Singles take a seat

Singles take a seat
Dubs may explain themselves
Trips walk free

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And quads ? Do they get a harem of lolis ?

lets roll

alright taking seat

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Hi there

What am I here for?

Hey sup, you here for the free ice cream too?

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This chair better have some padding.

OP is a dirty negro


Dafuq this meme doing here? I thought you died...

Pedo never died from prison


I think you know what you are here for.

Why don't you take a seat?

Uh, I just accidentally walked into this house.

Get in the fucking chair pedro

I was just coming to get something to eat!!

user.......I've got the screenshots!

Excuse me sir, have you seen a loli nearby?

This isn’t the pants off party?

oh no

Why exactly am I here?

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