Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you

Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you

How are you all doing today, my friends?

Come get what's bothering you off your chest

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I caught feelings for a girl and realized after a while that she didn’t give a shit about me

(Sorry if this is a bit much to start off with)
A friend of mine recently committed suicide, I've known her since I was around 7 or 8 (currently I'm 20)
It's been fucking with me pretty badly, since we were practically sisters, y'know?

Life is absolutely moving downhill,uni fucking over me,parents fucking over me.It all just sucks.

coming to Yea Forums for approval is like going to north korea for McDonald's

I keep thinking about my childhood friend. I visited her every day, we hung out every day, but I was a loser at 01-18 until I got my shit together, but by that point I was kicked out by shitty parents who taught me nothing about real life or how the world functioned. I only later found out that if I had made a move, we'd probably be together right now. Problem is, she has kids now (absolute deal breaker) and I'm in a relationship of 4 years. I've reconciled this, as friend has an abusive controlling bf rn anyway, so I can't talk to her anyway. My real problem is the fact that the further time moves on, the more I think about her. It's wrong to do that to my gf but friend just keeps popping into my head and it's unfair to gf that I have feelings for someone I'm not going out of my way to be with. I couldn't ever be friends with friend rn anyway either because GF is super insecure and friend is actually pretty hot. It's a huge conundrum. I don't want advice, I can figure it out myself I just need to be able to read this first.

Speaking as some rando third-party, I hope whatever solution you come up with works best for you, and the people around you

Ah I'm really sorry to hear, friend. Maybe it's best nothing came of it if she wasn't as into you as you were with her. I hope you can learn to move on and find someone new! How have things been since you realized it?

I'm sorry that your friend got to that point in their life. I myself haven't gone through the death of a loved one, I think something that applies to everyone is that everyone goes through grief differently. While I suggest talking to people and letting out your emotions and to not bottle anything up, do not expect or want people to give you advice because they don't quite know you as well as you know yourself. Some things they tell you might not apply to you and might make things worse. Please take all the time you need to grief, especially if you saw them as so close.

Ah how have uni and your parents been messing with you, friend? Has there been anything else impacting you and your studies like depression or lack of motivation?

Mmm I don't really come here for approval, friend~

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I don’t really have any people in my life and it really bothers me. It’s always been this way but lately it has really been getting to me. I have literally zero friends, and it is a result of years of being a depressed shut-in. I used to have a few friends in high school, and I remember how great it was, but now I am pretty much on my own 24/7. Nobody to even share a meme with or anything. The only people I interact with are out of obligation, like coworkers and family. Outside of them I’m just alone in my thoughts.

My life is going by and I’m not forming any meaningful memories.

That's pretty fair. They last people I tried to talk to about it weren't very receptive, or terribly helpful, which I think is my fault, since I tend to distance myself from the people in my household (emotional reasons and stuff)
It's kinda difficult to convince myself to confide in others, when I present myself as the stoic one who'll always lend an ear and a shoulder, both in my friend's group, and in my family. It's like I've given myself this responsibility, and I'm afraid of what'll happen when I drop that facade, even if for a little bit
Perhaps that's selfish of me to be like this, I dunno

> 27, life isn't too bad.
> got a decent job, have had a few 'serious' girlfriends
> whenever i move tho, or shit goes down, they never want to commit to me. They always say they want to take time to figure things out or work on themselves or don't want to move just for our relationship
> thats fine, im okay with them wanting to have their best life. I'm just sad that best life isn't with me. It never has been. Not for any of these girls.
> maybe im fucked idk, but they all saw a better life, just not with me in it. It's fine, i get it. But just once I wish someone liked me enought to take a chance on me and see where it ended up. Hell, they might just be happy. I just wish I was someone's risk they would take. Maybe that's not for me tho

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>Ah I'm really sorry to hear, friend. Maybe it's best nothing came of it if she wasn't as into you as you were with her. I hope you can learn to move on and find someone new! How have things been since you realized it?
It was rough man, I haven’t been happy with my life in a long time and spending time with her was something that finally brought joy to my life. I thought we had something going, but she saw me as just a friend. It wasn’t quite accurate when I said she didn’t care about me, I just felt that we could move past friendship or at least be close friends. It’s honestly trivial and stupid why I gave up. I know I have no chance with her at this point, but it fucking hurt when she forgot my birthday, childish, I know. But my birthday was the day after hers and she forgot. Now if life had been going well overall it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but not even my family remembered it. That was kinda the last straw for me and I tried to kill myself but failed. Now here I am, not sure what to do; I don’t really have anything to look forwards to, but I don’t know if I still want to kill myself

ive been thru a few relationships and ive never been more in love with someone as i have with my latest ex
i always thought we were a very good match but we had to go long distance for a while and that was so stressful for both of us that we decided to split up

were still very good friends and im pretty sure shes not interested in dating me anymore since neither of us can really move any time soon but im kinda afraid ill never love anyone as much as i loved her

God I want Isabelle to sit on my face.

