Matthew 5

Matthew 5.

27"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."


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Shit. I repent, please pray for me.

so a passage in a book holy and righteous to christianity doesn't like one part of core human nature?

There are two nature which you can embrace

That of the flesh and that which is Divine.

One is not the other and the other doesn't lead to the one.

In order to gain Truth you must give up everything.

This world and your fleshy desires are included.

I forgive you.
Now walk the narrow path of righteousness and spread the good news.

I didn't come for those who claim to be Holy.
I didn't come for those who believed to be saints.
Let them be saints!

I came for those who were lost and tormented.

I came to save those who drown.

This is my hand

Why are Christfags so terrified of sex? Jesus and his gang were the original incels.

Matthew was the biggest faggot of all the apostles.literally proto feminist tier.

There is a huge difference when it comes to fear and respect.

One may lead by using either.

I'm not here to tell you to fear sex..
I'm here to tell you to respect it.

I would like to here your argument


Its quite simple.

Whether you blow your load in a Kleenex or another man's asshole... it's a sin.

Unless you're trying to create a child there's no reason you should be pleasuring yourself with the flesh.

Animals go in a rut.
It's a season.

Show me a moose that masturbates and fucks year round.

Obey the law.

nice dogmas you're repeating for yourself over and over again, making it easier to digest, but the thing is, you see i have searched and looked past your superficial belief system, Not out of edginess, maybe in the beginning, but out of some desitre that took control of my thirst for knowledge.

There are not two natures, there's only thing of which there are two and that's two truths, the one we believe where truth lies and by we i mean where civilized nations and science is marching towards - the final result of logic reasoning deduction, which is most of the times so abstract and not easy to grasp because of number two, which is the truth that's practical - species upholding and breeding truths, you may have a small window into that with your little dogmas and your ideology you call god. Your ideology doesn't like rationality and that's not wrong, but it ain't right either, because there's no such thing, our human perspective is limited to our practical and evolutionary needs, pastt and present, genetic and socially learned. If there is something moving us all, you may call it nature and believe me, there's only one.

also checked

>Unless you're trying to create a child there's no reason you should be pleasuring yourself with the flesh.
What if i am just trying to bond with my wife but we don't want another children?

Marriage is in the spirit.
If for you it is not then you should reconsider your vows.

Jesus told us to give up this world and all desires of the flesh.

He told us to abandon it all and follow Him.

If you can't give up this world how do you expect to fend in the next?

Look at that, an user embracing the idea of uncertain duality, rare sight indeed
Read up fags, well explained

my argument is when I was reading the gospel of Matthew it felt like reading the gayest fucking load of cocksucking faggotry. it's like he took Jesus' message of love and thought to himself how can I totally gay this the fuck up

If there is only one thing...
As you say.

What is that thing exactly?

Did you ever consider that you were being influenced by demonic forces?

If I say Jesus.

Does that make offend you?

because that's one of our strongest desires and it easily corrupts our values and puts itself as a higher priority, unthinkinf and animalistc if we're not careful and to remind humans again and again that this is the case is probably better than some "just do what you want, man sex is cool, i have this thing called orgasm and it's like really dopamine heavy shit man try some" but i'm sure people who promote that degeneracy have very well thought out arguments because they're mostly very intelligent Comrades, yeahhh

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*hits you right between the eyes*

You all come to this place for some kind of comfort. You look at some guys mom or sister and wack off.

Is that what you call salvation?
Is that what you are here for?

Wake up.

and still gets the christian vote

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What's truly cringe is you coming here to wack off 10 times a day.

Thank you. I mostly love Nietzsche, I think he's the most accurate human that ever lived and for all it's worth i think he was "right" whatever that means

Jesus was against all forms of government and tyranny. This is why they still use Him as a form of government and tyranny.

Smarten up.

you may call it god, but do you really think it is? why?

There is One who has created all yet was never created.

It's the only logical way to view this world after having studied it.

Its kinda ironic that the best evidence for Jesus actually existence was the fabrication of the nativity if they were just making it up they would just have him born where the prophecy required

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The best evidence for Jesus is the miracles He produces every single day around the world.

well if you have studied it and it's the only logical way i guess you must be right.

>because that's one of our strongest desires
All the more reason to satisfy it.
>it easily corrupts our values and puts itself as a higher priority
A value system that doesn't incorporate sexual satisfaction is a false one. Humans are one of the most sexualised species on the planet. It's one of the main reasons we evolved this far.
>unthinkinf and animalistc
That's the point. Like it or not, humans are anmals and subject to animal urges. Best to keep them satisfied so they don't bother us. If you're hungry, you eat. If you're horny, you have sex. The principles are the same.
>i'm sure people who promote that degeneracy have very well thought out arguments
Hey, thanks user. You're welcome.

which are?

