Let me show you how an interstate works....for you dim-witted fuckwads camping the left-lane
Let me show you how an interstate works....for you dim-witted fuckwads camping the left-lane
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Faggots, in Germany you have no speed limits
This is America! I’ll drive how I want to drive
You had to be the asshole in front of me in the left lane this morning...I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!
What so fucking hard about this?
Except that is wrong. The left lane is for passing, it's not the "fast lane" like you braindead zoomers think.
Learn to drive.
The #1 lane is the fast lane you fucking dumb shit. I build roads and stripe them. I know for a fact you're a fucking idiot. #1 lame is the hammer lane.
Look at this thread. Cage culture is toxic. Stay mad cage rage cry baby wage slaves
If you're the guy riding my bumper on an open road instead of going around, you bet your pansy ass I'm gonna drive like a piece of shit!
speed limit is the same in all lanes, maybe you should stop trying to break the law before Trump deports your ass?
You're what's wrong with this country
Hahahaha found the cuck
>user just likes to chill in the middle lane and is totally oblivious to others trying to over take
Stop doing this, seriously.
People who own personal daily auto are retarded cogs. Their opinions and eotions literally do not matter.
Learn to fucking drive. Anyone who tailgates or gets "Stuck behind slow drivers" are retards who have no idea how to drive. They only know the pedals accelerate and decelerate and the wheel turns. Like a fucking child. Get off your fucking phone. Turn off your fucking radio. WATCH THE FUCKING ROAD. And lastly, LEARN TO FUCKING DRIVE.
This man is correct, fuck you guys
did you just assume his gender?
You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.
This thread is currently reading 19 replies (not great, not terrible).
How do you pass people? By going faster than them. Try thinking before posting for once in your goddamned life.
Can you guys try looking around you.
Us bikers are trying to stay alive but you retards lumber about carelessly, like blind elephants.
Welcome to /U/ (Discord Application on PC or Phone)
Rules on discord? What is this fucking reddit?
Get in here you faggots, the water is fine.
We got it all, filled with
>e-girls >faggots >Shitposts >VC >Hentai >Rates >Niggers >Fascists >Normiefags >Ass >Titties
and it's all NSFW only, post whatever you want, maybe even break the rules
Who fucking cares, we sure dont.
s9nrATH (Discord)0-2
You're worse than a hobo who shits on the bar floor. You are a roach.
wear a helmet pussy
passing means you are goung back to lane 4 after you passed some guy. Not staying there indef....
It is called defensive driving, you are the weaker one, try not to appear from behind large objects, real life has no x-ray hacks
thats not how it works.
1 is for everyone
2 is for everyone that needs to pass by someone on 1
3 is for everyone that needs to pass by someone on 2
4 is for everyone that needs to pass by someone on 3
4 is also for people who want speeding tickets or drive in a straight line constantly at night so they fall asleep and crash.
This. Never stay in lane 4 once you passed any other dumb fucks out there, you dumb fucking cucks
boomer cog wageslave
I don't drive in the middle of nowhere. If there's one car I wanted to pass, there's going to be a hundred in front of him going the same fucking speed, and I'm going to want to pass all of them too.
Is that because you're really important and have places to go and people to see?
>wear a helmet pussy
yeah, I do.
>It is called defensive driving, you are the weaker one, try not to appear from behind large objects, real life has no x-ray hacks
I wear bright, fucking, yellow high-vis shit, stay as visible as I can, but then there's always at least 15 drivers on my commute fucking about on their phone, pulling into my lane, opening their door while I'm filtering and being generally unaware.
It's almost amazing, if it wasn't so life threatening.
Lane 1 is full of people entering and exiting, speeding up and slowing down.
Lane 2 gets the people that are moving out of Lane 1 to let that happen.
In many places, trucks are restricted to lanes 1 and 2.
I set up shop in Lane 3 and go 9mph over the posted speed limit, only using Lane 4 to overtake slower people in Lane 3.
If anyone doesn't like that, learn the fuck how to drive. Cause i'm doing it right, and the rest of you suck shit at merging and passing.
Also if you are overtaking someone at 1mph faster than them, you're fucking doing it wrong. Accelerate temporarily and pass them, don't spend 3 minutes in their blind spot slowly overtaking them like a fucking moron.
>Accelerate temporarily and pass them, don't spend 3 minutes in their blind spot slowly overtaking them like a fucking moron.
Holy shit this. You are NOT being safer by passing slower. You are being a fucking RETARD.