One of my cable channels is running every Trek series back-to-back each night...

One of my cable channels is running every Trek series back-to-back each night. Been watching it for about a week now and I can say in all honesty that the Enterprise theme song is about the worst thing out of any Trek series. Worse than Wesley, worse than Janeway, worse than the Enterprise series itself. I would probably like the Enterprise series a little better than I actually do if it weren't for that goddamn song.


That being said, I think I'm enjoying DS9 the most. I watched all the TOS & TNG episodes, never really got into any series after those. But I'm kinda digging DS9 now.

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I tried watching Enterprise. Can't get into it. And you're right about the intro song. It's terrible and doesn't fit the series at all. What the fuck were they thinking?

I think DS9 actually has the best story of all the series. All the others are just kind of disconnected between episodes. There's an overall story for DS9, and the characters develop quite a bit.

ENT Did have the worst theme ever, and having to hear it before each episode make me not want to watch the show. I believe there was even a lot of fan complaints and a petition to get the song changed, but the producers refused.
The characters also felt the most uninspiring of any of the series. I found them all irritating. except for the doctor. Flox felt like the most genuine.

Back when it was airing i only got myself to watch about 2/3rds of the way through the first season then gave up on it. It was only about 3 or 4 years ago I finally sat down and watched the entire series on netflix. Of the 6 ST series ENT is dead last to me (in fact I try to forget it even exists).

Whats your favorite song pally...

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I wasnt a big fan of voyager either although i liked the doctor character.
Ds9 has become my favorite too.

Okay, that fucker got annoying. Should have been one episode and done.

Lol yea the intro song is about as random as the images they show of the army and shit. Still want to fuck the shit out of that Vulcan girl though.

Way to Eden, brother!

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It's been a long road.

Getting from there to here

worst episode of star trek ever

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You’re telling me after watching a few episodes you didn’t sing along to the intro I admit the intro is a bad edit mess but damn that song is catchy af. ITS BEEEEN A LONGGG TIMEEE

>cable channels
are you from the past?

Upright Citizens Brigade?

The Doctor was easily the best character on Voyager. Quark was best on DS9. Garak was kinda fun, too. Dax (both of them) were easy on the eyes but totally sucked as characters.

The characters on Enterprise are all pretty weak, but I do kinda like Tripp. T'Pol is hot as shit, but I'm really not all that invested in her beyond the T&A.

DS9 was new at the time (for Star Trek) in that they did an overarching story. I liked it the best.

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he sure loved drinking his own piss

I dunno, did you see Threshold?

Yeah, I kind of am.

TNG was best. DS9 just kept the TNG light burning with a new idea... basically copying Babylon 5, but doing it better.

Really? The episode of ENT of the main plot point of Yoshi trying to figure out the tactical officers favorite cake seemed to be the low point imo.


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I like Voyager. I know it has it's flaws, and the writing was the most hap-hazard thing ever, but I still enjoy it.

Characters like the Doctor and Seven really helped make it good. And it had some pretty great episodes, like Course: Oblivion, or the Year of Hell two parter.

I've seen this episode. It's where Jethro becomes a beatnik and tries to get Granny to fuck Mr. Drysdale

Everyone in my family is super into Star Trek, I was even named after a Star trek character. We all agree the ENT is legit the worst of the series not only was the theme shitty, but the story felt even more disconnected at times than voyager. Almost none of the characters were interesting, IMO.
Also, best movie, first contact, fucking fight ne

Which character were you named after?

Babylon 5 was shitty. it was like if Xena was SciFi

>Which character were you named after?

There's a part of me that loves every single episode of TOS, but yeah, that was not one of Trek's proudest moments. Still better than the Enterprise theme song, though, by leaps & bounds.

I don't remember them.

I worked with a chick named Kes, her parents were big fans of Voyager apparently.

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I like the Shran episodes.

oh, you like homoerotic chinese cartoons. nevermind.

>We all agree the ENT is legit the worst of the series
Worse than Discovery and its magic tardigrade spores?

I’m actually shocked no one else liked the song. I thought it was catchy and sounded good.

dude, better than Wrath of Khan? I liked First Contact, too, but no way it was better than Wrath of Khan.

The interactions between The Doctor and Kes were really cool. I hated the thrown in romance between Chakotay and Seven.

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seriously though the ONLY thing that wasn't excellent about b5 was that wooden post they got to play Sinclair.

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the only thing good about it was the bald clown guy and the lizard hating eachother. everything else was buns.
>Farscape looked better and I thought Farscape tried too hard
Lexx was tight though.

best 3yr old in sci-fi. so sad she left, especially after we got to see her real hair

I don't know why they didnt have Chakotay and Janeway get together. And Seven and the Doctor.

