I'm 28 so I believe it's the right time for me to take on a new phase of life.
I'm really worried about the economic side of things. How much does Yea Forums think someone should be making a year in order to properly care for a family
lol does it matter? she's got the kid coming now, if you don't have the money you'll know soon
Thomas Martin
jokes aside, i need to know something, were you very much easily irritated and didn't commit to relationships way too much before reaching 28 and settling down? i read some jordan peterson and that dude says 28 is the age testosterone levels decay and you become more 'docile'.
Ryder Wilson
Money isnt THE largest issue, love and time spent with the kid is more important. Unless you are a shitty father
Luke Miller
Congratulations. Can't speak for the US as you guys have to pay pension, healthcare, proper education, etc. yourselves. Generally I don't think you'll need that much initially, later on it will get more expensive before they move out.
Try to make her work after a year or so, two incomes should make it easier.
Hudson King
Congrats, I have a daughter coming in January. I make decent money so I'm not too worried but I'd say get on top of your shit now, savings and all that, and take any money from the gov you qualify for if applicable. We are playing for that.
If you’re lucky, you’ll have a girl, that way you can diddle her, and also sell nude pics of her when times get tough....plus there’s her friends!
Being a dad is great!
Ryan White
Where do you live op?
Jordan Williams
You should worry more that you don't raise a neet.Kids won't magically turn normal and have functioning life.If the school system and outside factors does the parenting for you.I can 100% assure you'll have a neet.
Ryan Lopez
>OP here
I'm gonna love my children. Like my own dad loved me and my brother. There's nothing but love and care in our family.
We both will definitely will work to keep ourselves afloat.
It's a part of life and I don't think we should be dreading it so much. In the end no one wants to live alone.
Andrew Martinez
you will get $600 per month of free money from the govt for having a child
Benjamin Perez
You can have kids and still be alone. Most people ditch their parents when they're seniors anyway with only occasional visits at best. Unless you were born in a culture where you take your parents in. Also your kids can end up being complete shit heads despite your best efforts. There's no guarantee that you won't be alone.
Jordan Peterson
I believe in teaching through experience. I dread giving them phones instead of taking them to a park.
Austin Jackson
Also micromanage them and give them responsibility and hobbies and a life basically,This would be easier if you have a family like brothers,nephews,etc to help them.Also most importatnt check for signs for autism.A lot of kids this days don't even know they have it and feel left out because they feel different.Ik I had a hard life since im autistic and my parents refuse to see it even thought the signs were clearly there and even had other family remembers pointing it out.
Depends on how well you are with a budget and making do. Raised 5 kids to successful adulthood on $42k per year but no long distance vacation trips, no movie theater, minimal fast food, eat out maybe once per month, no designer anything, no videogame systems, and most importantly NO CREDIT DEBT. Had enough saved for modest weddings and repair emergencies
Other families pulling in 6 figures with 2 kids constant bitching about lack of money and have to get emergency loans to fix furnace, repair roof, repair car etc. Owe credit cards 10s of thousands in interest..
Lincoln Jenkins
Leo Anderson
Only people that are in poverty think of this.I remember seeing a family of 8 saying"Aiviene el income tax!"with their 6 kids.
Owen Martin
This is stupid.
Jack Gutierrez
If its possible don't take them go to public school maybe a private school thats like 4 hours long.Ik its expensive but if you want the best for your kid.This is the way and you seem like the type of guy that does.Make sure its a very good private school not one of the shitty ones.
Isaiah Edwards
That will be my priority as they get older. Otherwise I want to teach them to be passionate about learning on their own.. maybe if they have a question we could go to the library or google it. Even if I know the answer it will be good if we try to find them together. That, I think, can foment a well educated mind
Parker Mitchell
Currently making $48k and it's decent. Wife is stay at home mom but we also have a $60k nest egg. You can do it, just keep striving for better.
Jacob Flores
True entitlement is not knowing how much money you need to support the human life you've chosen to bring screaming into the world until you ask Yea Forums halfway through the pregnancy. You're a shitty human being and I hope your kid miscarries so it doesn't have to be raised by you.
Angel Flores
Yes living within your means and prioritizing family is so stupid
Jack Kelly
OP pic made me cringe. I hope u get fired and the baby cries all night becuz his poorfag dad cant provide properly. Fuck kids anyway
Owen Howard
As opposed to the welfare queens who start out knowing they don't have the money to support children and have 12 anyway.
Luke Gray
Diet and sleeping schedules are also important.FYI.If your wife knows how to cook put them on a good diet and if its possibly make them sleep early like at 10 pm.This is if you want them to reach their genetic peak.A lot of manlets are manlets because of shitty lifestyle there were born into and blame their Genetics.
Lucas Bennett
No just the no vacation,etc.Thing.Vacations are important,user and going to theatre and all that.Don't think about what you want.Think about what the kids wants.Money shouldn't be a problem unless you're extremely poor.
Angel Robinson
I won't take my kids to the theater until they are old enough to appreciate the movie... And not bother other people
Parker Cruz
Good point.and i just realise you put long distance vacation which i kid of agree.Also is not like OP is going to have 5 other kids.Raising 1 or 2 kids with help of family isn't hard.
Camden Morris
It's completely relative to your location. You should be able to make the mortgage of an average home in your area with appx 1/4 of your monthly wages. This isn't exact science but it'll put you in the ballpark of what you need to make
Jaxon Ward
A 100k salary in the Bay area will leave you in poverty but 100k in the valley and you're living pretty large. Where do you live?
Liam Long
This is directed to OP
Julian Gray
Fair point, they're a whole other category of fucked up.
Noah Mitchell
South Texas. Life can be pretty cheap here I think.
I might move if we find other places where the cost of living is lower.
Andrew Torres
Probably at least 40,000 a year, cannot imagine where’d you’d live in the US short of that, that wouldn’t even just eat up your paychecks for rent.
And also I agree that money isn’t the important factor. When you become a parent, you basically stop maturing. So I hope you feel a sense of being the best person you can be, because you will never be better now.
Brandon Perez
>make 25k a year in the valley >doing better than my sister making twice that in the bay
Ayden Thomas
Fuck man, that's probably the dumbest thing I've read all year.
Ian Harris
The Bay area...what a sucking cesspool of human life. God I can't imagine being sardine canned everyday of my existence. I just read an article that said average commutes are reaching 3 hours a day
Matthew Gomez
I live in Bakersfield on a 6 figure salary. I moved here from SB county 2 years ago, I live like a fucking king
Julian Phillips
Honestly having a kid is not expensive as everyone leads you to believe. The biggest expenses is a trust fund that I put 50-100 bucks in each week for him in the future.
Liam Miller
>>Think about what the kids wants Money >> shouldn't be a problem unless you're >>extremely poor. This is what gets so many families in trouble. Kids want daily trips to Disneyland, their own stable of ponies, every toy and videogame n existence, fast food for every meal and a hippopotamus for Christmas. Part of being a parent is teaching them to be happy with what they have.
Jordan Williams
I see.
Ryan Mitchell
Are you married? Those tax benefits will be extremely beneficial to you and your family.
Besides that, work a steady job and save on whatever you can, and that should keep you out of poverty at the very least.
Hunter Stewart
Maybe you should have considered this before she got pregnant? Bringing a child into this world is extremely cruel.
Brayden Young
If you worried about the economy you should have kept your dick in your pants. No matter how much you make you'll spend all you extra cash on them.