Question for /b. If a hypothetical person (me) were to fuck a trans person, would that make me gay? To state my case, some of these trannys look better than a lot of women. I mean, the amount of plastic surgery they’ve had done, and the quality is pretty unreal. I guess I’m just looking for a pass from some stranger here. Pic barely related
Question for /b. If a hypothetical person (me) were to fuck a trans person, would that make me gay? To state my case...
nice get, but i think the real question is if it’s gayer to fuck a girl that looks like a guy or a tranny that looks v authentic as a girl
I can confirm leak shit this works
what is it that you think makes someone gay or not? do you genuinely believe that someone who is attracted to females and unattracted to males can still be gay?
let me put it like this. I am gay, so by your logic all I have to do is fuck a chick one time and that makes me straight?
thought it was just spam
No that makes you mentally ill.
so if he is a straight man and fucks a guy, that doesnt make him gay? it just makes him mentally ill?
If you fuck a man. You're gay. A woman who LOOKS like a man is just a super gross woman.
This isnt hard, man.
>Question for /b. If a hypothetical person (me) were to fuck a trans person, would that make me gay?
If it has a penis u gay
If it has a pussy or some other hole you good
Yes, you wasting trips nigger, yes it does make you gay. You're fucking somebody with X Y chromosomes, you're gay, end of.
I liked how in western culture a man can still be considered a man even if he puts on a dress and acts like a woman. no wonder you fags are losing to china.
yep retarded to be exact.
OP do what ever you want but don't live in denial. It it has a dick it's a guy. If you fuck a guy you are at least bi. Not saying that this has to be something bad, but telling yourself it's not gay to fuck a guy who's dressed up as a girl even if he has tits, won't help you to come clear with your guilty pleasure
It is, also it's reported as spam.
This homosexual Bisexual Transgender these are all retarded disorders.
Imagine wearing a ball cap and a jersey to a job interview.
And wearing a suit and tie to a ball game.
Only a retarded person or a confused person would do this.
Retardation takes on many forms. Its about awareness not acceptance.
but that is all you got? the only opinion you can form? skin is skin, /pol/tard. I can understand why you would be mad tho; all these "mentally ill" people getting more ass than you do. at least you have your marching orders and trump general threads to keep you company.
>wearing a suit and tie to a ball game
if u wanna fuck a tranny u r already fucking gay, faggot
Mental retardation is not to be stigmatized. Stop trying to push your agenda facts are facts biology is truth. Anyone attempting to date the same sex will find that every single so called trap or transgender suffers from several mental illnesses including mild retardation. Most wind up on the streets or live with family for life do to their disorders.
Some things once you do can never be undone. It's more of a religious question.
Kid thinks he can get away with oral from sarina valentina
Look at all the Queers lesbians and Gays. A time in history that was truly great where the mentally ill were locked away in asylums where they belonged.
so they weren't? for every one homosexual they threw into an asylum, there were 4 buttbanging. take another look at that picture; you cant spot any gays because gays look like everyone else.
Ya they really fit in.
It's almost like you don't even have to or need to molest another person!
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Why do you need a fucking label? Fuck whatever or whoever you want to fuck, if you're that curious about it you've gotta at least try it. It's a very school-yard mentality to worry about doing something once and it changing you forever.
Wanna fuck a girl? Go for it, fuck a man? Go for it, fuck a man that looks like a girl? Go for that too, stop paying attention to what everyone else says and try what interests you.
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