Does this offend you Yea Forums?

Does this offend you Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

wanna know how i know you're retarded?

Only Land owning white males over 35 should be able to vote.

Yes, it does.


no. what is it?

slavery flag

How much of a soft cock Jew must you be to be offended by cloth.

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why the fuck are people complaining about a northern related american flag. that's essentially where the north was at the time.

Attacks on whitey.

how can whiteboi compete

America was founded by white men for white men.

Attached: md_2918b80f930f-founding-fathers-featured.jpg (680x287, 42K)

Nobody wants to find out.

Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in about 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start it in roughly 45 minutes. ka

Live stream link + explanation:

Attached: 1562236452.1929998.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Lol larp fag detected

Good faggot, I hope you do it because then these stupid spam posts can fuck off

All of those people did own slaves.

So what?

If black people want their own country in North America they should make one.

So it's a flag representing slave owners. You could see why black people (former slaves) might be a little pissed about that. It's not a ton of hoops to jump through to reach that conclusion. Maybe just use your head?

Checked. The only thing that's offensive is the marketing stunt pulled to make those Nikes and instant collectors item with almost no one pointing that out.

Maybe I don't give a shit?

Look America CLEARLY wasn't designed for black people.

Maybe they don't give a shit about you either

Look man I'm not going to lose much sleep over it.

I'll give you 20$ right now to start a black ethnostate in the American South East so we don't have to go through the same bullshit for another 150 years.

lots of stuff to steal?

are you really trying this?

Neither is Nike

and they don't just suck up welfare?

No I'm saying the country CLEARLY was not designed for black people. That is a fact. That's why black people shouldn't act surprised when some of the flags have questionable history.

It should be southwest, the southeast is God's country. The barren southwest is perfect for a lawless black dystopia

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Yes, we'll rally 'round the flag, boys
We'll rally 'round again
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
We will rally from the hillside
We'll gather from the plain
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
The union forever, hurrah boys, hurrah
Down with the traitor, up with the star
While we rally 'round the flag, boys
Rally once again
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
We will welcome to our numbers
The loyal, true and brave
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
And although he may be poor
Not a man shall be a slave
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
So we're springing to the call
From the east and from the west
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
And we'll prove a loyal crew
To the land we love the best
Shouting the battle cry of freedom

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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>This is the Fag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

Attached: 32star.gif (323x171, 3K)

This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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This is the Flag of the United States of America

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Maybe as a compromise Nike could do a 36 star flag? Or 40?

I’m sick of hearing all this fucking bullshit about black people .
Get over it all ready !!
You have more rights than white people most of the time!

no, for some reason it makes me want to own some people and make them perform laborious tasks for me.

This Flag may have had different numbers and constellations of stars (and once 15 stripes) but in all it's forms it is the Flag of the United States of America. It is the Flag of the Revolution and the Flag of the Constitution. It is the Flag under which hundreds of thousand of Union soldiers died defeating the rebellious confederate slave power. It is the Flag that defeated Fascism. It is the Flag that a Human from the Planet Earth first placed upon the Moon almost 50 years ago in one of the greatest achievements of the human race.


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The flag was used during Obama inauguration.

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>I’m sick of hearing all this fucking bullshit about black people .
>Get over it all ready !!
>You have more rights than white people most of the time!

Black and white heroes alike spilled blood to defend the Flag of the United States of America

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Remember, this is the SAME FLAG that offends THE IGNORANT COLIN KAEPERNICK.

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Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Attached: 5637dad6-1d61-48d6-b9f5-81e1fe4f45a3-EPA_Super_Bowl_LIII_Atl2.jpg (2971x1680, 666K)

>How much of a soft cock Jew must you be to be offended by cloth.

It's about the same as the soft cock trumptards getting offended by someone kneeling during their favourite song.

The issue is nothing to do with slavery, it is that the nazi party of America used to use that flag as their logo.

>Video unavailable. This video contains content from NFL, who has blocked it from display on this website or application.

Niggers are always going to be stupid we just got to accept that

That flag did all of that? Wow, that flag's a Chad

Spotted the low IQ libshit, go back to watching marvel movies retard

Idc if they kneel for the national anthem because it isnt their flag and it isnt their country

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They are US citizens so it is their country

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>All of those people did own slaves.
Someone should have told Obama at his inauguration.

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Suck it Krapernick

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no it doesn't

Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my mother wakes up. I haven't slept in roughly 30 hours.
Goodbye Yea Forums, and thank you all for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. bo

Livestream video link and explanation:

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That map is wholly inaccurate... I know for a FACT there are 0 black people in some of those zip-codes labeled "0-5%"...

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I wish this almost white crybaby would move to Haiti or Africa already.
He clearly hates this country and can’t let go of the past! So why stay?
Haitians killed all the whites on their island 214 years ago and they’ve been doing great ever since.
So take your nike checks and go cash them in that little piece of paradise.
If not there then how about South Africa. I’m sure they’ll respect money and your struggle for equality there.

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>It is the Flag that defeated Fascism.
Don't forget, it also defeated Communism!

>Sewn by a Quaker woman who didn’t personally own slaves.

Keep trying

eventually, we really might as well drop the US flag and split the union. it should be based on time zone and economy. the FEMA map is almost right. it would end up being 5-6 state unions. luckily arizona would never be with california. oregon might go with california and maybe washington as well. then, groupings like the one i'd be in, with the four corner states, could never be blamed for slavery.

i love this nation but nothing is forever. i brought out my folding chair i bought last year to go to this one spot i know a few minutes from the house to see the fireworks later and put it by the door. i need a nap and get up for the 9pm show.

Why would I be offended by the USA flag?


I'm glad I didn't vote for that flagrant racist

No, it doesn't offend me. But I'm also not going to throw a hissy fit if Nike decides it's a bad business decision to sell a shoe. I don't give a shit what kind of shoes anybody sells, and neither should any of you.

only to trigged soyboys

Very good point. I wondered why they would put them into production and pull them at the last minute. No doubt they only made a few intentionally, then had the whole publicity stunt to 'pull' them at last minute on a political hedge issue. Boom. Instant collector's item value.

actually kekked

>This is the Fag of the United States of America
literally lol

All these leftists and Kapernick are right. Fuck this country we should be erasing all our history and anything that has to do with that nigger president.

So we need to delete that from history? We cant talk about how we got to where we are today.. that sounds healthy

This is the flag of the United States of America.

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Black people former slaves?? Um there are no former slaves in the United states.

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