If you're upset about the casting for the little mermaid live action. don't watch it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

If you're upset about the casting for the little mermaid live action. don't watch it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you're a grown man and you care about the little mermaid, you have bigger problems.

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>Doesn't care about ginger erasure

Hey that doesn't look like Ariel.

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Shut up libtard

I'm surprised they didn't make her a boy.

Definitely not a plausible candidate for new r34

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>being an adult
>caring about Disney for any reason beside your own offspring.


They did the same thing with anny. They are trying to get rid of gingers #gingerlivesmatter


lmao not only is she a nigger, but shes ugly as fuck and her fucking eyes are crooked and too far apart. disney really took the cake on this one. all the disney live actions have either been mediocre or just straight up terrible anyways, so i really give a fuck, but its still hilarious how blatantly edgy theyre trying to be with this casting

I feel the same way about the rewrite of Black Panther with a white lead actor.

I would simply prefer we keep the eyecandy actually being eyecandy. I have no desire to put my dick in that woman.

I just find it hilarious all the sjws coming out in full force to defend this blatantly horrible decision. If they turned a prominently black character into a white, theyd be crying racist

The hot scantily clothed women are the only things that help me get through these stupid kids movies. Just daydream about fucking them until its all over.

I can't do that with the slutback of notre dame.

Niggers can't swim. Hollywood is doing this to kill her.


I've come to look at hollywood and cinema as an extension of California, and thus, evil and retarded.

hey, Disney, cope!
>who even watched the gay Aladdin movie
the Booty and the Beast movie was a fucking travesty. How can you take a classic with amazing music and ruin the entire legacy of Disney musicals with 1 fucking movie?
Spoilers: Emma Watson was the beast
>with her terrible vocals and massive forehead.

dont forget that horrific candlestick that was the stuff of nightmares. worst cgi ever

if you lived here i think you word choice would be more pointed

china town was confined to china town scott was dominated now i'm watching street signs and shop signs in Spanish. English as a second language classes have less competition and having Spanish as a resume bulker means those that are intersted in having the best resumes end up there. This compounding effect grants esl students greater access to education resources.

california is in trouble, from a loss of language

lol its true. like 70% of the jobs i was applying for had 'spanish speakers preferred' or 'must speak spanish' as a requirement

the annex of mexico plus the lousinaa purchase both areas were already occupied by english speaking colonist

You guys can get fully buttmad about literally anything. Hope they don't make one of the Teletubbies grey or you'll start your civil war. Gb2 pol snowflakes lol.

>california is in trouble, from a loss of language
chicken little wassup

It's just Disney endorsing the Aquatic Ape theory

the sky is falling from the rednecks up high


How did the ginger turn into a nigger?

Nigger can't be mermaids because we all know niggers cant swim.

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No rules active Yea Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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If she had yellow gleaming dangling dark tits?????

Wow. So edgy. Really pushing the boundaries here.