Need some good syfi movie suggestions

Need some good syfi movie suggestions

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this one is pretty good I think

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The Void was pretty interesting in the end, Strange Days is a proto-cyberpunk movie that was pretty good

A Clock Work Orange, Moon, 12 Monkeys, Looper, Zero Theorem.

Event horizon, starship troopers, predator, videodrome

Actually, you have to be more specific. Are you talking old Sf, new, soft? Good is too broad.

I second Event Horizon really good movie. Pitch Black and Riddick and The Dark City.

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Dark City is underrated AF

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Seconding Event Horizon

really great movie

2001: A Space Odyssey is considered one of the best.
The "most boring interesting movie you'll ever see" as one of my friends puts it.

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As a child the sound that the Black Monolith made haunted me for years.

Enemy Mine (1985)

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Minority Report (2002)

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Moon (2009)

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i know these feels

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Flash Gordan, Original Day the Earth Stood Still, I prefer 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

i came here to post this.
>I really like when the alien bursts out of his chest

i've seen this once on TV back when I was a wee lad. I should see it as an adult.

>mac wants the flame-thrower
>mac wants the what?

it's not SciFi but it's fucking great.
>don't look up anything about it. go in clean.

Attached: Hereditary.jpg (675x1000, 86K)

Love me some somber boring shit

>Alright,you alien assholes. In the words of my generation...UP YOURS!

Charlie falls into anaphylactic shock. As Peter drives her to a hospital, Charlie leans out of the window for air and is decapitated by a telephone pole.

Joan teaches Annie to perform a séance to communicate with Charlie. Annie convinces her family to attempt the séance. Objects begin to move and break, terrifying Peter, and Charlie seemingly possesses Annie until Steve douses her with water. Annie goes through her mother's possessions and finds a book with information about a demon named Paimon, who wishes to inhabit the body of a male host. In the attic, Annie finds Ellen's decapitated body with strange symbols on the wall written in blood. Annie shows Steve her mother's body and the sketchbook. Annie begs Steve to burn the sketchbook so she can sacrifice herself to stop the haunting, but Steve assumes she has gone mad. When Annie throws the book into the fireplace, Steve bursts into flames.

Peter awakens to find his father's body. Annie chases him into the attic, which is decorated with occult imagery. Levitating, Annie beheads herself with a piano wire as naked coven members look on. Peter jumps out of the window. As he lies on the ground, a light enters his body and he wakes up. He follows Annie's levitating corpse into Charlie's treehouse, where Charlie's crowned, severed head rests atop a mannequin. Joan, other coven members and the headless corpses of his mother and grandmother bow to him. Joan, addressing him as Charlie, swears an oath to him as Paimon, stating that he has been liberated from his female host, and is free to rule over them.

lol. you have a lot of time on your hands to make up such a shitty story.

Hi everyone, I'm here to fuck shit up: Sleeper, The Double, Black Star, Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind, Predestination

Then you should not see Hereditary.

>Then you should not see Hereditary.
why? it's tight, there's this box that grants wishes, and with each wish it kills someone close to the protagonist. eventually it kills, well I don't want to spoil it.

Not a true horror movie, but still really good psychedelic shit
>Altered States

>Altered States
fucking gay. they turn into bad FX and thrash about an apartment. WoooHooo it was soo deeep, man!

Weak bait.

>inb4 why i dont know what u mean im just saying what the plot for hereditary is

Ghost in the shell, the fifth element, logans run, the bladerunner series, titan AE, end of evangelion, halo legends, riddick series, max headroom:20 minutes into the future, district 9, tetsuo:the iron man, interstella 5555, and armitage III are all gud

lol, you just mad you never saw such a sweet fucking movie.

>titan AE
get fucked. Boring AF \ 10
>saw it in theaters as a kid and it was boring then too.

>riddick series
a bunch of dumb shit with a mush-mouthed meat-head. nothing makes sense; it's all in service of the next action set-piece.

Hereditary? The fuck are you talking about I loved that movie.

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then why are you whining about it?

