Why are wh*Tes such cowards?
Why are wh*Tes such cowards?
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Because you're supposed to curl up in a ball when being pummeled by a chimp
Calling niggers chimps is very disrespectful. Chimps are more intelligent.
It's in their blood.
Because we have a thing called honor
Getting fucked up and hiding like a pussy means honor? As a white, I can say you don't speak for me. The black kid is weak, can't even knock that small boy out. Too bad he didn't fight back.
it's in their nature to be weak
>claims whites are cowards
>doesn't even dare type the word White properly
>whipped black pussy soyboi
why are niggers so retarded?
Mostly because we spent so much time killing each other and everyone else that we're now trying to get everyone to live in peace.
It takes a little bit to get us going.