

Attached: 1564578817488.png (255x255, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

living off borrowed time the clock ticks faster


got more soul than a sock with a hole


this nigga talkin shit, i break his damn nose... before i break his nose WTF ARE THOSE

if all you got are bad vibes, get out

stop projecting

you started shit in my thread for no good reason. if you want to be a le ebin troll xDDDD then suffer the consequences cynicalposter

Are these suppose to look like screaming tribal masks or am I looking to deep into it?

they're just shoes, you took too much ibuprofen. nice dubsies tho babe




hahahaghahwhahahahahahahhaha fumny
laughing shoes
hahahhahahahahahahah ,
they are laguhing aha

usually shoes dont laugh thats what makes it funny

gwahahahahahababahahaahhahahahahahahahahh thank you yuji hahahahgaahahhahahahah


these shoes are very funny. laugh at them more

i love you juji
hahah hahhahahahhhahaha

you think this is funny? you haven't even seen funny yet

disregard that I suck cocks

dubs confirm

hahahhahahahah what i'd give to have yuji suck my cock.. haha...

I can do it... if you want. haha just kidding. lol. unless...?

where did you find that image of my soul?

Attached: c686c4d194033235b739e347a8898206.jpg (820x820, 145K)

please kill your whole family and exterminate yourself, friend

my irl shoes in real irl

Attached: IMG_20190804_072807.jpg (1600x1200, 705K)

are you a griller

oh no the poop is coming out

please respond
if your a griller I want to buy your worn shoes so I can sniffe them

whoa im reallly drunk it just hit me

rare dubs
how does it feel

i'M BETTER NOW, ask my anything

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: Heero-196.jpg (300x235, 20K)

Stop yelling, both of you.

lol, funny dubsies

lol, funny dubsies

le thank's for checking my're le dubsies

Disregard that I suck socks...

Because I am a shoe

dubs confirm that this poster is a shoe