[s4s] daily nof*p thread #5

dis thread is for all of you who want to stop f*pping! u ar not alone. there ar a bunch of us here who r willing to support one another. beating addiction is hard so lets do id together!!!!

pls share tips and tricks dat work for u. and if u slip up dond be ashamed to share it so we can identify the problem and help u in the future

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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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ahhh I wanna suck a dick~

its ben a hoooooole 1 week since i f*pped!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!! da urges ar getting stronger but i will stay strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote a bash one liner to play nine porn videos at once. Have i reached a new low point?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

just fapped a few hours ago...god i feel fantastic

I'm pretty sure if you don't fap regularly you are very likely to get testicle cancer


horny levels rising i want unleash that beast but im fighting it :D

first of all its prostate cancer. secondly that claim has just as much evidence as the claims that not f*pping is healthy

hoep u fellas manage tto get it 2geter
gud uuork frens!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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you can do it fren! try distracting urself as much as possible! if u find urself looking up p*rn/h*ntai/other nono things, watch a movie/show you've been putting off instead! or u can play video games or talk to frens!

good luck!

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i got some evidence you're a bitch

based virgins

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big thanks fren!

a b*tch is a female dog lole

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that literally means like i think you shouldnt do sex

me too here's your badge bro

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hello retard

OOOOH! ITS TOMATO COOL FREN! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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helno frem~

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thanks i censored it so it's safe for work :-)

big thank!!!

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gud uuork dere
u're sso thoughtflel

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i think we should dedicate this thread to tutuposter since he created nofap threads

Attached: [mottoj] Hana yori Dango - 12 (R2DVD 768x576 x264 Hi10p AC3).mkv_snapshot_03.51_[2019.08.03_20.26.28 (768x576, 61K)

yeah good idea what's your highest streak tutuposter

11 days

Attached: 19. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_12.34_[2018.10.06_00.48.43]. (960x720, 286K)

that's way higher than doremiposter LOLE

ooh very nice!

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i am neber afraid to fight green electric man because i know his strength is lower because of masturbation an wen he try to spin as ball toward me i block an advance an throw an low hard kick an he cannot eben get up an i laugh an defeat an kick hard until defeat again!

good thread I'm on day 1 thanks for your support

beating is hard so lets do id together

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