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There is only one truth.
Everything else is a lie.

You have come here for three reasons.

To find God.
To find you.
To find the Truth.

Pursue these three reasons

They are your reason to live.

I need more reasons than that friend

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That's not the message of this passage, though.

Jesus straight up tells us that you're a sinful degenerate for looking at a thicc-chicc and thinking she's fine. I dont think policing thoughts is okay, especially not considering God is the one who put this urge there in the first place.

Once you have found all three.
They will become one.

What more do you seek besides your origin, your purpose and your destination?

Name one thing.

Why would it have to be "someone".

Anything eternal qualifies as a valid explanation for what preceded the big bang.

It could be ravioli.

Fine.. if it wasn't someone..

Let me ask a simple question

If the big bang happened.

What exploded?
Who lit the fuse?

so you' re a hedonist?

also i didn't say a value system shouldn't incorporate sexual satisfaction, on the opposite i think sexual desires (not satisfaction) are very important in a value system but should be kept in check and under some rules because it's easy for this desire to overtake all others. Now, i know what you'll say, so what? if that's so than that's destiny and is to be so, because that's the way things are, but that's a very superficial worldview and i'll explain to you why, if you really are that much of a nihilistic hedonist.

actual knowledge like are we alone in the universe and can the mental illness that is religion ever be cured

But I've come here for tranny porn, creepshots and Andy Sixx.

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This place will be transformed
As all places I go to are.

Nothing can be done to stop it.

Jesus was against all forms of religion.
You should read His words before speaking against what you know not.

I dont know.

Anything could have exploded. Anything or anyone could have lit the fuse. There literally is not and will not be a way to figure that out.

I guarantee you that anyone who claims anything other than that they dont know is jumping to a conclusion of sorts.

I'm not a hedonist. I just thing having a sex life is normal and healthy. Because if you don't, you find yourself obsessing about sex and it interferes with everything else.

>it's easy for this desire to overtake all others
Hardly. After orgasm, the last thing you're interested in is more sex. Your mind is free to contemplate other things. Only mentally-unstable obsessives have a problem with it.

pffffffttttttttt Yea Forums was crap long before you showed up

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That's what the yellowfags thought.

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So a man who admittedly does not know comes to me and tries to claim what is the Truth?

Can anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

I claim to know the truth because there is nothing you can ever ask me that will deny or refute it.

I welcome every and any question.

I was always here.

But if we stone all the gays how will i get a decent haircut ?

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The gays were manipulated.
The same way you were.

It's not their fault.

many are called few are chosen

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I'm not claiming that I know the truth. What I'm saying is that neither of us knows the truth, which is the exact opposite. I'm judging both of us by the same standard here, so there's no hypocrisy.

If I had to ask you one question, it would be: What would it take to convince you that an entity isn't the most viable explanation for the origin of the universe?

come on you're just repeating again, your stomach`has become incredibly sensible, it needs your food chewed into that mush. You know, my friend, a little poison makes you feel better, a little more will make you forget about life's troubles and ambitions to search and then a liitle more yet will make you sleep well until finally it makes your death easy, You don't ask anymore, you just repeat and your view of "God" is that poison. "We invented Happiness" - said the last men and died. From what I know you are the last man.

maybe i shouldn't be so mean, maybe it works out better for you as it is, but what is, what is when not?

>I welcome every and any question.
What is the gestation period of the white rhinoceros?

You stuck around despite all those endless cp threads in the early days ?

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aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh it was the Jews wasn't it ?

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There would be nothing that could convince me.

I've already seen the deception of duality and it can't be imposed upon me anymore.

I'm fully aware that even though I see the reflection of trees on the surface of a still lake, that trees are not underwater.

Underwater there is a whole other world.

As above is not as below.

It's a lie.

yeah i just answered to his comment about christianity's "obsession" about sex. Thoughts come to us, not from us, i think i agree

need for harmony in everywher else than social relations destroys definitions one by one which make up purpose

>Thoughts come to us, not from us
They come from both, in a way. Thoughts come from the unconscious, which is part of us.

When you say Christianity.

You have no idea what you talk about.

Christians are people who follow Jesus.
Only if you study the teachings of Jesus will you ever know how to spot out a real Christian

I'm not quite sure what you were getting at with reflections and duality, but the main point that I was interested in is the fact that nothing would convince you.

