Cut dick thread
1) Age
2) Age when cut
3) Style
4) Preference if you could change it
Bonus for pics
Cut dick thread
1) Age
2) Age when cut
3) Style
4) Preference if you could change it
Bonus for pics
High and tight
Same as it is
high and loose
high and TIGHT
Wouldn't change a thing.
>1) Age
>2) Age when cut
12, to match my stepdad
>3) Style
high and tight
>4) Preference if you could change it
same style\\2uVjnVV
not circumcised on the right, high and loose on the left
if you're gonna circumcise your kids get a doctor who ain't a fuckin drunk
Low and loose
Would not change it
damn, did you want it or he make you or something?
There is absolutely NO REASON to be cut. People should burn for this tbh.
WTF, to match your stepdad? Did your mama want to have two simular looking dick around ?
I got cut cuz my foresking was fusing together, that was my reason. I otherwise agree with you.
like father like son. don't tell me no other dad has ever done that.
did you get a say in how they did it?
maybe three days old
high and loose
don't need to change it
i mean most of us had no choice to be cut i was cut at around 3-4 days after birth not much say i had in the matter
No idea very young
Low and loose (thankfully)
Uncircumcised give it back
Here it cames, today.
honestly this morning, I'm finishing (((>>>it))) shortly after sun set in the morning before my dad and mom going to wake up too ehh
>>>new world of horror
I am doing it for the sale of (((KeK))).Kek is a nigger but pinky nigger, my my whole life I am useless now I am gonna get some publicty I could NOT sleep in about 35 MOTHER FUCKING HOURS.
Goodbye each of /U/, and thank you for the great times(and the porn on Yea Forums). I'll use (((An AK46))) about 6/8 minutes might broke the godly record of 49/51 dead niggers, will be naked and fap while the dead watching (((me))) >its kek himself >>>kek
Twitch link and etc on the server/live4:
God told me TYPE: r32ptapg6w
nah. i wasn't aware of different styles or anything at that age and they never asked me.
how's it look now? got a shot?
it look anything like this?
bump for more pics
not bad. how's the underside? left a lot of skin for you
wtf that looks awful
>Same as it is
How are you okay with this
thanks for the concern. doing OK.
jew enabler
>Anonymous 07/04/19(Thu)18:44:04 No.8
style 4
No change. I would like to have a thicker cock tho
Excuse me?
Why at 18?
You are fucked up!
Soon as I was born so I wouldn't murder them like my ancestors.
Of course I don't want to be sexually lobotomized! Look forward to death cause then won't be a sexually lobotomized freak anymore.
agree if someone came up to me and said we are taking them out I would join and be the happiest of my life; fuck living sexually lobotomized!!!!!!
medical, I hope
1) 34
2) newborn
3) mid height and tight
4) would empty my $10k bank account to be uncut.
Been doing foreskin restoration but it's a slow and difficult process
1) 18
2) When I was born
3) I think I am a 4? low and loose.
4) I'm good
high and tight
wouldn't change if for nothing, you don't like it fuck off then
Only thing you can really do is not do the same to your future kid(s). It's fucked for the current generation of 'muricans.
is it that loose tho?
here is a better pic of it
even got some frenulum too?
thanks but i wasn't going to anyway it was only done cause my parents were heavily christian but im not so probably won't
high and tight
no change
I have no idea how this thing works. What number would I be?
Circ'd at birth like all of us, but me and my friends didn't circ our boys. We're a bunch of redneck "socialists" though, so kinda probably not common.
Why would anyone do high and tight?
>like all of us
this is not normal in europe FYI. Having an uncut dick is normal here.
Yeah, no shit. You're on a predominately American message board too, if that fact wasn't obvious.
sort of cute, how big is it?
Youre jewish bud, it was a ceremony!
uh, for me it was more just they roll you into an operating room and cut it off, nothing religious about it
At birth
No idea...maybe high and loose?
I have no preference
so you don't even have a good reason to do that to someone. hoping your kind dies out
What other magic tricks does your dick do?
looks fairly tight, man
Not cut, but 3 and 5 look best.
At birth
Low and tight
I hate being circumcised, want to be 1
doesn't look too bad to me
That's tight dude, looks like they left you with no skin motion
Anyone who's preference is a state of mutilation is still deep in denial and hasn't educated themselves about it
Got it cut for medical reasons, always told myself the doctors fucked something up and that's why my dick didn't grow bigger
how small?
