How do I (Russian) become American (US)?

How do I (Russian) become American (US)?
How do Mexican (illegal) become American (US)?

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Democrats will let you in, just start speaking
Spanish and promise you'll vote for them.

They need all the help they can get against Trump, God knows they need it

>Democrats will let you in, just start speaking Spanish and promise you'll vote for them.
Hola gringos! Quiero gringo-card. Da me gringo-card, por favor, cyкa блядь.

1 fly to America on vacation visa
2 don't leave

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If you like to eat you must find a fat white girl who loves you and to support you and vodka habit

This won't make me 'murican, because I won't be able to find legal job, thus I won't be able to get green card, thus I won't be naturalized.

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Yeah that must suck to do it legally. American area of Appalachia (Dixie) is very similar to life in rural Russia

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This is why I'm asking how the fuck Mexicans become legal, even though they crossed boarder illegally.

They aren't legal. But if their 4ft mountain troll wife has an anchor baby here they are a citizen and liberal states will let parents stay because they hate white folks and want us all to disappear

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Flight to America probably costs 15,000 rubels.

As a political refugee. For the same reason there was this massive camp at Calais in France, where all the immigrants were stationed trying to get to the U.K. Once you're in, you just need to stay there and apply for the political refugee status, and they can't kick you out. You get papers after a few years.

I believe the Mexicans are doing something similar, but I haven't looked into it in details. You should say something like you don't like the regime in Russia. Or that you can't go study at Moscow University because you are a muslim from Tchechenya and they have a prejudice against you. Etc.

Voting or working is over rated and not necessary here. There is free money and wet pussy everywhere

What if I say, that Russia doesn't like gays, and I'm gay?

This is partially correct.
They are caught and then released into the US, pending a court date with the immigration judge.
The vast majority do not show up for this hearing. Then they just stay in the US illegally.
The Democrats and media have labeled them "undocumented immigrants." And few states have sanctuary cities that ignore federal law. And in some instances , break the law to protect illegals.

Can I get H1B for wiping floors in walmart?

I quickly Googled "lgbt asylum" and there are many articles showing that it does indeed exist, although I think this might be tricky. You kind of have to prove that you're gay, and how do you do that in a country that most likely doesn't allow gay marriage?

>ou kind of have to prove that you're gay,
Sheit, I don't want hemorrhoids and relaxed sphincter...

I like this thread. It shows how ignorantly stupid your average racists is. Extra vodka ration for you, comrade.

Stay Russian my friend. East bloc whites are only hope. American and West Euros are finished. No balls. Will die on their knees begging

3 move to sanctuary city to get free housing and free healthcare.

Attached: calisanctuary.jpg (1024x768, 83K)

I'm not racist, I just call everything like it should be called, not politically correct memes, since I'm not american yet.
Czech republic is nice, except they probably have allergy on Russians.

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Racists are not is. Stupid fuck. Bet you graduated top of your class at Malcolm X high

Trump's wife was an illegal alien and he abused the system to make her a citizen.

The whole "immigration crisis" is a fucking joke.

Fake it till you make it.

>t. Pablo.
Como puedo vivir en los EEUU sin visa y mierda?

Respecto tripolitos

I don't speak Spanish trumpshit

>Trump's wife
That's different

Attached: Melania.jpg (710x932, 78K)

Even slav like me can speak Spanish. Es facil блядь.

She really is gross.

Shut the fuck up boris. I'm a white liberal progressive.

You gotta admit. That motherfucker pulls some grade A pussy. I’d vote him Emperor for life.

She's fucking weird looking.

Liberal progressive amount of cum on your face?

Private Jets and model gf's...he deserved to be pres.

so you're a homophobe too boris

No, I'm edgy.

shut up boris

Which means you are a bitch. I normally don’t engage in name calling, but damn, there’s just no better word.

She has the kind of body you can only get from childhood sports like gymnastics

too bad

you got outed boris

She looks like she'd stink pretty bad.

As a Russian, you'd have to jump through an inordinate amount of legal hoops, and endure a long and tedious legal process. You'll have every aspect of your personal life scrutinized, and will be charged for a lengthy background check, etc. Plus, you're going to have to wait, as there is a backlog of people who want to legally become a US citizen. Don't forget, that for any arbitrary reason, your application can be denied, or be subject to further scrutiny, or just plain delayed.

If you're a beaner, you just sneak (or walk) across the border, and demand free shit. Done.

Like anyone else?

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this already?


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Funny how you racists (face it, because Russians are WHITE) never mention that the reason why "beaners" (lol) cross the border is because rich WHITE men create the demand by hiring them.

You never mention this. Ever. Because it means you'd have to attack someone white.

Wait about 15 years. Because both countries are gonna go through every fiber of your being. If you have so much as a traffic ticket then it’s another five years to find out the background on that. if you manage to do all that then go to Idaho, it’s nice this time of year.

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OP the best path to legal perma residency is education visa. Apply to grad school at shitty American colleges. One is sure to accept you (say you're Muslim). Voila you got education visa. The h1b let's you work, 3 years later you get perm status.

Hmm. Education. Shit is expensive in us tho and nobody will give me a loan. Can I work (or open business) with student visa?

You are only allowed to work on campus. With masters program they often have stipend that pays most of tuition by work on research.

So what is best way to get Russian citizenship?

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Basically, the entire Democrat party (left wingers) are traitors to the country and willingly flout laws, ESPECIALLY immigration laws, and use their political clout to keep illegals here since they are overwhelmingly minorities, and minorities vote overwhelmingly Democrat. It's all self-interest. They don't actually give a single shit about refugees or brownies or any of that, they ONLY care about how they've managed to sucker the entire minority population into voting exclusively for them.

Pretend to be a Jew, Russiabro. Then claim the ebil nazis are out to get you and you need asylum here in Greater Israel. Sure fire way. If not, pay off a kike lawyer and all will be fine.

Education doesn’t get you anywhere in this country sadly. You have to know somebody otherwise that engineering degree becomes useless.

I'm a 4th generation Holocaust survivor, pls let me in oy vey

that wont work, libtards believe russians are trumps allies so they would deport him

It is obvious im not Jew, but tatarin mutt
>So what is best way to get Russian citizenship?
I dont know. I guess same as in US. Need to check it

At least the person you are replying to can form a sentence that makes sense.

The trick is to find a job where your employer is cool enough to sponsor you for a work/immigration visa. I'm sure there are better places to ask how to do this than Yea Forums.

Here it cames, today.
honestly this morning, I'm finishing (((>>>it))) shortly after sun set in the morning before my dad and mom going to wake up too ehh
>>>new world of horror
I am doing it for the sale of (((KeK))).Kek is a nigger but pinky nigger, my my whole life I am useless now I am gonna get some publicty I could NOT sleep in about 35 MOTHER FUCKING HOURS.
Goodbye each of /U/, and thank you for the great times(and the porn on Yea Forums). I'll use (((An AK46))) about 6/8 minutes might broke the godly record of 49/51 dead niggers, will be naked and fap while the dead watching (((me))) >its kek himself >>>kek

Twitch link and etc on the server/live4:

God told me TYPE: z9hkbs1whp

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