What does Yea Forums think of humanity?

What does Yea Forums think of humanity?

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Why are you asking stupid questions user?

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Because i want to

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a failed test, were stuck in an age that we do not wish to leave even when faced with a serous danger a danger that can be tackeld in a weeks time but we rather cross our fingers and continue to collect currency while we pullout everyone's brains and fatuously gang stalk a guy who was minding his own business. It's quite the thing.

Why not

The blood makes us human, makes us more than human, makes us human no more.

We're a horrible evolutionary accident that loves to destroy thing while pretending to exist on a higher plane.

things, dammit

Oddly divided - I've seen absolutely brilliant and kind people, and I've seen people dumber than hammers.
Eh, what can you expect from a primate with too small a frontal lobe, and too large an adrenal gland.

It's going down the shithole since the 90's

And before that it was not a shithole?

Quite a silly thing.

I mean, humanity as a whole? Burn it to the fucking ground, not because “we’re harming the planet” or “there’s too much violence and evil.” I just think we should do away with humanity due to world wide societal/cultural decay. But in regards to like specifically America I think a healthy dose of cultural fascism, political destruction and full deregulation of the free market would do wonders. I don’t know much about or really give a fuck about other nations though. But yeah. Just fucking burn it all.

W>What does Yea Forums think of humanity?


There are too damn many of us.

It progressed since WWII ended, slowly, maybe even a little too slow for some, but it didn't seem rushed.
Now, it's just so many things going on all at once, we have too much information but know nothing.

Not much. The earth would benefit greatly without us.

we are very rare and a great opportunity, we should appreciate those around us even if we hate them, as carl sagan said you won't find sentient-ish intelligent life like us anywhere, a needle in a haystack.

so be proud we are here today and living, breathing with blood flowing through our bodies and unlimited opportunities. once we are gone, that is it.

I've got mixed feelings. On one side, I see their potential and what they could be. I can show love to them, even if I don't know them. I desire brotherhood with them all, regardless of country, place of birth or whatever. Then on the other side, I hate them all and want to watch the world burn. I desire an end of the world scenario where you, I and everyone else finally fucking bites the dust and dies. So, pinpointing my exact feelings is a difficult thing. I feel so many things in the way of man. Some sweet and some very bitter.

We're the only animal (or living thing in general) on the earth that isn't pointless.

i agree, but.. family and friends usually put a chain on it.

if i had lost all them? sure.. let it burn, unless i was a billionaire or the likes.

I love you guys and I hope you love me too.

None of us asked to be born into this unfair world. I bet a lot of us even wish that we weren't.

I hope everyone's brief flicker of light on this planet was worth it, no matter what happened during your time here.

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I think it's a loose definition based on what a society values. Often abused by people who want power.

Personally, I want to kill everyone around me. That would imply I lack humanity. But humans are terrible creatures that need to die. Everyone hurts and it'd actually be very humane to put them out of their misery and illusions of happiness.

Weak people in large groups invented law. I envy the strong who are willing to break the chains and kill.

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We are all constantly suppressing animal tendencies and that is why we feel constant pain and desire.

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God, my sides! Stop it, you're killing me here...

I really try, but im loosing the hope

i live in a shithole but good country (chile) and here the fuckings "x-gens" were mentally destroyed by Pinochet. Like, almost mentally disabled but good workers.
And our politicians and the owners of this retarded country only wants to drain all the water to plant more potatos and extract more copper, leaving us with the most intense drought in our story.

So yes, i don't have so much hope

Okay, no mental problems here

99% of humanity is very irrational. We are not far removed from apes and our instincts are more powerful than our intellect still. Most everything we do is being guided by a desire to live one more day, avoid predators and procreate.
Almost nobody makes long term plans, our political system is set up to reward short term thinking.
We are apes in shoes but we very likely are the only intelligent life with an advanced civillization in this galaxy at least.
With our current level of technology, we could colonise the entire galaxy within a million years and create technologies that could mean our species could survive even the heat death of the universe by several billion years.
Instead, we squander our resources and the window for doing these things may well not last forever, could be only a century or two.
We need to git gud fast or we may just be a small footnote in the universe's history. A footnote that nobody else may know ever existed.


>99% of humanity is very irrational

Stopped reading here.
I suppose you're in the 1% that's not irrational, right?

Bite me.

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summing up all of humanity into a 1 to 10 rating.
I don't know why this made me laugh so hard.

I did not say that.

Meh some are good but most are assholes

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Sorry. I'm working on it, friendo. Doc has me on pills and starting therapy soon. Been hard getting back into civilian life. Doesn't help when people are so easy to hate.

Do you think we could start moving on as a species if everyone understood what you’re saying and worked for humanity rather than personal gain?

By humanity, you mean whites, right?

What branch brotha? I’m getting out in a month or so. Not ready whatsoever

We are pretty good at destroying ourselves.

Does this affect the argument?

Or is this your ego speaking?


No everyone

Depressing but what depress me the most is people trying to take the moral high ground. Convincing themselves they are a good person. Those are the people I hate the most

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I'm not going to read an argument where someone starts off saying that 99% of people are "very irrational". I suppose I'm part of that statistic, right? Why are you writing your opinion to a "very irrational" audience? What's the point?

Once again, bite me.

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Do you think at this current time humans are ready to accept and understand that the current way of life needs to be uprooted and changed?

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It's a kind of virus made to repair a main problem in the Universe, which is not meant to contain life.

4th Infantry, 11b, C Company. Was working my way through jump school when I fucked my spine.


Target practice


That is not a very rational way to address an argument. QED


Then I think that "he" is annoyed that a bunch of cells is runing its nice and huge mechanism.


Yeah we're cool organisms but just a few subtle characteristics make us easy to manipulate. We piss it all away.

Extremely overrated and unnecessary

I was an 0331 at 3/4... getting sepped for heinous reasons lmao

They told you to stay away from those child-wives. Nothing but trouble.

You're gonna miss it man. Humans aren't meant to live in peace. You might be lucky enough to get back there. I've never worked with a mercenary. But they're all over the place.

Pretty "meh" as a whole. Doritos Locos Tacos are alright though I guess.

pretty cool i guess

It sucks. It's full of dumb fucks, and the only remedy is death. Which is sadly illegal.

You're too graceful. 2/10.

Release the genophage

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90% or so of it deserves to die.

Humanity was never good. You can't bring back old /humanity/.
Jokes aside, I wish most of the earth to be wiped away in a tsunami. There is no value in just being alive. If you're on this planet just to multiply then fuck you. Get us into space. Make more room for your worthless children, at least. Sick of everyone crowding this garbage heap of a planet, so much so that I would happily die if it meant as little as half the world dying alongside.

There are too many fucking jews, muslims and niggers. Get rid of them and we would be much better.

>What does Yea Forums think of humanity?
We are programmed for greatness but are being intentionally misled by a pack of power hungry misanthropes.

They're okay individually, but collectively they're assholes

Why a tsunami? Seems pretty fucking random.

Most people are assholes individually as well.

What a stupid, primitive mindset

You need more than a few individuals to pull off a Rwandan or Cambodian genocide

Because it gets the job done.

damn, your perfect plan was defeated by a long gradual slope

Pretty dumb

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