I've just moved to California from across the country. It's the 4th and I'm stuck in my hotel room due to a bad cold. Got anything to cheer me up?
I've just moved to California from across the country. It's the 4th and I'm stuck in my hotel room due to a bad cold...
I'm staying in too, but my back is still hurting. Hopefully it'll heal by the twelfth; I report to Camp Ripley in a week and I don't want to show up broken.
Camp Ripley up in MN?
If so, steer clear of the strip club across from post. You'll catch more than chiggers there.
Ya, that place.
The canteen was closed down a decade ago. The bar is pretty respectable now.
Guess you can tell how long it's been since I've been there, then. I kinda miss MN. Got my first taste of an earthquake this morning. Not as fun as a tornado.
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The weather channel noted there was a 6.4 earthquake out there earlier today.
Used to just lurking and not posting. I forget these things in my old age.
Yeah, things moved back and forth a bit kinda like being on the 3rd floor of the MoA when there's a lot of people and you feel the floor kinda jump and sway.
I almost joined the Navy. I wouldn't have made it very far since I'd constantly be fighting off sea sickness.
I thought a 6.4 magnitude earthquake would have been worse than that. Glad you're doing alright.
Thanks for the concern. Hope you get to see some nice freedom bursts from where ever you're at. St. Cloud usually has something decent.
I really hate MN. Nothing I want more than to move out of this state.
Do you need a cuddle, user?
What's so bad? There's green. There's snow. There's lefse. There's the Twine Ball.
That would be nice
Snow. High taxes. Everyone is a snob. I hate the cold bc I get sick all the time.
Just get a Columbia jacket. Also an actual aluminum shovel instead of that plastic crap. And the taxes aren't that high. Just, what, 7%? As for snobs, are you sure about that?
The jackets dont help. I always get snow in my boots. I dont mind shoving. They dont do shit with our taxes. Everyone here feels better than the people around them. And everything is passive aggressive, especially that Minnesota nice bs.
You listened to that NPR story, didn't you? Yeah, that's kinda accurate.
why in the living hell did you move to California?
I dont listen to NPR. But you should send me whatever it is. My main problem is between highland and como. That whole area.
Well, I was in Maryland and unemployed. Got a job offer out here so I picked up stakes. The money and benefits are nice. Sometimes you just gotta go where the money is.
Never spent a lot of time in the Cities. My area had more cows than people.
I like those places so much more.the cities here really suck.
True, but you don't really have access to stuff like, decent restaurants, shopping, or places to hang. Had to drive 45-60 minutes to get to anything decent.
Do you have Discord or Kik? I'm looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend.