Passed out cum dumps
Passed out cum dumps
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Was over at my exes one time watching movies and having some drinks. She passed out cold so I glazed her good for old times sake. Very satisfying, but wish I took pictures...
I love this thread!!!!
please more Sir
nice sir
every whore deserves that
my ex had a huge drinking problem and would pass out nearly every night, and was a heavy sleeper to boot. also wish I took some pics, and back in the days of craigslist, put up an ad and have a few run a train on her.
does she have a tattoo on her upper back that says the name of a certain city?
My ex did some hard drugs, like crack and heroin. She'd pass out for hours. She told me I could fuck her while she was out so I did. Usually when she woke up she'd wanna fuck too. Good shit, m8.
>She told me I could fuck her while she was out
such a good whore
Yeah it was. I was so worked up, made a huge mess of her face and hair. She didn't move a muscle. Left the tv on, locked up and left. Never heard anything about it so either she was so fucked up she didn't notice or cared.
It wasn't meant to last but damn while it did...
I don't know if mine was cool with it, but oh well. Had a crazy sex drive, always horny as all hell, wish I had her back just for that alone. Damn drinking problem ruined all that though.
Yeah, the substance abuse shit is no joke over the longterm.
all girls are born to be get raped and abused
oh well, instead of talking about it, might as well contribute.
Did you fuck her up the ass too? I used to get my ex gf blackout drunk and just go to town on her asshole
passed out? YES
full of cum? NO!!!
you look like someone she could rely on.
LOL, I didn't open up. I was there, trust me, filled.
Post the vid
Yeah, and she'd ask what happened last night. My response was something like "uh, I think you fell asleep as we were finishing doing what we usually do late at night."
She'd kinda smile and let it go, but she never asked what "usually" meant, and I never clarified it either.
Wait till you hear how old she’s is, and whose cum that is
; D
oh, and what do I look like?
name my height, weight, ethnicity, or one of my tattoos.
wait till you find out what an ass raging faggot you sound like (;
human trash detected
So because someone posted a picture from a well known underaged girl with a face of her fathers cum, that’s makes him a faggot? You should kys newfag
ooof tell me more, you masculine butt pulverizer
love it on the hair
will do it next week on my own bitch
there's herpes on her lips, yikes. sorry for him
And he’s got a tiny cock, now with herpes!
No, you won’t
Cause you don’t have a “bitch”, you faggot
Fuck yeah here we go, anyone posting OC?
what are you on about
I have son of dirty nigger whore
very very nice sir
I came on my cousin, Delphine(pic related), when we were sharing the same bed. It woke her up and I pretended to have had a wet dream while sleeping.
>newfag detected
where is the pic son?
where to find more stuff like this?
damn her milkers
discord gg/M9CZp7U
Very famous cp actress
Her father repeated raped/abused her starting at age 9
She always smiled and moaned though, it was fucking weird/hot
>She always smiled and moaned though
true dat?
seh enjoy it with 9? this is sick sun
girls at that age are not able to get wet or gat an orgazm
Ummm Freud would disagree with you user, he was pretty educated
then why the whole planet says
it harms little girls dramaticly and traumatized them and it fucks the rest of theire life???
I don't get it
i feel sorry for you
Girls are able to get wet and being aroused at the age by 16 or 18
What state was this in?
you're so stupid it gives me a headache to think about it
why sir?
I was serious, why they tell us it is so harmfull for the little girls? when they are able to get wet able to be aorused etc.
Did he go to jail?
What happend?
She looks of age in the pic posted here.
Pretty disgusting story ngl
WWYD to her if she was passed out
Not post her in this thread. It’s for the girls who’ve already passed out.