Seeing whats become of Kes' actress is really sad

it was like everything shitty on the radio back in the 80's and 90's. but people like what they like.

I watched like 3 episodes of Voyager. I hated every character. The doctor is the only character that isn't dogshit. fuck Voyager.

lol you have the attention span of a flash bulb. stick to your mindless episodic crap with no character development or any sort of plot advancement cept maybe at the season end caps (and then all's forgotten as soon as they close the cliff hanger)

You need to settle down.

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I thought Londo and Vir were the best characters on B5. Especially loved their interactions.

>lol you have the attention span of a flash bulb.
oh, sorry, I guess I should enjoy shitty acting and dogshit cgi while squeeing over Billy Mumy in a bald cap.

Kes is by far the worst character.

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a nigger vulcan. I completely forgot about that.

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Londo and the Lizard guy had the best story lines. Londo reminds me of Quark, and Quark was easily the best part of DS9

luddite haters ASSEMBLE

would have blasted them from orbit, even the children

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why wasn't seven of nine's costume a bikini?

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>why wasn't seven of nine's costume a bikini?
because her tits would sag to her knees and she had no ass

Going by Vulkan climate, I'd expect more black skinned vulcans.

>I'd expect more black skinned vulcans.
refugees welcome... it's only logical, comrade

I was skeptical about a black vulcan, too, initially. Why would an alien species have the same racial types as humans? Shouldn't vulcan minorities be like purple, or some exotic color? Something different?

At the end of the day it's about suspension of belief. I never questioned Worf being black, but I guess niggers and Klingons are both pretty violent. But Tuvok turned out to be a good character, and the actor playing him was good. Arguably the best logical portrayal of a Vulcan since Spock.

Yeah...but the theme song they used for the "A Mirror Darkly" episodes makes my fucking dick hard

>At the end of the day it's about suspension of belief.
everyone should be a nigger and that's ok. afterall Africa lead mankind into space...
>day of the rope when?

Why do people shit on Voyager. It was so much better than DS9. The first half of DS9 was so shit, it always felt so contrived every episode. TNG always had such nuance and detail and personality with every episode it felt like it was done AFTER DS9. The last seasons were terrible for TNG directly because of how crap DS9 was doing.

Except for the 4 lights episode.

If you are attempting to embarrass me, you shall fail.

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the entire show is shit. kys

her chin has a bigger ass than her ass.

It's a cute little bum.

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more like 7/10

heres how the opening theme song was supposed to be done.

No, I agree with you in principal. They tried to make a black Annie and it was a disaster. I heard they just cast a black girl to be the live-action Ariel in the Little Mermaid remake - it's going to bomb not because people are racist, but because Ariel wasn't black. If you made her blonde people would think it was stupid. The only reason at all to make a Danish fairy tale character with an already famous look/appearance black is straight up political correctness.

If they remade the Princess & the Frog and cast a white girl who could sing with a little soul, imagine the outcry. Seriously, liberals would shit themselves - AND RIGHTLY SO.

I remember Black Annie.. like niggers want to watch a fucking musical that isn't just twerking and trap music

I'm I can't watch any of that shit. Glad you have it at least.

Better than Netflix tho

That theme song killed the series. I honestly believe that. Not being snarky.

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No rules active Yea Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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Agree completely. The Star Wars franchise is pretty much fucking itself already, but imagine if they replaced the theme music with an Ariana Grande song (sung by someone who wasn’t actually Ariana Grande).

man-face midrift the totally legit alien
>Gene Dingleberry is spinning in his dumpster.

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"It's only logical that I wear makeup and bear my taught tummy, captain"

I've watched some of the OG and all of enterprise. Maybe an episode or two of DS9 and Voyager. I liked what I saw but didn't really go back for more.

I've got faith, of the heart...

Also Voyager and TNG are the best. Kes is OP Tuvok is best Vulcan and who doesn't love Neelix?

Enterprise intro song is cancer, yes. But the first season or two had promise and that promise could have turned into the much talked about Klingon vs. Romulan war. So much potential lost.

yea brother

It should have been porn.

Wtf does that even mean? It’s trash.

i'm going where my heart will take me.

This looks boring. How can anybody get into it

They were all pretty shit in the early seasons, DS9 became my favorite overall though TNG had the best captain.

I did enjoy the updated first contact borg in voyager. TNG borg were actually pretty shitily designed until FC.

FC is most definitely my favorite star trek film.

I've got faith to believe

I can do anything

>FC is most definitely my favorite star trek film.

>not "Captain Kirk saves the whales"