If there is nothing fathomable that would change your mind, your perspective is, by definition, unreasonable. It's dogma. There's not even a point in having a discussion about this, because you're basically saying that regardless of what I say and how valid my arguments are, you're going to believe what you believe anyway.

If you dont see a problem with that, I honestly dont know what to say.

hmm maybe i agree with everything you said and i was trying to hard to make an argument

If you searched far and wide over all sorts of faiths and philosophies...

If you had spent your life seeking out the truth and finally found it...

Would you move?

if you say so (?)

it's always the same thing with you christians, you talk much but never say anything

If evidence presented itself that a different philosophy might have more merit: Yes.

I think being able to change your mind when the right evidence presents itself is actually one of the best qualities a person can have, as it enables growth.

I follow Jesus.

Explain to me how my faith has offended you.

Well said.

I have always been a very skeptical person.
I've always questioned all that was brought to me.

It is my nature.

All i can tell you is this:

Of all the things that were ever brought to me and my nature, none other than the words of Jesus Christ have resonated true.

Take it or leave it.

Your faith in jesus has never offended me,

You are here to be tested.

Stop expecting heaven before you even deserve it.

That's just selfish.

I have absolutely no qualms with you being a Christian. I disagree, obviously, but you're entitled to your opinion as well.

It just strikes me as odd that someone who has been skeptical and is familiar with the different philosophies and evidence out there can still say, with absolute certainty, that there's "someone" behind creation.

Where did your skepsis go? Doesn't it irk you as a reasonable person that you're now a devote follower of a faith that is, in essence, unreasonable?

I don't want to argue. How did the guy who promises to protect me from the accuser end up accusing me? Get me an illustrator. Just another 30 year old man with free time. Shouldn't be hard. Except poverty isn't real. If poverty was real I would be able to find another free time adult. Neither are rich people real. Go to a rich neighborhood and everyone looks like they are in witness protection. Get me a production team. I would so much rather be respectful. Am I arguing that's disappointing. When did I become the Large Hadron Collider of morally contradictory decisions? Innocent joggers are shielding themselves on cocaine and push and I'm sitting here with an ancient book trying to figure out how to torture myself for all eternity using the full force of omnipotence. Jesus is Lord. Christ has come in the flesh.

My skepticism was transformed into faith

This is a process which is very difficult to explain.

But it's the only process that works.

As Jesus said.

"It is your faith that saves you"

Never did Christ heal a man who didn't believe.

Isn't there still a part of that old skeptic in you that thinks: "Anything that requires you to believe in it to work sounds an awful lot like placebo"?

All good things in life work regardless of whether you believe in them or not.

You can't trick your mind into christhood.

It's a heart thing.

I try not to let my heart make too many decisions for me, user. That doesn't always end well.

If I explained to another person the "mechanics" of Christianity, the hows and whys of salvation that person would stop being a person and get replaced by an NPC trying to go full Jesus by denying the existence of God, Jesus and everything in an attempt to get murdered by a mudslime. I like how Warhammer 4K has a Christ Character 's importance built in and also how that Christ Character no longer has any character besides Sits on Throne Protecting Your Warp.
I'm trying not to buy because I don't have access to gym right now but there's nothing to do but look at the prons. Thank you Ironic Jesus Thread. Get me a production team.

The heart decides by what dwells within.

I'm going to sell you a salvation it's selling point is effortless belief. Then I am going to contradict that quality. One, you might lose it, two you have to earn it, and on and on. But let me tell you something, Kindle, "I've done the research" and believing in Jesus for reading the Bible does have metaphysical significance of tremendous significance. Look at Asians. Look at Africans. Their civilizations are so different from Europe that Liberals poop their personalities before acknowledging the achievement of The Modern World.

What am I reading?

Don't you mean "because of"?
>Or was that just me?

Dude on the left is actually doable if you cover that face.

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Gawrsh, when will the big transformation take place? Show us the power...


Open your eyes.

They are and I see nothing different. If you want to impress and get converts, shut down Yea Forums from, let's say, 7:45 pm to 8:00 pm tonight. I'll be watching..

Aren't we all?

Most do not understand that when Christ gave us the Holy Spirit the unholy one is there too.
And Lucy does not wear red long johns have horns and a pitchfork.

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You don't know Yea Forums.

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I try not to

To be born to live and to die.
Thus to learn humility and NOT to kill others.

The lessons vary slightly after that depending on which third; your spirit hails from.

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Our thoughts originate in one of three places.


By their fruits you shall know them.