I'm heartbroken

My dog had to be put down a few days ago and I've never been so depressed in my entire life.

I cry every moment that I'm not working or doing something to try to keep my mind off of it.

She was such a good dog...

I've never wanted to believe in heaven so much in my life.

A piece of shit human being like me didn't deserve her

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b u m p

Ah do you have anyone online you can talk to at least? And when you say you don't have people in your life do you mean not at all or none that you are interested in talking to/keeping around?

No one is a stone wall of non-emotion, friend. I had a friend who was like that for a veeeeery long time and I think it was a lot of stress off their chest when they stopped putting up the facade. Confide in others, friend. If all they want you for is to have a brick wall to talk to then they're not friends that have your best interest in mind.

You're 27 friend. There's so much time ahead of you. Don't think of it as "well they didn't want me in their life" but more as "it's probably best they didn't move in with me because if they didn't want to commit to moving, they wouldn't have wanted to commit to marriage or kids" etc. Keep your chin up, friend. I know it's tough but not everyone finds the perfect one so soon. The only time you have no chance is when you stop trying

Ah it's not quite trivial that someone forgetting your birthday makes you upset but know that care and love extends far far far beyond that kinda stuff. It took me 8 years to remember my best friend's birthday and even then I forgot it this year haha. That's not to say that I don't love her or that you shouldn't be upset that they didn't remember but try and think about all the other things going on in a person's life for them to think of a specific event for a specific person, even if it is at such a convenient date.

I'm sorry that you got that low friend but no person is ever worth taking your own life. Why let someone else living their life ruin yours? It's not fair on you at all.

I'm sorry for the really late replies, friends

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I've been sad lately and want more friends to shoot the shit with, but I also think I should self improve before trying to socialize so I'm not so bitter and possibly more interesting.

Also if you'd like, you can join our discord server which is basically people from these threads who decided they'd like to chat to me/each other outside of the threads. Lots of great people who get along well! Just let me know~

Mm if you couldn't handle long-distance despite being so caring of each other, do you think if you threw in things into the mix later in life, such as a business trip when you're married or something, that it'd be any different?

I'm glad you're still great friends though! Maybe if one day you do get the opportunity to get back together you could~

I'm really sorry to hear, friend. Dogs should never pass away. I'm glad you realized the pain was too much for it and put it above your own feelings and emotions. It's a very selfless act.

Take all the time you need to grief, friend. You 100% deserved and that's obvious from how much you miss her and love her even after her death.

Ah I'm not sure what you mean, friend. Do you mean playing games? And isolation is never good if that's what you're going for until you deem yourself "improved enough for socializing". If you'd like, you can join our server too! We have a bunch of cool people who you could chat to. You can pop in and out of conversation whenever you like~

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Shoot the shit as in idle chatter. I'll give the discord a shot in the future, but I feel shy and lame at the moment. Thanks user.

Dk9GPz if you'd like to join :) I just ask you read the landing page.

Why, friend? What's brought you to this point? Surely there's SOMETHING worth continuing for? Please have a chat before doing anything drastic.

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Well if you'd like, you can add me personally at IsabelleAnon#1212 and you can chat to me privately. I don't tell anyone anything said in private, even with your permission, and I can give you the discord link later on~ :)

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Aw sweet, I'll send a request later today since I'm about to fall asleep. I really appreciate this!

That's perfectly fine! I hope you sleep well and I hope we can get through your shyness :) Sleep well!

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Hello user how do i gain more confidence in myself i always put myself down may you instill some wisdom to me?

Ah well why do you bring yourself to begin with, friend~?

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I think it has to do with the fact that i hate myself and i dont know why. I dont have any reason to hate myself i just do and it messes with my confidence.

