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Must have some kind of mind meld going on because they both have the same facial expression in both pics.

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If she's muslim and invites you over there are only two possibilities A) you are muslim yourself. B) she says she's muslim but she and her family aren't really that religious.
Either way the bombsquad suit is unnessesary. Unless you fear that the us does a drone strike.

Autistic retard

Why did i lose to this retarded shit?

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Lost. Cuz ALAN
>serial killer who's been caught here

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No thats just how it is.

Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in about 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start it in roughly 45 minutes. on

Live stream link + explanation:

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Why did I loose to this...\\2uVjnVV


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Discord link? Not worth but nice dubs. Enjoy death

Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that while he was standing in a busy shopping centre with her, a big black bull approached her and started flirting with her in front of him, now most people at this point would have probably told him to fuck off, but Ray is a submissive cuck with no backbone, so he tried to make a subtle exit by backing away from them, but he ended up tripping backwards and falling into a water fountain, at which point the aforementioned big black bull laughed hysterically while pointing at him with his arm around his girlfriend.

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>dad's face when he realizes that his son is not just a faggot, but a useless virgin faggot who cannot even find a dick irl

ایک نفسیات سے مشورہ کریں گے

How come you never see black school shooters?

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Today is finally the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my mother wakes up. I haven't slept in roughly 30 hours.
Goodbye Yea Forums, and thank you all for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. rU

Livestream video link and explanation:

Attached: 1562241652.717.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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Because they like to work from home

Imagine if everyone in the world recognised Ray...and then he got the shit beaten out of him.

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Post the rest of it you asshole.

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The right cant meme. This is the cringiest greentext ive ever seen

TruAdder here, anybody wanna play some Steam or Mineycrafta?

It's pretty funny, too bad the left doesn't have a sense of humor

Multiple layers of NO

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Truly based. And I'm a liberal.


they are using her as a bait and they're either gonna kill you/beat your pasty infidel ass or try to convert you.

is this hate speech?

You are all the worst examples of society. I sincerely hope everyone single one of you has to watch someone or something you love burn and then you shit yourself to death you fucking wastes of genetic material.

>It's pretty funny, too bad the left doesn't have a sense of humor
It's retarded and clearly not by a Brit. What is a "pup"?

It's meant to be a pub.

Nuts flavor

Ray needs to be beaten up.

Attached: 1541422655801.jpg (960x960, 75K)

>arable land and vast natural resources

Tell me: how many domesticable plants and animals?

Farming doesn't work with wild plants, idiot.

You misspelled “cringe thread”

welcome to Yea Forums. I suggest you leave before it's too late

Btw pic related was not actually written by an extremely pale Irishman who won a boxing bout. You know, cause you apparently need that distinction when jokes are made.

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>continent with most nutritious soil
>unable to take care of agricultural industry
>nutritious soil now barren due to nutrition spoilage
really boggles the mind

really is cringey. Meanwhile 30k dead per year in America due to guns, thousands children

Yeah but somehow every other race was able to farm. What, you thought plants just domesticated themselves for our use but only on racist continents?

>make things up
>don't know what you're talking about
>sound like a stupid racist to anyone with a brain

I see you skipped the part about domesticable plants and animals.

Is that because widdle baby doesn't know what those words mean?

Read a book. Idiot.

Where did domesticable plants and animals originate? Oh yeah, the fertile crescent. Virtually nowhere else. Read a book.

>Africa has around 600 million hectares of uncultivated arable land, roughly 60 percent of the global total.
>literally the bread basket of Roman Empire and Carthage
>Sahara Desert= the entire massive continent meme

>welcome to Yea Forums. I suggest you leave before it's too late
It's already too late for me, but you have a chance
>being this triggered

this is true, like 75% of all current domesticated plants and animals originate from that region

Just in case you thought Africans were worth their salt but were given a bad start

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>Farming doesn't work with wild plants, idiot.
One day all domesticated vegetables appeared. And the most farmable continent on the planet is a desert. So sayeth the faggot

>Africa having the most farmable land = racism
This is why centrists are beginning to vote right

Nigger that was like 10,000 years ago. Our point is every other people got around to it except Africans. Unless you're implying the fertile crescent gave the Japanese rice, the amerindians corn, and the Russians yellow snow?

Kek alright that's some good trolling

Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

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not going to read that. Too many books on my plate for racist blogs

Some plants are more suited to domestication than others. It took thousands of years and advanced techniques to get apple trees the way they are now.

Africans...don't.... farm? Wrong. Next!

Man racists and Russian shills get BTFOd so easily once you've read a good book or two.

>Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diammond

I have no idea why this is so funny

"Book book book book book book book book"
Sounds retarded? That's you. I bet you'll mention your books at your mom's funeral. Check my books bro, had to grind for this paper, let me flex my dead trees bro


Well, also kingdoms and empires with massive wealth

>That one chick with the red scarf who's kinda interested.

>*Plugs ears
>nananananana I can't hear you
But you have time to get on Yea Forums. Ok

Also don't pretend like Africa isn't one giant starving rock. Of course they "farm". Just not well. That's the point artard. They need whiteys and chinamans help because they suck ass at it. You'd know why if you went back and read that "racist" blog straight from a guy who has to deal with this shit.

I'll take a big bucket of shit that never happened for $500 Alex.


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> best thing is she's still playing along despite the obvious insult.

niggers in a nutshell

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Cute lil bubba look how happy he is

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>Don't patronize me, I know how this works
>How does this british joke work

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It's interesting then how indigenous south americans had well developed agriculture, despite being separated by a fucking ocean. Did they carefully transport these fertile seeds over at least eight hundred years of migration, including a glacial ice bridge from siberia to alaska? Or MAYBE were there other places on the planet that had arable plants? Shot in the dark, maybe even places where temperatures an soil fertility are prime for such plants. And even if your bullshit hypothesis is true, Africa is very close geographically to the fertile crescent, so you are telling me that over tens of thousands of years, these domesticated plants made it everywhere across the world except their own fucking doorstep? Stop being such an idiot man.

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Holy fucking based

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>posting a starter pack meme on Yea Forums
You have to go back.

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why does he look like the hulk?

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Welcome to /U/ (Discord Application on PC or Phone)

Rules on discord? What is this fucking reddit?
Get in here you faggots, the water is fine.

We got it all, filled with
>e-girls >faggots >Shitposts >VC >Hentai >Rates >Niggers >Fascists >Normiefags >Ass >Titties

and it's all NSFW only, post whatever you want, maybe even break the rules
Who fucking cares, we sure dont.

s9nrATH (Discord link)

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I want to hate, but really I'm just jealous

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The word is envious you dumb nigger

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I'm engaged to a Nigerian woman, and I can honestly say this is mostly correct. What he is describing is "village Africa". The picture changes a lot when it comes to big cities like Lagos or Kishasa, though many of the superstitions and attitudes still remain. But they get toned down by a sense of larger community and government. Basically, the large cities in Africa are the only thing that will eventually overcome this shitty, infantile mentality. I'm not saying people should stop aid to villages and rural areas, but they should focus on making them sustainable and letting the polulation know that if they are not responsible with what they are given, then the support will cease.

Then, the rural areas will eventually be able to support the cities properly and they will have enough resources to terminate the "smash and grab" mentality of African politics. With a suprlus, they will begin to think about investment rather than immediate gain. They will start to think about two or three generations hence, rather than one generation before. It will get better.

Attached: meirl.png (655x509, 25K)

Text is shit, that creation is beautiful.

His photoshopping skills are better than most

single dad had to use the restroom. Daughter is on his shoulders because it's the responsible thing to do. When you have a kid, there are embarrassing things you'll have to get over to ensure their safety and well being. Have fun scooping shit out of your newborn daughter's vayjay, because it will get in there. Single dad? Suck it up buttercup.

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a lot of the things said about village life, crazy communal norms and lack of entrpreneurship etc aren't very different from the way village life in europe used to be, until a few centuries ago at least. all humans eveywhere have struggled with the same, often self inflicted problems for thousands of years. the question is how to change that, if one wanted to change that, not how to insult people who are in the same spot all our ancestors were in

When will Yea Forums hurt this bad man? They could sabotage the breaks on his car or throw a brick through his window.

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give them a shitload of caffiene

I think you meant "The Left"

post the donkey fucker


Anybody have that webm where the person is like "dont get me started about the jews" and it flashes a bunch of headlines and conspiracies

maybe he just doesnt like her music

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When will you find this a waste of your time?

>implying the right don't want to help Israel

Lmao at your pathetic life

Attached: LMAO.png (800x600, 98K)

>wat did i read


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You're a faggot.

you mean they reacted just like trump when he called an investigation a witch hunt and all that?

You have been randomly selected to push this rapist in front of a train.

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Look how ugly he is Yea Forums, he's HIDEOUS.

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how is this conneted to ylyl? Am I supposed to laugh at uploader or what?

All domesticated species were once wild. Have you seen what corn, or bananas used to look like before domestication?