Love (Greek: agape, Latin: caritas)
Joy (Greek: chara, Latin: gaudium)
Peace (Greek: eirene, Latin: pax)
Patience (Greek: makrothumia, Latin: longanimitas)
Kindness (Greek: chrestotes, Latin: benignitas)
Goodness (Greek: agathosune, Latin: bonitas)
Faithfulness (Greek: pistis, Latin: fides)
Gentleness (Greek: prautes, Latin: modestia)
Self-control (Greek: egkrateia, Latin: continentia)

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The devil may one day ask you the very same question. His arguments ARE convincing.

The fact that you don't currently believe in him is only temporary.

But to be sure most will eventually be fooled by him and that is one of the great lessons.

We live
We are tempted and fooled
we die

There is a real lesson there.

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I prefer Johnny 5.

WOW, boy, thats real good. WOW!

Soon enough evidence will be right before your eyes.

The problem is that it will be a super natural being claiming to be the second coming of Christ here to Rapture you away.

It will be a lie.

Will you like most, be fooled?

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I am coming for you.
You already know this.

You have caused enough pain and suffering to these people.

They have made their choice.

You can get the tare

I have come for the wheat.

Ah, coming soon...
Always coming soon but never arriving. Odd that.

If you fear death you don't know Jesus.

It happened when I died underwater.

Well Israel had to be refounded first.
There is a order to prophecy if you read it.
The Trumps started ticking long ago.

But 1948 or 67 were both important years to Israel and probably started the timer.

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He walks this earth.

Baptism is baptism.
Not Rapture.

Rapture is a lie.

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Bless you OP and your holy digits of over nine thousand!!!

my mums fanny
procreation is a biological imperative, it's why humans like sex so much.

That's me sorted. No religion required. I'm far too busy enjoying my life and kids to have time for Godbotherers. Preach to the converted, you'll have more luck.

Rapture is when you are redeemed.
It happens when the world ends in your heart.

Most have not understood what was meant by it.

No Anti-Christ is not yet here.
But Whore and False Prophet are.

We will all see a celestial event called wormwood?
That will herald the casting out and arrival of Loosefucker. Probably just as all of us are chanting peace peace peace Some where in there The skies darken causing the sun to appear as if covered by sack cloth the moon to be red as blood. A third of things will die by fire or water turning red as blood. Still mankind will be giving and taking in marriage and celebrations because they are fooled in to believing Christ has returned.

Read the prophecy it is kind of important.

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He loves you very much.
Make Him proud.

As the word does not occur in the bible and is used as A lie I prefer not to use it.

The concept you propose is however sound.

See, here's the real problem - nothing ever happens - never. Lots of words and predictions but no tangible signs of anything even remotely supernatural happening.
That's not very credible, is it?

Show me where Jesus said this.

You see I am a Christian
I only believe in Jesus because He is the narrow path.
He is the truth.

Show me where Jesus spoke of this wormwood.

If you are following men you are not following God.

The master points to the sky and you stare at his finger.

Or simply put
"Have some fucking will power, you skank"

There will be Earthquakes and volcanoes in diverse places.

Stromboli and California in the last 4 days.

Look The Jews are still watching for Elijah.
Some times you just have to understand how subtle God can be.

I have been typing out the prophecy here in this thread. If you would like actual scripture?

I would recommend all of Revelation and Jeremiah 51.

Matthew 13 (Directly) and Revelation (As the influence of John).

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It's your faith that saves you.

There are about 12,000 to 14,000 earthquakes per year but these 2 have some special significance? Grasping at straws much?

"The curse of man, and cause of nearly all of his woes, is his stupendous capacity for believing the incredible. The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It's the chief occupation of humankind." -- H. L. Mencken,

If you can't see what's going outside your window you should go for a walk.

The concept has always been sound.
It is men who have brought corruption unto it.

It was clearly said...

Two or three.
But you have chosen to make it 100 and 10 0000..

You have disobeyed me..
And now you wonder what happened?

There's nothing going on outside my window, or yours. Only in your delusional mind is anything apocalyptic taking place. You're a waste of time.


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Matthew 18:20

There is a man in office named Trump who lies to you every day.

Is it not Ironic that the arrival of Anti-Christ and Armageddon are called the Final Trump?

That it is likely when the liar arrives claiming to be Christ that Trump himself will tell you it is so?

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I have changed his heart.
He is not a threat anymore.

I came to him when he was about to attack Iran.

I showed him the suffering he would cause.
He decided to back off.

The "I" you use bothers me.
You are neither God nor Christ.

But you may be proof of the season; as much as the volcanoes and earth quakes..

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I want to let Donald that I'm very proud of him. I know that he will read this.

