Requesting these 3 gentlemen being served drinks at a cyberpunk bar by the girl on the lower right
Requesting these 3 gentlemen being served drinks at a cyberpunk bar by the girl on the lower right
Other urls found in this thread:
shut the fuck you
Requesting a comic of this girl, completely nude, getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea originally popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad.
>Tfw dubs three times in a row
>in case you missed in previous threads
May I get some quick coloring requests? If not then any simple drawing requests?
draw spider man doing a flip
>OP is a request
yup threads are dead, official. 7/5/19
>in class
Is this pose ok?
Will do another onde better after
That's cool, but I was imagining them sitting in a straight line at a long bar counter
can do
Look's like the type of math you would do in high school.
>in college
just trying to help my friend in class
Satan is a nice dude
One req?
No rules active Yea Forums server, get the fuck in here already:
draw him with lil growing eyes
make him look happy without changing the fact his face is a solid skull
Kind of boring as shit around here nowadays isn't it?
Anymore simple drawing requests or any quick coloring ones?
What did you expect? No side in this thread wanted it to fix it, most artists moved to other sites or threads and mods let vorefag/musume run rampant.
Colour this in to the best of your abilities.
also give me some requests
yep, I still remember the good ol' days though
now THOSE were drawthreads
They were certainly enjoyable even though ehg's (and later yv's behaviour) drove some good peeps away.
>implying YV isn't a shitty attempt to rebrand by EHG
the artstyle and ego are too similar
YV is too intelligent to be EHG
Ok yv
>T. Cuckleberry Finn
>Rent free
>So mad
Any coloring refs?
>no good drawfags left
>The irony
hero and poka still sometimes show up
Can I play with you guys?
Ok my turn
I know I'm a bad client when I say this, but go wild.
Give Sam a personality
Sure you can
>people still talk about yv
long live the king
Would anyone be willing to take a vore request from someone who’s not vorefag?
Can you draw Rachnera swallowing a small 1-2.5 inch human? You don’t have to draw her whole body. Her upper half would be alright
Greetings, gents. I hope you are all doing well.
*quiet chirping*
Shadow what are you doing-
Well this got boring so let's drop it
bye dude
pretty much nothing
Seems wrong for some one "not drawing" to host a drawthread?
Looks like BILF.
No, not really.
what am i doing
Lines too thick can't find pusspuss
Now here's something for you to do, put all the valuables in the bag
you know it baby
user I love you
Jesus touched me!
What is up people ?
Sup dude
I like the way you think user
Not much, getting high as fuck before I plug my tablet in, how 'bout you ?
Requesting Manako saying the N word
Seconding this request. Cerea would be good for this as well
thanks, I like it
Any easy requests?
Taking reqs? I love sketchy styles
why easy, why not learn to draw better?
Not interested. I'm just passing time, and hard to draw things aren't fun at all.
Sure, what would you like ?
Ever seen LWA?
Can't say I have
Are you familiar with the characters? Can I request something with them?
It's so dead how come
My dude, just tell me who you want me to draw and I'll tell you if I can do it, don't be scared to ask. If you have a reference it would help tho
Can anyone draw these two?
Yeah, sorry, I always asks too many questions.
Can you just draw these two girls walking while holding hands.
The left one is naked except for a hat, the right one is wearing a bikini, and she's embarassed.
There was an attempt
Don't worry about it
I'll try and get back to you with something hopefully
Hahaha, not bad mate, you forgot the swastika though. I'm guessing you recognise them, right?
You're despicable!
No idea who they are
rest in benis
Hi rider
reminds me alot of speedosausage art style
hey user
I know I already asked the other guy, but fuck, the thread is dead anyway. Do you want to try this too?
sorry it's a bit shit, but here it is
Requesting this robot boy from this video but more robotic, as in a more robotic body, with a blue square robot head, and a blue underwear/ bottom piece.
Crap, forgot the video link.
I don't have any blue right now so have this
That was quick!
Alright then, any requests for Beta? If not then I could do some quick coloring ones.
Glad you like it
Brb gonna take a hit
Still here rider?
it's so hot that _____
(ᶠᶦnᶦˢʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗʰᶦnᵍ)
I'm back
-that I'm contradictorily wearing many layers of clothing
Actually, can you make the head blue? And the robot hands are more human like.
I am just a shooper invading Ops thread.