There's got to be a reason you do it~ Even if it's a reason you don't agree with or something subtle like being conditioned into doing it for one reason or another.

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Isabelleanon! It's been a while, really glad to see you back. I joined the discord a while ago but there was some discussion I didn't really care to see and I bailed, sorry I didn't do anything to keep up.

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Ah hello again, friend. Do you mind if I ask what the discussion was~? And yeah I was banned for a while for goodness knows what reason but I'm back now and will be making threads again haha

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I have confessed my love to a very good friend of mine and she said that our age gap is a problem ( I'm 19 she is 23) I told this morning and I feel like shit I don't even feel like going out of my house I have been sitting here all day long

By the way thank you for your kindness I hope that yourself are doing great my friend it is hard to find someone that is willing to listen to the problems of others and discuss with them about it. Please always remember that you are an amazing human being

I did multiple all nighters for a coding project only to realize that the professor put a typo when he said he wanted it in Java. Will possibly put me a year behind in college.

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It's been long enough that I don't properly remember, but I vaguely recall it was someone being surly and complaining about "faggots", and I wasn't in the mood for the negativity.
It was an extremely minor thing, but it just wasn't an energy I needed, y'know?

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My guy if you dog was loyal to you and looked after you you are not a "piece of shit human being" you were what that dogs best friend and I'm sure that if dogs could talk she would have told you she liked you so much even death couldn't bring you apart. Death is a part of our lives it isn't the thing we look after the most but just remember that you are suffering but if it was you that would have been gone your dog would have suffered as well don't put yourself down friend I truly hope that you can tilt you head back up and swim up the strong current I would hug you but I'm kinda far away but I'm sending a virtual hug buddy much love

Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my mother wakes up. I haven't slept in roughly 30 hours.
Goodbye Yea Forums, and thank you all for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. RK

Livestream video link and explanation:

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Ah heartbreak takes time, friend. Rejection always hurts if you care about the other person. What won't help is staying in your room and bottling it up. Feel free to cry, feel free to let out your emotions.

Ah thank you friend and I'll only remember that if you do too! Not everyone takes time out of their day to say something so nice to someone they don't know :) I hope you are doing well, too~

That must have been one heck of a typo! What language did you write it in? I know that C++ and Java are very similar if you need to translate them. If it took the professor a while to correct it, you could try and use that as a reason for a slight extension?

Ah I know what you're talking about and it was a conflict between 2 people that I didn't appreciate all too much. One of them is gone and talk of such a thing has completely ceased since. I'm sincerely sorry that it put you off so much but feel free to add me personally if you ever need someone to talk to or another invitation! Both of which are available if you scroll up a bit to :)

Woops forgot Isabelle! It's not an Isabelle thread without me forgetting a picture, right? Haha

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I mean I didn't appreciate the conflict, not the people!

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>At uni
>Girl who is a covert narcissist, so she already has connections with the people in power at school
>Be friends until second year of uni
>A new girl joins our group, as she has been retaking courses
>Narc friend doesnt like her, as she thinks that everyone who is mediocre doesnt have the right to be there
>New girl starts to hang out with me
>Narc friend starts to hate me by association
>Narc friend gets this new girl kicked out
>Narc friend is not biased towards me anymore
>Narc friend starts convincing authorities that I do not deserve to be there
>I get kicked out at the end of 4th semester
>I do what I can to not get kicked out, and I make it back
>I tell everyone about it and the shit that I have seen her do at everyone's back as I spent a lot of time with her before
>Everyone starts hating on narc girl
>She starts playing the victim on facebook and watsapp posts

I feel a sense of pride and regret. I didn't wanted to get down to her level, and even some teachers believe the bullshit that she is spewing in regards of playing the victim. I just don't know how to deal with this, as she has been damaging my reputation because she knows that I am the one who showed everyone the truth, and she is fucking untouchable because of her connections with the authorities.

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Please don't do it I don't know what is going on in you life but please don't do it. If you do it what would your mother think? She would be devasteted do you want your mother to suffer? She has raised you she gave you her life she is a part of sunshine on the dark times of our lives I love my mom don't you love your mom buddy? If so listen to me and don't do it brother there are some times that we are down to the ground but just keep on headbutting destiny you can do it brother there are better days ahead much love

Pretty stressed, I have a big exam today and I got only 4 hours of sleep, I'm dying trying to study while staying awake.