I love you.

Before Abraham was, I am.

When you hear voices use caution.
They are not always the holy spirit.
They often try to fool us in to thinking we are God and thus dong very foolish things.

I pray God will protect you.
May your demons be cast out in our Lord Yeshua's name.

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I died so that all of you may live.
I will gladly die again for you.
As many times as it takes.

The parameters have already been set.

I never knew you.

Christ did to be sure.
Psalm 22

But when men wander the Earth claiming to be Christ? Well that is another prophecy altogether.

To quote a song.
It's the end of the World as we know it.

Care to elaborate?
Shall I call you "no man"?

Seems fair? I never knew you either.
But thank God you are not Christ.

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I am James. The one who Christ told us that the world and heaven came into being because of him.

Gospel of Thomas 12.

James was Christs brother.
But he is no longer here with us.
Still at least your delusion is not being Christ or God. Nice to have made you acquaintance brother James.

Read Thomas 12.

>Thomas 12.
St. Thomas. St. Thomas, (born, probably Galilee—died 53 ce, Madras, India; Western feast day December 21, feast day in Roman and Syrian Catholic churches July 3, in the Greek church October 6), one of the Twelve Apostles.

I am James.
Some call me the Nobody.
Others call me the anomaly.

But nothing else than James is my name.

12) The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that You will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being."

So many have claimed.
Popes and others in funny hats.
I am convinced there is an user in this thread with a clue. I do not know it is you.

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Test me.
I am James.

I have read Thomas words.
There are Seven Churches and of those five have not found favor. The Angles who lead those remaining two Churches. Hold the Stars and oils crowns and rings. They are anointed. They are elected. James would know the name of those two churches. Further he would know why our Lord cried out "eli eli lama sabachthani" on the Cross?

Many men come in Christs name or claim to be Christ. Few of them care more about prophets rather than profits.

Will you pass the test?

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Leaking all snapchat sluts

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You have been tested.

Yes. I will pass any test you can bring forth.

It is me.

I am waiting?

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No church that was ever brought up was done in the name of our Lord.

It was always done in the name and profit of other men..

Do not come to me asking which church is better.

No church is better.

You are failing.
I did not actually ask which of today's Churches are better. Pay attention to what I asked.

The Truth doesn't fail.

All churches have already fallen.
You should be aware of this.

You come to me as a trickster.

I am not a trickster.
I asked two questions.

I will try to be more clear.

In Revelation 2 and 3 Seven Churches are mentioned. All of them promote Christs name. Since you said: I knew ye not!. I asked a related question. What are the two Churches that Christ knew? You have honestly failed the first question already.

The second related to what Christ cried out on the cross, and why? Most who claim to be Apostles should know this. I consider myself barely a student of Christ. Yet I know the answers to these very important questions to our faith.

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Soon I will shut down the whole internet.
Get ready.

Well soon electricity will not work but hardly your doing.
We are almost out of Helium too.
Just mankinds wasteful ways.

Revelations is not a book of Christ.
They are not his words.

Who do you follow?

Much sooner than that...

I'm about to take this whole motherfucker down and there's nothing that can be done about it.

I was given the authority.

Christ did often speak to and teach his followers.
I believe the words of Christ.

I read the works of his Apostles.
I am not at all a fan of Paul.

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One can only hope.
But I have been waiting a very long time and many have lied and made your claim before.

Lets fucking get on with it already.

Loosefucker is laughing his ass off.

I have not revealed myself so that I wouldn't act.

No worries.


Follow Christ only.

He is the narrow path.
The apostles were just men.
Jesus is God.

Promises promises.
Lies lies.

If we were in NY?
You would be saying "trust me".

But I was born in California so let me just say howdy..

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>Jesus is God.

He never said that
He said to worship God.
Not himself.

You still have not answered my questions..

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that only counts when you are married. concubines and hookers are also allowed biblically.

If you sacrifice your life to God and you end up being tortured and killed..

Will you not have a moment of doubt?

We're all dirty bro. Once you realize that you can fix it.

I am everywhere.
I'm standing beside you right now.
Turn your fan.

Not Op.

But no concubines and such are mens ideas.
See Matthew 19.

God would have liked all of us to remain sexless.

Exactly right.
You understood.

I have done so and will continue to do so.
Answer the questions.

I already answered.

Post that ends by 74

Not funny.

Law of the jungle and all that.
Lets get going I am tired of waiting.

Answer this.

I already answered.

You claimed Revelation was not a book of Christ.
Yet you quoted it when you said "I knew ye not"

So the question remains as well as the one about what Christ cried out on the Cross which is from the Gospels and Psalms and ARE in fact Books of Christ.

