Thoughts on the whole extra credit thing?

thoughts on the whole extra credit thing?

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oh god what happened

I like the history series, that's about it. Solid channel

Oh no...

they posted some blue pill bull shit about playing as nazi in cod games

They made a video saying that you shouldn't force people to play as nazis and terrorists because it can be insulting to people who have been negatively affected by them and it also normalizes them, making them not seem so bad.

> insulting to people who have been negatively affected by them
>normalizes them, making them not seem so bad.

see i told you they where a bunch of woke SJW faggots
fuck them am ending my patreon right now

yea fuck em another case of get woke go broke

In all honesty, I'm less concerned about their dumbass bluepill video, and more concerned about how their shitty PR reps are handling criticism of said video. Dismissively, virtue signaling all over and place, and just generally shitting down any attempt at reasonable discussion.


bruh that be bad ass

never heard of it dont care

i send him a tweet maybe he shows up i dont know here is the video so he might get what we talking about
keep bumping the thread dont let it slide

yall keep spaming him maybe we get famous and show up on youtube someone screencap the thread

what the fuck this is so retarded, i watched extra credits before (long time ago, i think 2017, i first watched "how to make your first game" and watched some more videos, but it wasnt that much)
now this? also i told them to kill themselves on the comment that i made on the video (▽)

the kaomoji i put didn't work fuck

put me in the screen cap

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hey you guys think this yong yea dude would be interested? i mean is gamin related right?

this is the quarterin twitter

dude i lost my shit at that good one Yea Forumsro

Honestly someone give me a good response to the nazi video they made.
Also heads up they didnt say that nazis and terrorists shouldnt be in games - only that if they are there have to be potrayed in a certain way and you should be able to choose not to play as them.

fake your not that neck beard he made a video

they are saying that if you play as a nazi not matter how he is portrayed you become one wich is BS because we are taling about a VIDEOGAME it doesnt matter what you play or chosse in a game
now if you life get seriously affected by what you do inside a game let me tell you you are way far of salvation you might as well blow your dick and you brains when the same 00 buckshot because you are retarded
what is this the 90's?


Nazis are indeed evil, but they're being retarded

thats exactly what is happening they are just pandering and getting woke

o like most of their videos special the one of otto bon bismark
the mad lad take bullets and give no fucks

The point isnt that if you play as a nazi your more likely to become one. Nobody said that. Thats the same argument boomers make when they say video games make ppl killers. The point is what it represents. If we have nazis in videogames as regular playable characters it desensitizes people to what the nazis are and what they stood for. They become the go-to villain for any generic historical game and therefore are on the same level as alien and robot enemies.

Its not even that hard to just say “hey the nazis are bad” in a game. The fact that people are getting triggered over a video bashing nazism honestly baffles me. What a hill to die on lmao.

yea desensitize people to nazis like when antifa calls evey one nazi dude the word nazi means nothing to me any more

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doesnt matter how manu times the word is use
is the fact that for the left everything but them is being a nazi and that is the issue therefore you have pandering videos like this

>thoughts on the whole extra credit thing?


bruh i work with a sjw type well kinda he works in a different department and i have to help them all the time and i will try and triggeer him to make him look like a tard i was talking about how communism is bad making jokes but not in a way he could try and get me in trouble and he flipped his shit its hilarious im also a total ass hole at work like i do all kinds of shit that should get me fired

You guys fell for the antifa hate meme. Obv they arent all good but they are woefully misrepresented.

fuck off with that tree hugging bisexual hippie communist shit

already do my homework god sir plus i see it everyday so fuck those faggots

Get a load of this guy. Maybe actually look into communism - ya never know, ya know?
Maybe educate yourself more then mate. What do antifa do where you see em?

kek kek one of you fuckers link here on another thread i had started thats awesome think Yea Forumsro

is this supposed to be a big star or something?

what do you mean dude?

i see boomer making bumping not even for orange bad man but for another rep and they push them and insult them i had to come out and scare them with pepper spray

over here

they where asking for decent threads i think this is a decent one IDK

Yea Forumsro fist bumb

Extra credits argued that games are so similar to real life that people would be confused if playable nazis or terrorists were an option.... its 100% the same as the video games make you violent bc you would confuse games and reality.

Totally retarded and a recipe for censorship

It wasn't just that. The other argument is that by normalizing nazis by portraying them in games, gamers would become nazis themselves. That whole video is beyond cringe

exactly that video just made me go wtf what year is it am i about to hear how gta will make me a criminal because tbh i played alot of game as a elite bad ass special ops guy and here i am on Yea Forums working a regular guy this shit sucks if it only works in a negative way

someone get MR.OBVIOUS attention
that faggot likes to lurk arround

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that be awesome iz can be interweb famous faggot op on hacker fourchan

>extra credits
is he supposed to be like some big time youtuber or something?

Infiltrated by npcs retards. This channel used to be really good.

They're worried because nazis are making a comeback. They're wrong about the cause, though.

trump bad trump nazi trump bad

If you play as a nazis you become a nazi. That's their stupid argument.


you bet

I actually really enjoy them. I think they're animation is sub-par compared to Knowledge Hub and Oversimplified

is he like influential to the point where the game companies give a fuck about what he says?

simple history kicks ass

not that much but the paint themself at the start with a unbias developer point of view wich is good
their older videos are solid gold but recently seems they where infected with SJW in their ranks and you can tell but how they explain on try to set certain ideas i would say couple videos later when they change speaker

yea ive fallen off on youtube as a whole like no joe rogen no creepy pasta ext i get on and listen to music or some thing so i didnt know any of this was going on with them i was really shocked

wait if normalizing bad people bad because people don't know what bad is
would normalizing good people be bad because people wouldn't know what good is?

wow, i would've never known. thanks extra credits!

the idea that they think people can tell what is bad or god is a sign of how bad the educational system is
jordan peterson say once that his students where never teach about comunins and they got it from him by talking about another subjetc that barely touch the idea of what comunism represent

im just happy some one is telling me what to feel and what to think thinking hurts id rather let some one else preferably hundreds of miles away tell me what to think