*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

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walk around them, they're aren't taking that much room

Good day sir! *continue on my merry way*

Leaking all snapchat sluts

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never thought it was actually legit

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hurr durr laura of unloved threads. bumped before you got here faggot

He looks like that guy who walked into a lamppost

Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)
Discord Link

A server with...
>Actual *E-Girls*
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc

Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. IjIz

This is a stand-your-ground state, nice knowing you, pal.

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*turns around, drops pants, and spreads cheeks as a show of submission*

yummy legs on his daughter. he might watch when i wreck her pussy.

Run away from these extremely violent people.

Say “Keep up the good work sir/madam” and offer them a pepe. Then continue on

who else uses snapchat

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I am surprised this actually worked

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I thought it’d be a virus! thanks for nudes

his wife looks a third his age. I'll be single forever. How did he win her over?

Well, if you look at his political affiliation, it’s clear that he has a job, that’s a good start

say "sorry about your autism" and pass on by



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still your president


*smells booze*
*can't form coherent sentences*

and, much like you, still retarded

>hey user! wanna go for a magical ride?

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