind if I ask a general location from you?

I'm murrican. I travel frequently.

Me too. In the southern FL area region but all over the place.

Oh man, the scene down there is crazy. I wish I had taken the hoe down there.


We only went as far as Memphis.

I've been there, real shit hole.

I'm surprised you and I are the only ones talking about this, you'd think there'd be more people.

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It is. Working a lot in West Memphis was apparently incredibly traumatizing because of how scary a place it is, but she was never late paying up again.

The topic occasionally comes up but there isn't much participation.

What had her hooked enough to go through all of it? Meth?

Or was she kind of turned on to it too?

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Fuck I miss that drug. I totally feel for her.

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She learned never to get more than 1k in the hole, but she's still snorting strong.

She hot?

Most I ever paid for a stock is a little less than 8. But when I blew through that all in less than 7 days, I saw a problem I needed to get ahead of. LOL.

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You be the judge. Overdressed, but sorority bitches do streetwalker a little different.

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Basically my drive. So what do you do if she turns a scoop into captain save-a-ho?

kek, not happening

LOL, Meaning the dude wont do it? Or meaning she knows better?

She walks for 5-10 mins. She gets in a car or a truck cab. She's back out in 10-15. Repeat. Nobody on that time frame is going to save a ho.

Tried it once and was disgusted with myself for the entire three hours. As soon as I took her to the room she got uglier and smelled worse. She kept trying to kiss me and wouldn’t take a hint every time I shoved her face away. She also kept trying to slobber on my cock after I pushed her away. Almost broke my dick doing cowgirl cause she weighed like, 100 lbs. but literally threw all that weight on me. Wouldn’t stop clinging to me after I pushed her off. Didn’t want to leave after I told her to GTFO.

0/10 never buy a streetwalker. Just give the extra money to an escort.

How was that timeline traumatizing?

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Well I've researched too much to know what to look for going into it, but I can tell you this much -- that's all very hot for me. Not the clingy tho.

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For a pampered college girl the entire concept is traumatizing.

All I can say then is make sure she brushes her teeth and uses listerine before she blows you. And wear a condom. Found out later I got a UTI from that slobber.

Ahhhhh I got ya.

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I got chlamydia from an asian hooker. The nurse at the hospital claimed it wasn't possible (in the UK) but it happened. That's just ignorant.

I would rape them all

Google usa sex guide. Find your city.

I mention that I'm looking for good sites BESIDES that one. lol

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Skip all of this nonsense. Walk into a bar, within 5 minutes locate a girl with daddy issues, scout her until your cock is in her ass. Done. Why waste so much time worrying about cops? Just pick up a bar skank, and spin the AIDS roulette wheel.

I've done that, sometimes I still do that. I'm looking for a particular deal tho.

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bump for interest