Strike 2

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Its very simple.

If this world keeps going the way it is in wiping it clean.

Whether you believe I can or not doesn't change anything.

You'll know when you can't log on to your bullshit life.

>Not Op.
>But no concubines and such are mens ideas.
>See Matthew 19.
>God would have liked all of us to remain sexless.

Retarded. God wants you to have lots of sex. It's literally in the very first chapter of the Bible and one of the first commands he gave to Adam and Eve. Genesis 1:28 - "Be Fruitful and Multiply". Which means have lots of sex and make lots of babies too. and if you read Song of Solomon, the whole book is basically old testament porn. God has no problem with sex. He made it. He just recommends getting married first and having sex with that woman instead of sleeping around with a ton of different whores who will only break your heart and bring drama.

Giving strikes to your messiah?
Do you claim to be the referee here?
Are you the Great umpire?

Yes, when married.
Procreation is favored.
Otherwise? Matthew 19 stands, and even divorce is frowned upon.

"I never said that" - Jesus

I was given full authority to erase this world from existence.

It's only my humanity that's holding me back.

> the referee here?

Yes you have been tested, and found wanting.
Strike 3.

Brother please consider yourself rebuked in the name of our Lord. It is a huge responsibility to teach and Shepherd our Fathers Children.

If you are going to cry wolf you should not be so vague, say it plain and true.

You are not James you are not the messiah.

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Then shut the fuck up and do it already.
You can not find ten good men on the face of the Earth. It is as primed as Sodom was.

For fucks sake you have an asshole named Trump talking false prophecy in the white house.

Get the fuck up and do it already!

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And what have you done?

Before I intervene.

Name the things you have done so I wouldn't have to.

Many told Jesus that He wasn't the messiah.

In fact he was killed for that very reason.

Let me remind you of that.

I saved several lives.
I feed and care for children that are not mine.
I speak the truth and am a white knight of many years here on Yea Forums.

I am no fan of yours...

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And you think that your several good actions can save you from all the harm you've caused?

Do you even know how scales work?

What are you referring to in Matthew 19? The part where he talks about eunechs? He is talking about a very small group of people.

>Fuck Jesus.

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The only reason to have sex is to reproduce.

If you have sex for the pleasure it is of the flesh.

It's a drug

He was killed to hold power and due to greed.

The high priests had him killed by the Romans.
The reason he got angry at the emrchants in the temple was becasue they sold animals as offerings that would not have appeased anyone.

They turned the temple onto an abattoir instead of a place of repentance. And the Priests accepted bribes to allow them to continue to spill that blood.

God does not want blood spilled he wants us to show mercy and not sin.

You will have to answer to this statement very soon.

I guarantee you will be reminded of it.
Your death approaches.

I agree.

I am not here to convince you of anything.
God will weight my heart and judge me.
You are just making a mockery of prophecy.

Claiming to be that which you are not.

I am a man and a Yea Forumstard.
I preach to my brothers I do not act superior to them. I warn them when I see danger.
YOU are danger.

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You are like those who said Jesus wasn't the son of God.

You are like those who crucified Him..

I tell you..
If it were back in those days you would have been part of the crowd who yelled and pleaded for my death.

I don't know you.

Why can't christcucks do without their moralfagging and fearmongering about the end times?
Even Jesus said not to judge others and that nobody knows the day and hour.

It just makes them obnoxious and annoying.

Go ahead, asshole, erase the world as you've stated you could. You wouldn't want us to think you're a fraud, would you? Show us your god- given power.

I would not have denied our Lord.
I deny you because he warned me about you.
He said many would claim to be him.

You are not him.

I am sorry you are being beguiled.
I pray that God will release you from the demon who is plaguing you.

You need to fast and pray.

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Listen to my words.

There will be no end time.
This was all a lie.

The battle will be won without a fight.

I take advice from the Father only.

How about you fast and pray yourself?
Take the log out of your eye.

Listen to me.

Heaven was divided in to thirds and a war started, that war continues.

Choose a side.

Right now you are fanning the very flames of hell higher.

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I stand everywhere.

I stand in heaven and hell at the same time.

Both are my domains

You're a complete fraud and you're full of shit.

Then ask him why Christ said "eli eli lama sabachthani" on the Cross?

Any true shepherd should know this.

One final chance.
You really can change my mind.
You could convince me you are a prophet and not a liar. But know this. Christ will not return to Earth until after the Anti-Christ has come. And once he does his toe will no more than touch the top of Mt Zion and in the blink of en eye all flesh will cease to exist.