Glad to change colors.
Can't draw worth a crap so Op would need to do Hands. If Op does? I will recolor their original.
if it's any consolation you look pretty cool
Unfortunatly I draw on paper so can't change the hand that much
So these are photos of your drawings?
WOW! I am very impressed.
It is. I've blacklisted that request just on principal. OP shouldn't try and show people they can do this. They shouldn't. It's literally the worst way to make an OP. At least be fucking subtle about it like "Drawthread: Cyberpunk Bar Edition" THEN post your request in thread.
I fucking hate the OPs lately.
My turn for a "hit" based on your post number.
Yeah I just resize them a bit
Thanks a lot man !
It's not as bad as it looks, and thanks
WTF wtf WTF, niggerjews discord OMG jesus nigger niggerjew niggerjessu Join, WE are A proud Jewish kikish server join us cuz we are trunniestrunny kekekekekk3k3k43TR www.discordapp.com\inviteuVjnVV
>I keep trying to quit but I have a friend who grows who just hands me ounces of shake
tell to me
your powers
mother of the ogre
how long you been on ye olde chan?
2009ish 2008
Only started posting in the drawthreads around 2014
C'mon, just another one before quitting for real
It's on me
Cool art btw, yoink
Use a hex to ascii converter and thank me later
46 41 50 20 54 4f 20 4c 4f 4c 49 53 20 54 55 54 4f 52 49 41 4c 0a 0a 31 20 2d 20 47 6f 20 74 6f 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 76 69 64 65 6f 32 30 30 30 73 69 74 65 72 69 70 2e 67 65 74 66 6f 72 67 65 2e 69 6f 2f 0a 32 20 2d 20 43 6c 69 63 6b 20 74 68 65 20 6c 69 6e 6b 20 62 65 6c 6f 77 20 74 68 65 20 68 65 61 64 65 72 20 69 6d 61 67 65 20 74 6f 20 64 6f 77 6e 6c 6f 61 64 20 74 68 65 20 73 69 74 65 72 69 70 0a 33 20 2d 20 44 6f 77 6e 6c 6f 61 64 20 74 68 65 20 66 75 6c 6c 20 73 69 74 65 72 69 70 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 6d 65 67 61 2e 6e 7a 0a 34 20 2d 20 55 6e 7a 69 70 20 74 68 65 20 66 69 6c 65 0a 35 20 2d 20 46 61 70 20 74 6f 20 68 75 6e 64 72 65 64 73 20 6f 66 20 6c 6f 6c 69 20 76 69 64 65 6f 73
Don't do it, its just some dumb loli site.
>I have a friend
Me - is green with envy.
eldritch ancient over here
elder wisdom to bestow upon us?
>no sweat holmes
it's a blessing and a curse for sure
....I might just sell it but I don't really know how to uhhh
do that sort of thing
I am fine with never doing that ever
Dude idgaf I have a robot pot buddy now
It's all cool in the neighborhood
The gods have smiled upon this shit ass idea
Been awhile.
>and then they sat there for 4 hours
hm hm hm
gotta introduce you to decaf for sure also
Heres some advice
Also treat people right
Domt be a fuckrr
wut happen user?
user commented about dubs and then got them.
The 333 was just me seeing what the get was. Unrelated to the lol.
I really like this style
Pretty sure the n-word is nigger.
Sure thing
Requesting Archina gobbling a burger like one of those cute anime girls
musclefus are A+
also hello
Howdy Rin
Are you in that drawthread discord
Can someone do Dutch failing to rob a subway? (the restaurant)
no sir
i don't belong there
Fuck I hate Dutch
Fucking A+ and also checked
Could you draw this.
Requesting Star Butterfly and Moon Butterfly aggressively kissing each other.
oh dude yeah
...though a lot of them have drawbacks and i'm pretty slow despite my name
I also hate Dutch. always tried to fuckin' reach for fame and fortune even though he had a literal bandit family to take care of
that's a good mantra
you're so wise
>check mah feet
>stolen from a certain digger
yea pretty much
top tier opinion
Sweet haha ima draw you somthin in a bit
Can ya doodle me a smol cute reaverbot if ya got the time?
i bet she smells nice
i want to fuck your animes
Why do you think so?
god yes
these threads are mega dead rip in peiece
aren't there a ton of furries? I'd just get drunk and start yelling at everyone
sweat mommy
Ay post your stummies NOW!!
