What do you think about Nike pulling these American flag shoes because of Kaepernick?
What do you think about Nike pulling these American flag shoes because of Kaepernick?
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Kapernickel is a pathetic fuck and Nike are doing everything to destroy their brand. In 10 years time business students will be taught about the company Nike, and how they fucked themselves up so badly.
it's a sign of the times and incredibly pathetic that one pompous little antichrist has so much control via a simple tweet
Except at the University of Oregon (Nike U). There they will be taught that the small-minded bigots drove the great Phil Knight out of business due to their racist, slave holding beliefs.
First off, they are just flat ugly and i'd have never bought them But to pull them because some faggot called them racist is just stupid.
>What do you think about Nike pulling these American flag shoes because of Kaepernick?
>Pissed off because American Flag
>Doesn't have an issue with the black soles
>Complains about "Muh 1776 slavery"
>Takes money from a company that still employs slave labor
Dumb nigger is just looking for another 15 minutes
Stock is at a near all time high
>nike ded soon
fuck off retard no1 cares about how your feel feel get hurt when people point out americas racist past and how it should be nothing to be proud of.
They won't be taught anything because they aren't going anywhere. None of the people upset at this are their core market.
Publicity stunt
I am confident that without ready access to this particular footwear, American police will suddenly cease their spontaneous assassinations of people who are black in public.
>I am confident that without ready access to this particular footwear, American police will suddenly cease their spontaneous assassinations of people who are black in public.
Nope, niggers will still nigger
You know, Nike COULD have a point. Even if I thought it was dumb I might take the time to think about their message. But they basically have slaves in other countries doing the work for them lol. And that's whatever, do what you have to do I guess. But don't go acting like some moral authority while doing that bullshit. So Nike can fuck off.
What you mad beciase a back man is more valuable to Nike then a racist old flag? You mad much whiteboi
found the nig-nog
In case you didn’t notice already nobody gives a fuck what kaepernick thinks, he had his 15mins of fame and now he’s just another nigger in a country full of them.
Pretty stupid, Nike continues to disappoint me.
Idk, seems like you dipshits are focusing on the wrong fuckin thing again, as usual. And honestly, the way shit has been going in this country of dipshits, who can blame you? A tweet by a dude your twitter feed tells you to despise says something you don’t like about a shoe company that has long been using child labor to make their shoes and the thing that makes you bozos want to cry like the bunch of faggots you are is colin fuckin kaepernick or whatever his name is says he doesn’t approve of the design? Goddamn.
If niggers are so offended and ashamed of anericas past then maybe they should all fuck off back to Africa.
boycott nike
Nothing wrong with child labour, at least those kids have jobs, which is more than can be said for most niggers.
The amount of triggered cuckservatives has been pretty damn funny. Otherwise I don't give a fuck about it.
i don’t get why they don’t just put 50 stars cus using 13 stars just makes the shoes look old
Not gonna lie, I love my Nike Free flynits. You fags can eat a dick.
Welp... Time to burn my air monarchs and go buy some new balance
White of course
I’m going to email Nike my idea for their next shoe...
they look gay as shit and had zero resell value, therefore only asshurt autists would ever care about not being able to obtain these shitters.
No rules active Yea Forums server, get the fuck in here already:
>gay as shit
>zero resale value
pure speculation
Who in the fuck wears nikes as an adult?
I don’t even care about the politics, just have some self respect and get some adult shoes.
yes, just like how eating shit is subjectively tasty. you like it, that's fine, but like i said, people who aren't autists would care to do so.
Wildly underrated comment. Especially that last one. That alone proves what a talentless, attention seeking fuckhead he is.
And what kind of hood kid is named “Colin” anyway
People who prefer to be comfortable instead of conforming to what some idiotic definition of “adult” means.
I wear Supras daily.
Ah, so there’s YOUR opinion, and the wrong opinion...gotcha champ.
I mean honestly, how many of you troglodytes would’ve actually bought these anyway?
no, there's my opinion and then there's the opinion of a shit eating autist who likes shitting things.
it's pathetic that you don't seem to want to acknowledge that some opinions are clearly not going to be shared by most normal people. i don't like getting stabbed, but some people probably do. i'm allowed to say that getting stabbed is stupid as fuck.
based user
>spontaneous assassinations of people who are black
liberals lies
As a white man living in Memphis I'm here to tell you only non-caucasions wear Nike.
>its a non-issue
It's all about the bottom line to large companies like this. NIke has gotten free press from this, and will probably see an increase in shares again. Large companies will always pander to those in power and with the loudest voices since it makes them the most money. I don't blame them either, I too love money
Sure kid.
very true, only basketball Americans wear nike, white americans have stop buying nike for years already
It’s like that in Canada too, except it’s the scumbag Indians/gang members.
I got some news for ya, nobody fuckin cares except a bunch internet trolls.
No rules active Yea Forums server, get the fuck in here already:
Nike is the largest shoe brand in the world, as well as in America. What you've said shows your stupidity, and don't go calling me a lib because I called you out on your bullshit
Nike are the Original Cucks(R)(Tm)(C), son. Their cuckery far predates many of the newfags on this very board!