I fucking suggested the movie you twat.

yet here you are bitching about how terrible it is. samefag somewhere else, faggot.

I can't make this any more simple for you, retard.

This is me Here's a bunch of "you's"

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it wasn't even watchable when MST3K did it

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>hurpy durpy

Here's proof.

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I gotta admit you're quick with the shop skills, I guess. Still a samefag. But a quick fag nonetheless.

nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.

nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.

>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.

>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.

>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.

agree with this user hereditary is dope

>>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.

>>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.
>>>>nice shoop. took you long enough, and I can see the shopped pixels from here. you didn't even do it well. holy shit you suck at subterfuge.

does this count

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I actually love Darren Aronofsky movies. The only one I regretted seeing was Black Swan. I like Mother. if you go into it blind then it's actually pretty fascinating. so many critics ruin movies for themselves then blame the movie.

Someone got triggered. Yikes.

I like Captive State. Hotel Artemis was fun, too.

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good on several levels

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Oscaar Isaac's performance makes that movie even more than the robot's

... no thanks. it looks really shitty.

No rules active Yea Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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why does she have zits above her gills?

edge of tomorrow

they changed the title for home video to "Live. Die. Repeat".. i know. dumb. the movie was pretty damn good. I really enjoyed it. it went on a little too long though.

>Oscaar Isaac
Nobody talks about Domhnall Gleeson. Nerds see themselves as Isaac's character, not Gleeson's and it is hilarious.

Nothing against you, bro. Just saying.

i'm saying that you kinda hate Oscar Isaac at first, then you realize he's redpilled, and the "protagonist" is a fucking dumbass, but Oscar Isaac's character picked him specifically so he deserves his fate. too bad his death was really dumb, and out-of-character. he should have been more afraid of his creation than the soy-boy he hired was.

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trailers ruin movies. I never watch trailers. I watch movies based on reccomendation, directores, actors, etc. I get stinkers, sure, but trailers ALWAYS ruin movies for me.

I always wondered how the dancing worked in that scene.
>Did he rehearse with the robot?
>Or is it that he programmed the robot and so knows the moves himself?
>Or is she just matching his movements because she's a robot?

Personally I like the last option. He's just dancing and the robot is able to predict/match his movements so well it looks like they're in sync.

Contact is probably my fave film of all time.

People shit on that movie but I liked it a lot. I did not like McConaughey's character. I get why he was there but I wish he wasn't.

it's called AI. she was the first iteration of cunt-bot, and she sucked at manipulation and was too submissive. he made cunt-bot 2.0 and it worked.

"i'm your alien daddy!"

JJ Abrams best movie to date.

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it's not great, but it has it's moments, and I'm glad I watched it.

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almost looks like a Tool album cover

I agree, not great, but still interesting enough to watch. Would probably be better on drugs with all the colorful imagery.

Based and redpilled

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the climax scene was pretty great. the monster that screams was awesome. it introduced me to
which is a great song

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Ahead of it's time by decades!

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fake tits count as SciFi

lol. Gorilla Martian, known as RO-MAN

>I think this still counts as SciFi
One of the best Arnold movies next to Total Recall.

Pitty humans!

This is a co-play hole waiting to be filled!

forgot pic

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I nostalgia'd

That movie is always fun to watch.

that movies made me think of The Cleavers from Leave it to Beaver surviving the apocalypse.

Of all the Aronofsky films I hated PI the most. Film kinda depressing and not even making sense to me and that's strange being a math student myself.

Harland Williams is great.

Sub Zero! Now! Plain Zero!

i loved The Fountain. Still love it. There's only 2 scenes that really irritate me.
1. He's talking about his cure for death, or whatever, and he explains it as "two lover together" and it's cheesy as fuck.
2. when Hugh Jackman proclaims he will find a cure for death and storms off from his wife's funeral like a toddler.
>I still wish Aronofsky would have directed "The Wolverine" as was planned. that would have been really interesting to see what Aronofsky could have brought to it, plus his relationship with Hugh Jackman could have elevated it even further.