It’s a freeday too so there’s no excuse for the RIP
Requesting Hitler having a tea party with a cat girl
secret boss
YOU'RE a....cool...bot...?
debil please stop youre making me hard
> those abs
that is extremely hot
> no excuse
> no irl qt musclefu
this is torture
also nice dubs
is yv still ded
yep, good riddance
Good shit
You bastard!
That’s a lot of sweat haha wonder what it would smell like haha
Fine, last time I called someone out on their status they drew lewds of me lel
Good to still have the LoliGod around!!
F. No more Doritos
>tfw they don’t respond in 2 seconds
Like bro I’m tryna give you money don’t leave me hanging
>spent way too long on this
no sweat blobbo
I cheated with a chart
You killed Kenny!
>touches abs
>pretty neat
he'll come back
>He'll come back
das wut muh momma said about muh pappy.
back at you, nerd
>tfw trying to draw a loli to keep the rep up
i failed, so blorb
abs of all kinds rule
I wanna draw peeps. Give me CSP experiment fodder.
is that a tutorial on designing legendary pokemon?
Requesting GER drinking a soda
today was pure fucking kino, I was prepared to be disappointed but they nailed most of it
It’s still horseshit, kc got fucking cheated
Indeed, I got chills when GER power was shown.
Hey thread how is everyone
I agree that the plot revolving everything from these past episodes, including this one, is complete shit. But still, those visuals, damn.
If you want the nani moments to make sense just rewatch part two.
give me a 3/ths or profile angle reference. I don't know how his head works
Sure thing.
Fair enough, but I’m still mad
The previous part had me rooting for the villain too but plot armor saves the fucking day
Just wait until Part 6, Stone Ocean, gets its anime, I'm sure you will love the outcome.
Ger is not an asspull or a cheat, it was teased in the black sabbath fight, it was even more hinted at in the manga version iirc. Anime onlys amirite
Abs hard as steel lel
You have 10 seconds to explain why you still haven’t shown blobblo stummy
y'all niggas spelling sexy wrong
> blobblo stummy
this is definitely not spraypaint haha
Gib slap
It didn't have me rooting for king "donut machine" crimson, it had me rooting for Araki to actually get back to writing content that gives me any way to relate to what's happening on screen.
"Ah I have to hit the lightbulb of my soul" and "here's for silver chariot's 10th ability: turn polnareff into a fish", at least to me, were absolute unforeseeable wildcards. I could have tuned in right then and there and be just as wise.
>user sets fire to a Vin Diesel mailbox.
fellas I know my art is shit, don't bother (you)ing me to tell me that, I am well aware.
I know these proportions are off, but I can't tell where, please gib advice
Uh sorry user, I think I butchered him. He's cute though. Love me some Jojo designs.
Gib more requests. Or avatar ref sheets. idc
real stummy hours
boy we gon fight
>he just keeps chuckling to himself.
Epic stando moment, thanks
that's pretty sad
but sad
hahaha nah. reaverbots from megeman legends 1 and 2
pretty good game(s) for the ps1
don't do that
i'm sensitive
>loli to keep rep up
does......does that work
do the me
>also I like the alt version better though I see what you mean about the layers looking a bit off
>abs of steel
you need to be stopped
pretty good mang. I think the thing that's off is that one on the right
Draw one o these niggas
I'll take Andre the Giant throwing Decaf around like he ain't nuffin but a rag doll.
Requesting this dragon girl praying.
Yeah you showed me that a while back
Still cool
first thing i saw was elbows are too low. got them orangutan arms. they should be roughly where the ribcage ends
>does that work
well if you're known as a loli artist, then yes. I don't think I've ever seen you draw a loli, turbs
maybe the proportions arent off but youre just used to seeing cartoon proportions
>hands should be both about the size of the face
>upper and lower arm should combine to help the hands reach down to the lap
>upper leg should be able to lift knees to chest level, lower leg should have about a feet less length
this is amazing gg
Big Buff Blobbo!!
Gotta Keep the Bih slap hand tough!! (I wish it kept color when making a gif....)