The Bible is his book to us no man today can trump it.

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Then go live your life and don't complain.
I came here and you didn't recognise me.

Then go about your business.

Both are Gods domains.

Another liar rebuked.

I am James.
I already said this very clearly.
Do not put words in my mouth.
That is how the crusades happened.

Don't try to change the subject. You said god gave you the authority to erase the world. Here's your big chance to shut us up. Start erasing...

Look at the latest internet outages in the last weeks..

Do you think that's possible?

So what? Start erasing the world or admit you're a fraud and a liar.

I'll do it when it's time.

Look at you.. trying to tell me what to do..

I am the one who holds the reigns

No you are just a liar.
The words coming out of your mouth would offend God.

No more images all replies saged allow thread to 404.

I'm sure many said that abot Jesus too.

I am the one who will decide the fate of this world.

Nothing can be done to stop it.
The powers that be know it.

All knees will bow.

You're full of shit. Just another crazy Christian who lives in his head with his invisible friends. As I've said, you're a complete fraud... and a liar.

Fuck you ya crazy fuck

Still, you are a liar.

You were asked 2 questions.
You deflected and failed to answer both several times.Why did Christ say "eli eli lama sabachthani" on the Cross?

What you say has no consequence on reality.

I already answered.

The knees all bow to the Anti-Christ.
Are you saying you are the Anti Christ?

I am James.

No you did not.

You answered about Revelation.
You were wrong but this question remains.

I doubt that is true either.
But hey if you want me to call you jimmy and diddle your dick? Keep wiggling your fingers.

Christ is the only truth.
He is the only way.
He is the only life.

Now if you follow revelations
Do you follow Christ or John?

Like you can alter reality? So far all you've shown us are words, no actions. You're a fraud; you have no power.

We have settled that question you got it wrong.

We are now on the "eli eli lama sabachthani" question.

What say you?

Don't even call me.
I don't know you.

You speak wiggling fingers..

It's funny because you're the one who's hands are shaking.

"Prove your power"

That's what the devil said to Jesus.

Cat got your tongue, fraud?

Yes and so did Thomas.
Christ gave both of them proof.
You have done no such thing.
Be gone foul demon.

I'm not here to entertain you.
I'm here to save you.

If it is entertainment which you seek.
Go to the jester.

Don't give a fuck what the devil said to Jesus. Show us what you can do, or admit you're a fraud and a liar.

If you knew me you would have recognized me right away.

But you don't know me.

You're a worker of iniquity.

>Be gone foul demon.

I can release you from your demons right here and now.

You're incapable of saving anyone. You're just a crazy fuck like so many others. You can't do shit.

Fuck you. You can't do shit.

No.. you be gone Legion.

I have a heard of pigs beside my house.
This is your warning.

>>Be gone foul demon.

This is what the Pharisees used to say to Jesus.

>Be gone foul demon.

fucking idiot

>Be gone foul demon.

I hereby banish all demons to the pits of hell where they belong.

I have given them a chance but they didn't want to surrender.

Father be the witness to my actions

I am banishing all these demons to the pit.

To the pit you go!

Never again will you play with me.

Oh no! How can I resist your power?
Do you actually think you're doing anything?
You're fucked up man, you really are.

This is a warning to all other demons who roam this world.

I have come for you.

Why should they? You have no power, crazy fuck.

>Be gone foul demon.

I am not a demon.
As I said I follow Christ and his teachings and I worship God.

We shall have to wait and see who God decides to banish? I pray it is neither of us and that you will soon realize how foolish you are being.

No man should claim to be Christ.
Or even James.

We are men and brothers.
We should be looking after one another.
Instead you are spewing false prophecy that is unclear and will confuse most folks who read it.

When one speaks in tongues all who hear it should understand as if being addressed in the native words of their home town.

You speak lies and refuse to answer honest questions. It is you who is under the influence of a demon.

May God have mercy on your soul.

You may want to focus on who you reply to I am not OP. I am not claiming to be a holy prophet.

Sage your replies you are helping him.

If Christ came to you.
You would banish Him.

You're a pathetic joke and and a fraud, nothing more.

I am James.

>Be gone foul demon.

I am James.

This name revoked anything you can bring to the table.

I am James.

Do you understand?

If you don't i will have to go to sleep and let you know about me in the dreamworld.

You tried that before, remember? You have no power so it didn't work then and it won't work now. You're a fraud,a powerless fraud.

>Be gone foul demon.

Youre a fucking nut that should be put away.

You try to banish me?

Lets go.