True master race is Adidas 3-stripe, even though Adidas hates gopniks.
Though, why Nike would release a shoe with that flag in the first place is well beyond me, Nike being what they are as a company and all.....
2019 murica
>how dare this company do things I don't like
every snowflake in this thread should fuck right off
>'black' man raised by white parents in white culture realizes his professional sports career will be short lived and does everything he can think of to become the biggest attention whore/victim player in the history of athletics
Colin Kaepernick is a massive faggot
Nike is an aged celebrity still clinging on to what fame and reputation it has left.
This is true. Nike is a nig brand. They murder each other over them shits!
Remember, we live in a world where posting a picture of a child with a flag was used as proof that the ACLU is racist.
Holy fuck, that's racist!!
Wait, why is that racist?
jew know why
this sounds like something an angry, ignorant conservative would say. Nike is the largest shoe brand in the world, as well as america, they won't lose that title anytime soon
Here's the ACLU admitting their guilt in posting that picture:
I still have no idea why it's racist. Maybe the toddler committed genocide in preschool or something?
go outside more, nerd. i also live in memphis, heart of the city, everybody wears nike dumbass.
Because USA is not a country for white people
nein! Do jew?
What does the flag have to do with racism?
Because slavery existed when that was the official flag. It's sort of a variation on a post hoc fallacy. Very small-minded shit
Fuck Kapernick. Those shoes have become rare collector items thanks to him
>slaves of fashion
Nah, they just make really good comfortable light weight running shoes man.
Kapernick was getting lazy...
So Nike makes a shoe for him to complain about.
>Publicity stunt
It really does look like one. Especially happening right before the 4th of July.
These shoes released 6/29 and Nike issued the "official recall" 2 days later on 7/1. I'm extremely curious to find out how many stores actually had these in their possession and what kind of size run the stores who did get them received. A 4th of July themed Air Max 1 would have been produced in massive numbers and if release date was slated for 6/29, shoe stores would have received their shipments 1-2 weeks prior. Meaning hundreds of thousands of these shoes would have already been produced. While some reports claim the shoe was recalled, many others say it was "cancelled", implying there are shoe stores out there who had yet to receive their shipments. This being the case points to a total planned publicity stunt, as there's no way in he'll Nike wouldn't have already had these things ready, shipped and up for sale PRIOR to the 4th, if they ever intended in really releasing them.
Also, when Nike makes these kind of shoes with special logos, etc. They're almost always released in "packs"; ie: different models of retro shoes sold seperatley that all share common materials, colors and the same specialty patches. As far as I can tell, this Air Max is the only "Betsy Ross" Nike. Lots of little red flags standing out for someone who knows the sneaker industry relativley well.
I'd also be curious to see the production dates on the tags of "leaked" pairs. Most sizeable sneaker runs are manufactured 5-9 months prior to release. Only small batch runs have dates very close to the release date of the shoe.
Let's call or visit some shoe stores and ask if they received these shoes and if it's possible to see them. The "recall" took place 7/1, chances are any store that did get these (and I'm sure a very select few stratigically did) likley wouldn't have them shipped back out for return yet.
the only sneakers that matter
>pic related
>cdg supreme collab
>mfw i actually used to think these were cool
Yeah those are about ugly as shit I never liked em in the first place
This is already known and not up for debate
>implying you poorfags can afford it in the first place
They’re not expensive lol sounds like you’re the poorfag here
Not all of Yea Forums are basement dwelling NEETs. Some of us do have a well paying career and financial stability
I think it's a marketing stunt to make these ugly fucking things an instant collectors item.
>$228 retail shoes
I wish I could reuse my cringe gif ()
again, because I mean it about 10x more right now.
Yeah fuck you dude. I ain’t reading all that
Doesn't matter to me. I dont wear nigger clothes anyways. Niggers have been and always will be beneath my white greatness. Even with all the handouts they get they still struggle because they are worthless sub human garbage and with out handouts to support their exsistance they'd go extinct. They cant do basic math, basic reading basic farming ect. Let alone do science. In 60,000 years of their existence they invented a stick. That's it.
He’s probably some 16 year old kid who has to ask mommy and daddy to buy them for him but they won’t buy them
post what's on your feet now kek
I don’t wear shoes in my house retard
Now I can't stop imagining some 16 year old sitting at his closet picking out the perfect "expensive" outfit to wear while posting on Yea Forums.
But if you must know some of my shoes here’s a screenshot of my order when I got the TS 1s I also have the TS Air Force Sail
>nigger shoes
lmao stop posting, nerd
I mean faggot asked me what shoes I have when he’s going crazy over some CDG AF1 not to mention I sold them on GOAT for 900 easy flip
Shoes aren't one use. Let's see how this goes in the next year or 2.
What are you trying to brag about here? The image you're using, if it's even yours, is from a Nike sales confirmation email. Not only did those shoes not have an expensive retail price tag ($175), they were also released via raffle, so you getting them would have been pure luck.
You're bragging about winning a raffle for $175 shoes?