See photo
Love my foreskin
10-ish (medical reason)
low and loose
i dont care, but if i had the opportunity to choose when younger, uncut cuz that shit fucking hurts.
also my first gf didnt want to fuck cuz she thought it was weird, so eh
to be clear; it doesnt hurt anymore, i meant after the operation, couldnt sleep for 4 days straight and p-e was a fucking pain in the ass
its small and gay
1. 27
2. 17
3. Medium and tight
4. I like the style and being circumcised way better. Don't miss being uncut at all.
I'd love to play with that one...
1) 21
2) 2
3) High and tight
4) like how it is
Oh, I'm retarded and forgot the pic
let's see it
can't even see a scar really
>idk when I was an infant
>looks like low and loose but honestly it sits over the head a bit when flaccid so honestly just a lazy job I think
>kinda wish I had a little more not so much that I'd have that gross little nub when flaccid just to where it almost covered it completely
why at 17?
I had medical problems and also liked the idea of being cut better. Was scared it would hurt my sexual pleasure, but it had no negative effects and now my dick is always clean and no more medical problems.
2 or 3, match my dad
I don't really care, I'm fine with how it is now
got a shot of it?
What the fuck is this bullshit?
Match your dad? What? Why?
Are your parents pedophiles?
I'm fucking cut too but my parents would never do it because of matching it with my dad or anything. That shit is gay at a weird level.
What the fuck is srong with you guys?
6 but it really doesn't look it
bump for pics
1) Birth
2) infant
3) 4 I guess
4) Wouldn't change it and have no issue with the fact it was done to me.
that’s not bad
got kik?
idk but I know some families are that way
Because tradition is the only excuse for mutilating genitals
IDK, something to be said for medical necessity
>Age when cut
I don't remember. 5-8 maybe
Low and Tight
>Preference if you could change it
I think I'll go see a doctor to see if they can fix the butchered surgery. I think it can look better than it does now.
There's this huge amount of skin that looks like a beard
Low and thight
>huge amount of skin that looks like a beard
uh, what? got a pic?
Cut it so it doesn't hurt as much
Question I always wonder is would I be bigger if uncut? There was some study years ago that concluded avg uncut guy is bigger than avg cut guy
I think that's a myth
Not sure low and tight?
Uncut to see what it’s like
look different hard?
Cut your nails
leak your fav celeb
A bit?
never thought it was actually legit
Uncut here.
I can't help to feel sorry for all you with dry, chapped, deflated dickheads. I mean, why would you even consider doing a thing like this?
sorry pal most of us were circumcised against our will not much we can do about it unless theres a way to regrow my foreskin
19, 0, 1, 5
high and tight, I think?
wouldn't change it.
forgot pic
clean one
yeah, def better
This thread is full of jews. LMAO.
it's america, man. we've got a lot of cut dudes.
Didn’t answer what type but thx
>it's america,
America it's a whole continent. Pin point where you are, please.
Don’t remember
R8 pls
Oh so I'm not a mutant for having a two toned dick. Thank fuck. Also cut high and loose.
You can thank the Jews over at the APA for that one.
idk, between low and high, and tight
you posted a picture of two continents you imbecile.
ffs, you're typing in english, you know where i mean
So what if I type in spanish, russian or french?
I'm trying to be neutral.
Yeah makes sense
got a shot of the underside?
another con of circumcision is it pulls your scrotum up on the shaft, fukn hate that
8/10. nice and tight circ. they did a great job of carving out your frenulum
high and tight i guess
50/50, i lean towards being uncut
helluva angle
mad bro
low and loose i think?
looks high
Here’s what 6 months of glans coverage has done for my circumcised cock. Anyone with enough skin to pull over the head should be doing this. Way more sensation when having sex. Lots of tingles and little feels that make it more enjoyable.
pull it over how? how's it look hard now?
Just roll your skin over your glans and tape it closed. I have a cone that holds it in place. Hard looks no different other than purple glans
Anyone else get cut as a teen?
bump for this
Yeah, pretty high
Wouldn’t change it? Looks like it kinda messed up the shape of your shaft under your head