

Attached: 062.jpg (700x466, 31K)

Imagine putting money in your mouth. Filthy

Hahaha. Not in the least. I'm white.

>american who doesn't have plastic money which is cleanable and lasts longer

It doesn't look like jelly. Probably doesn't taste like jelly. Looks and probably tastes more like money however one advantage you do have is that most stores will give you jelly in exchange for money.

God no, I'm white. I would never be jelly of a filthy fucking nigger.

Attached: ilovebeingwhite.png (768x768, 267K)

how low must be your IQ to be jelly of subhuman monkeys with the IQ of a chimp

You can't be jelly of your own property

People scratch their balls and cough in their hands before handling money every day. By the time it reaches you its covered in bacteria. But I've seen some of the shit you call food over there so I guess it's normal for you

this nigger gonna get aids from putting money in his mouth. good mate.

I chose to invest my cash into assets that give me a 10% return on investment.

its a nigger one more strain of aids wont make a difference to them

right, but you can wash it before putting it in your mouth like OP did

>over there
you have no clue where i'm from other than "anywhere besides the US" you retard lmao

No. And who did you steal that from, Jamal?

We literally owned you and viewed you as property... What do you think?

Why the past tense?

Cause some goddamn retard decided that you're entitled to human rights or some shit. I don't see it but whatever

You do realize they are still owned, right?
Financially. They think they're free, but they're not.

Mad white boi

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Not really. I can afford a phone that takes considerably higher quality pictures than that.