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Exactly, the only difference is Trump was explicitly called out and aimed at, and the jews weren't even mentioned but got uptight anyway

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Most annoying meme ever

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Ok, I'll bite, you keep saying he's a rapist and posting his pictures and shit. Where's he even located? Do you even know? Why aren't you doing what you're asking everyone to do yourself?

Honestly the makes all the sense.
Empires grow because their lands feed and sustain the hubs. Africa cannot feed or sustain their own hubs.

Godamnit salon. Is h8 based clickb8 their only viable business model?

These are actually not terribly done.

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he is so fucking based

Lost, I Ferengi

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festive edition

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mint condition

imagine being the type of person who takes stuff like this as the gospel


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Keanu Reeves

I hate you with all of me

well, this thread really can't get much worse

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Until you posted this SHIT MEME REEEEEEE

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What anime is that?

>> comic written by old white dude

Stan Lee was a kike, not white. Still funny though.

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lost im a fgt tyvm!

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This person seems mean

You need to go back.

>> Thousands of children

Most gun deaths in the US are niggers killing eachother or suicides, faggot.

I want this

nigger lover

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They exist, but it's just not newsworthy


I can tell by the thumbnail you're a faggot


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Cheese pizzzaa mods MODS

Dokidoki Little Ooyasan

Full metal alchemistelion fuuuuu

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Imagine wasting the money buying a usp when a shit tier hi point would work just the same. Poor life choices, no wonder user probably killed himself.

Yea Forums should punch his fucking teeth out.

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I knew one of you degenerates would know this.


I have never understood why people ban popular harmless drugs.

Post the "this is not a warning. Youve been warned" greentext

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Redditors are ruining this place

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Not even a single dad, but sometimes mom isn't with me and I've got the girl. Thankfully I usually have her in a carrier so I can just pee without needing to move her up like that.

And yeah, so much vagina poop.

You misspelled "shake his hand".


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Egyptians weren't niggers, nigger.

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This question and response have been posted to this board like 6 quintillion times

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This picture almost killed me. For reals and for truths xD

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Break his legs for me Yea Forums.

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Anyone got that video of the two guys getting fisted and he pulls out giving them both a prolapse. That shits a knee slapper


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I wish I could tell him that he’s a hero

Early in the morning before your mother wakes up? Where do you live that it's still early in the morning? Why wait, just get it over with now.

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always surprised how the continuously increasing levels of autism make me chuckle, every fucking time

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lost :/

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when disposing a corpse?

niggers in the future
>no way it's the worst show ever

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I was hoping it was an actual nice animu ( ._.)

bc they used up all their ammo in dah hooood

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not bad for $30.-- pretty real lookn

bet it fool those dumb cops

This only shows how shitty of a candidate was hillary.

A Paki here.
You don't need to write the thing on the far left.

i keep not reposting shitty memes
and my mother still hasn't died in her sleep, Yea Forums

what am i doing wrong??

prov it

Why is that?

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no, thats ho chi minh, -nam-ese

The only happy looking finn


bc theyr :


lead to sex & R n R,

used by illegal aliens,

need to start a huge anti drug bureaucracy and make huge $,

drugs are wanted by undesirable groups, so hassle em...


say a drug has roots in hell, and campaign for pres as the hero who'l destroy it...


Its grammatically weird.
Its like saying; 'Do consult a psychiatrist' instead of 'consult a psychiatrist' and it only sounds weirder in Urdu.
And if he's actually a paki, you shouldn't be suggesting him that anyway, he should go see a neurologist instead, for his inbred brain.

Outed : woman's hands

heh, its a she; its fake

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wipe this threat of all this trash

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nevr hapn.

In that pic, daddy dearest sheik is giving permission to

Honor Kill the filthy infidel

Reminds me of some movie i watched years ago about people growing pot in the Rockies. In the ends the feds burn all the pot. I kept thinking that if they did that in real life they would get the whole fucking town nearby and themselfs stoned silly.

you can stroke my benis balls and cheese balls son

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means the jihad demands the necks of the filthy infidels be snapped, so

the caliphate under murderous sharia law can be imposed all ovr the world

That damm whitey so racist he enslaved the animals and plants!

what the fuck am I looking at

totally juvie

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its pub not pup

the cops tortured him bc he's a homeless mental case,

and cant defend himself


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what the fuck is this

This joke fucking sucks.

thats some dark shit

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almost lost

thats a good boy

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as a brit i found this funny
your just a pussy
unless your on about the pup (instead of pub), then i get u

how u make pics appear like dat?

huh? wats w/ the foreign devil ? !

y use "greentext" ?

this is by far the worst /b i'v evr seen.


you have to flush the toilet again

fuck you