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Isabelle always asks how we are doing but never have i asked how you've been doing. So how are you?

Don't worry mate, just give it time.

Sure, I'll talk.

1. There's blood in my shit. Like, a lot of it. I know it's an anal fissure because the blood is bright red and it hurts when it happens. Pretty sure it was caused by a massive shit I took a few months ago and made worse about three days ago when I took another similarly massive shit. I'm still waiting to be assigned a family physician and I keep worrying I'll get some sort of hemorrhage and die from bleeding out of my ass.

2. My younger brother seems to be sinking into alcoholism. He drinks so much he blacks out. Often.

3. I think my mother might be starting a sort of dementia and is being abusive to my father.

4. I realized that my parents ever only loved me because they felt like they didn't have a choice. They still want me to pay back over 8k for supporting me during my studies. Meanwhile, they bought a fucking house for my brothers.

5. I live in a shitty one room apartment, have no friends, no car and a dead-end career, buried in debts. Been like that for 9 years.

6. I'm fat.

Hi again isabelle user!
Just here to say hi.

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In DC for the weekend visiting a friend. We've flirted and made out before a few years ago but havent seen each other since. We are both single now and I'm not sure what to do in terms of getting her in the same bed with me. She's not looking to date and neither am I. What do?

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This thread still going on?

Bleh sounds like she deserves the hate she's getting. Reputation only lasts so long. Once you leave uni, just like highschool, you won't be talking to most of the people you do now. If the teachers start taking part in student politics then they are just as childish as the girl hating on "mediocre" people. I hope you still talk to that new girl, friend.

Bleh sadly it's a copy pasta trying to recruit for a server. No point replying to it

Best of luck with your exam, friend! Try and put in 110% for the tiny little time left before the exam and once it's over you can get back to resting.

I am sleepy! Haha. And hungry but I'm too sleepy to eat so maybe I'll make a big breakfast. Thanks for asking :) How are you, friend?

Fatal hemorrhages are the absolute worst case scenario. An extreme majority of them tend to just be an annoyance. Best of luck with that though

You could try and invite your brother in to live with you maybe on a pull-out bed or something? That way you can get some help with the rent and you can watch over him at the same time.

With your parents, if they're going to be that mean to you, they don't deserve your love or respect. They can try and harass you all they want over the arbitrary 8k for supporting you but there's absolutely nothing forcing you to pay other than yourself. They can take it to court and would have no case against you because it's just a dumb idea haha

And the first step to losing weight is aaaaaalways the hardest, friend. Try waking up, putting on shorts, making a small meal (or even something like a small cup of yoghurt to fill your stomach a bit), fill a bottle of water, and just going out for a walk. See how you feel from there!

Hello again, friend~ Glad to see you again :)

Ahh I would have no advice for that, friend. I apologize! Maybe someone else can help?

Not for long, friend. It's late and I've been up since 4am haha

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Character limit, sorry. What's on your mind, though?

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Just tell her the truth there is no point in waiting if there's nothing to wait for just tell her that want to connect with her but just in an intimate way I with you the best of luck bretheren

Oh it's okay then don't no biggie. Get some rest then.

Probably the same person I guess so the message up applies still.

I wrote it in java, was meant to be in C. Some differences in writing and referencing abstract data types, which is what the project was meant to be about. We did get an extension and I'm hoping that I can translate fast enough.

About to do that now haha

Ah hopefully it's not too drastic and I'm sure searching up your problems could help haha. Best of luck, friend!

I'm off to bed, everyone! Thank you all for stopping by! See you all tomorrow :)

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Feeling better talking to you it is also getting late and im getting sleepy as well. Might go to sleep very soon i have a big day of traveling tomorrow. Anyway threads like this restore my fait in humanity dispiet it going towards the enevitable chasam of destruction but i will dwell on that another night.

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Sleep well Isabelle user!

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Gn isabelle user

not gonna lie, it hasn't been great, only recently starting using Yea Forums for stuff outside of /p/ and /k/ and even then didn't use it much. But as of recent i have been feeling overwhelmed and have seriously been considering suicide. I don't know how to fix it and there is not even one big overwhelming thing to pin it on. I just don't see i future that doesn't involve me pulling some dumb stunt like Etika and jumping off a bridge.

whoops they gone now anyway oh well

I can't invite my brother like that, he lives 200 km away and has a job back there.

And I'm losing weight. Just extremely slowly.