Reminder if you voted for this piece of shit you deserve to have your face pushed in

Reminder if you voted for this piece of shit you deserve to have your face pushed in

beaten up back to whereever or whatever fucking place you came from

literally no one i know in real life likes this guy or says his name in a good manner

let me see one of you maga hat cunts walking around here, i'll level the fuck out of you

Everyone who is found to have willingly voted for this man will be permanently stripped of their voting rights and citizenship. Subsequently, all of those aforementioned will be required to register for a labor draft.

This will be an example set for the rest of the world to follow of what happens to those who cling to 17th century politics the same way flies cling to a bloated, rotten corpse. A one-world communist government is the future of humanity and absolutely nothing is going to stop it. The choice has been made for you and no amount of skullduggery by regressives will change that.

You can complain, caterwaul, and cause mayhem all you want, but this will only further hasten the already overdue change. You will not be allowed any chances for redemption for forgiveness. You will carry the stigma of your decision to vote for a man who never had any business in Washington for the rest of your lives. Do not sugarcoat it. You are traitors for abusing your right to vote and you will be held accountable.

I am done. I am fucking done.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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You seem angry.

So much vitriol and anger. You might want to go back to college or open up a book and learn how to argue because your argument is irrational diatribe. You must be proud to be so emotional but yet uneducated. How can you fully understand any situation without understanding the rules of logic. Such a waste.

Can't believe it worked

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>Everyone who is found to have willingly voted for this man will be permanently stripped of their voting rights

If this is how it worked, then no one actually had voting rights to begin with.
Are you really that stupid, to fail to understand this?

Even in a dictatorship, you're free to go against the king, you just get punished for it after you went against the king.

They punished themselves when electing trump, amd the people who dont want him get punished by the SHEER AMOINT of retardation he spreads.

U mad...

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is your reply even related to what i said?