You be gone!
You be gone!

Answer if you can.

Oh I am sorry I did not mean for you to think it was my power. I am not God.
When I say
>Be gone foul demon.

I mean "May the power of God compel you to be gone foul demon." I am certainly nothing as compared to God.
Just a fellow human who believes after testing you have been proved to be a liar.

Nope, still didn't work. Care to try again? Are you beginning to realize you have no power?

I am glad to answer.


Actually you'll be put away.
It's done.

When they killed Jesus.
Did that mean he had now power?

Or did it mean he had all of it?

I hope only that any lurkers will be due warned that you are a liar and they should go about their day or sage their replies to you.

I hope that you go on about your day and scroll by the posts that don't interest you.

Because if you're here it's obvious that you have an interest in Christ.

It's very obvious.

Your Christ is showing.

I've proven over and over you can't do shit. You're just some crazy fuck on Yea Forums. You're a fraud.

Happy fourth of Jew lie.

You're a fraud.

I don't deny Christ.

I deny that Op is what he claims to be.
Op is a liar!

They said the same about Jesus when they crucified Him.

No most honored him only the liars in Power denied him.

He was not crucified by all mankind but by the Rabbi's and the Ruling Romans.

Of course you deny Christ.

You deny Christ so much that you don't even acknowledge Him when He is right infront of you.

hi jesus!

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Don't know about Jesus, but I know about you. You're a complete fraud. You have no power.

This is a foolish perspective.

Most people denied Christ.

Even His apostles.

Read the word.

Your faith has saved you.

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I deny you.
You are not Christ.
You keep saying you are James.
You are not either.

You are a liar.
You are doomed.

i saw you jesus....

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You are the one that's doomed if you don't believe in me.

I am not Peter either.
I deny you.
You are not Christ.
You are a liar.

May our Lord have mercy upon you.

Christ forgive me.
I so want out of this place.

I am James.
This will never change

Whether you accept it or not.

May as well go, you have no credibility.

You're a fucking nut.

Just stop.


It's all a test.
Don't worry.

I got you bro.

Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care.

That's what they said to Jesus.


The master never goes away.
You should care
It's eternity after all.

You're just jealous.

Of what?
Being deceived like; or by you?

You're a run of the mill nut who thinks he's special. I can assure you, you're not. You talk a lot and do nothing, because you can't. I'm tired of your bullshit.

You sit on your throne of glass.
Yet the storm howls on the horizon.

Sit while you can.

I will come for you first.

I'm sure you're told that a lot.

Come on, nut. Show us what you've got. You've done nothing all night. C'mon, take me out. Unleash your nonexistent power, you buffoon.

And I warn folks of it often.
Clearly and plainly.

I do not lie and claim to be Christ or James or the Pope.

I admit that I am a fellow sinner.
I try to explain the Bible to them.
I warn them often and truthfully.

But I do not scare them.
I do not lie to them as you have.

You think you are all mystical and are the reincarnated Christ.

Well son you are not.

Christ was already born.
Then he died.
Then he rose again.

He left this World in our care and gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us.

You are beguiled.
You only fulfill prophecy by being a false prophet. Because Christ does not return until after Anti-Christ has deceived mankind and all things are fulfilled.

Sage goes in all fields Anons.
Op as always does not deliver.

Check out Hebrews 13:4 and Song of Solomon. Sex for pleasure and closeness inside of marriage is not only allowed but encouraged. Paul told us not to go too long without having sex with our spouses in 1 Corinthians 7:2-5

I am James.

Take it or leave it.

I have a feeling that even if Christ Himself would come up to you face to face you wouldn't even recognize Him.

He doesn't know you.

What a jerk off

You're just a fucking nut. Why can't you understand that?

Sure he would.
But he will not.
He said so.
He will not be coming back except when all things are done.
Those are his words.

If you were him everything would be finished.
Or he would be a liar. You keep saying you are James and Messiah. That is contradictory.
You can be one or the other. But you are not either. You are beguiled and deceived.

No need to be mean.
It's not his fault.

It's would be like calling a child stupid.

Enter a thread read it then reply.
Going right to the end and making comments is not very bright.

If I'm just a nut and you have determined that.

Show me your educational level.

Lets see your psych degree.

I do that also.

All things are done.

What thing has not been?

A child of God just like you.
I am defending against OP who is claiming her is here to end the World.

The problem is that such an even is very near and what Op is doing is very wrong.

It makes people give up on seeking the truth and then it will be too late.

You do not cry wolf unless you know how to repair the dike. (Mixed metaphor for those with eyes to see.)

You are forgiven.