/r/ this chick getting spitroasted
I-Is an invisible girl?
ah fuck i dropped my image
>tfw you slap the colour out of me.
shit the fuck up
well uhm
Well that's a ghost so uhhhh I guess nothing changes then.
requesting wireless glados doing science
Maybe I forgot to adjust the layer shhh.. Did you see the turbo I scribbled last night? I'll do another eitherway tho
Man I need to continue Jojo... I'm still on part 1
Too much detail rn sorry
lmao that's funny but idk if I'll be able to do that one. Will attempt, but no promises
Sorry I'm not good at that sorta thing
pass. not really up for lewds
blorb stronk
I appreciate any and all attempts.
Originally I was thinking suplex or power bomb. You know, some fancy move.
But then I realized. Andre is fucking huge, and decaf is smol.
So ragdoll is the logical choice.
holy shit you're right that hand was fucking enormous
orangutan arms indeed, is this an adequate fix?
>hands were fucked
got that
>arms were fucked
slightly improved that, I think
>upper leg should be able to lift knees to chest
It looks right to me, though I know it's likely off, could you be more specific, I don't quite understand
>forgot to say
thanks for the advice, everyone
looked a little long to me but now that you fixed the proportions, your person just looks like a regular, tall person that skipped arm day
Draw the avatar aang vs avatar from the avatar movie
they're better, but stage left is too short now
>those hips
also show butt
Prime time to play ACNL has arrived
Would tickle by blowing raspberries on/10
SoMeBodY StOP mE
PFFFFFTT LEL oh gosh idk why that comment made me laugh so much. I need to add that to my set of powers
I want to use Blobbo as a squeezy stress toy!! They’re strong they can take it
maybe make the legz slightly shorter? like, this girl could probably still lick her legpits if she wanted to
Requesting my cousin but with more of her ass showing
ok legs a bit shorter
tried to fix arms
>those hips
is something off with them? if so please specify 'cause I can't identify it myself.
>show butt
never drawn butt before but(t) give me a few
Requesting this girl drinking a soda
Can I get some requests thread
tickle my butthole
with those abs, squeeze me til i die
Draw a duck warrior
we stronk now?
draw a duck warrior
fucking unf
Local geezer massacres Persian scum
thank you very much for the help, it is greatly appreciated
and here is the butt that I owe you, no idea how to shade so bear with me
Maybe. Will attempt
Sorry, didn't really come out nice. Maybe another time! Cuz that is p good. I just wanna adjust to CSP more first.
Good tastes. I'll try! Have any specific buff cat gals?
Give references or bust
Sure got a lot of scratches on that dome... Consider yourself experimented on nerd
There was also this joke one I was gonna do, but scrapped it. Still kinda liked it though so
DLC Pack 1. Challenger back coming soon.
lol good shit soren
>lord bless your soul if you plan to color all that
Did you see what R0AD drew?
>Have any specific buff cat gals?
uhhhhhhhhhh not really
Sorry bruv I don’t draw lewd shit; and beyond that I’m not confident that i could give you a half-decent delivery regardless
we'll cross that bridge when we gt there.
I didnt! this is so neat, thank you, R0AD!
hey thread, we posting strong boys now???
its a shame i suck at anatomy :^)))
this reminds me i need to start working out again im falling out of shape
How bout some dick for her?
Why is his pants an asshole?
good question
It's okay.
Nightly Yea Forums fap material
Not a problem at all. If ever I see your strange name again. I'll be sure to ask you about Andre's coffee break.
Im sure she likes it
Thats one l o n g boy
Told you you were gonna be one of my CSP experiment bitches... Glad you liked it dude.
Sorry user I'm not good at muscle yet.. This was weird to do, but thank you for getting me to practice! I'll draw more buff gals in the future. Feel like this one didn't come out that great
Ty for understanding dude
/r/ lewd of this
didnt notice that, thanks. is this better?
shes very good! thank
Hey peeps in Cali, you doing alright? Experienced an earthquake next door...
fuck i live in cali
getting home from floridas gonna be a nightmare now
>tfw no stomach
Giorno Griffin
Giorno Griffin
Please dont nya at me.
You're welcome to draw more as long as I get to draw more R0ADs.
You are missing a lot of things bud
>tfw no genitals
A drawthread actually hit the image limit without spam what the fuck
I wasnt tellin you to change it but yeah it looks better
Hey Buccelati, remember that time where you innexplicably caused Diavolo's stand to become incorporeal and magically placed the arrow in my hand even though you were dead
oh image limit
>image Limit
An Artfag's one weakness.
since no ones made one yet