Gay is just a fetish, albeit a socially acceptable fetish but a fetish none-the-less

Gay is just a fetish, albeit a socially acceptable fetish but a fetish none-the-less

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leviticus says the same thing about cotton-poly blends, shellfish, bunnies and vegetables.

hint: the jews from four thousand years ago didn't know everything.

Also, rarely mentioned is the fact that the old testament of the bible only applies to the jewish people.

If you're not jewish, the bible isnt ABOUT you.

>Lev 18:4
>You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances

There is a difference between moral judgements and ordinances. Leviticus 18 has only moral laws that are specifically called as abominations and that you blood will be against it/you will die etc.

The passage you bring in comparison is in a chapter on customs and culture laws, like if an oxen is killed accidentally what the fine is, would equate to something like traffic laws today. No mention of the abomination part.

While I always get a good laugh when a literal fag interprets the Bible, it tries googling it, you are unknowledgeable and it shows.

Goal Posts

Read the Book of Ruth, that's about a lesbian the Old Testament, even.

> mfw lesbian sex doesn't involve inserting a penis into an asshole

is cuddling with another dude a fetish?

Romans is still pretty clear that gay sex is sin (atleast when two guys do it, which is understandable since only faggots like those, whereas lesbian sex is kinda hot for both lesbians and straigh males)

There's a bit in there that says if a man, on his wedding night, finds his new wife is not a virgin he is permitted to kill her.
That would make Technical Virginity* quite popular, I reckon.


What if you're both standing in a back alley, buttfucking? Youre not laying with them. Also sodomy is a sin so you can't technically lay with man same as women bc you can't buttfuck women. And dudes don't have pussies. Ergo cum in that boipussi

>don't lie with men like you lie with women
so if you don't lie with women you're fine
it's saying being bi is hella gay and makes you a massive slut, pick a side and don't have sex unless you're married to person you're havin sex with

>While I always get a good laugh when a literal fag interprets the Bible, it tries googling it, you are unknowledgeable and it shows.

they can interpret it any way they want. the problems of goat herders from six thousand years ago are very different from the problems we face. there's nothing in the bible to suggest which nvidia card is best for gaming, for example.

lesbianism wasn't invented in 1974, you know.

but we both said "no homo"

no decision you make needs to define your identity
the very notion is as ridiculous as “coming out as a Ford owner”, or “coming out as an Apple fan”
just make your decisions and keep them to yourself, nobody else gives a fuck what you like to do but if you try to force us to start taking an interest in any part of your life, whether it’s your Ford car, your Apple phone, or your gay cuddling, we will beat the fuck out of you because we don’t want to know about your loser life

Coming out as an Apple owner and coming out as gay are the same thing.

Who the fuck is this guy Leviticus and who CARES what he thought?

exactly the same thing
just because affiliating with a “community” gives you a fuzzy feeling inside, you are still just making a choice, denying that reality is part of your mental illness

Who cares what an old book says?

also bible is irrelevant

Buffchoggins McCornybundle quabbaltolpher hurgusburgus.

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why to retards read the bible and actually believe the insane things written in it?

Acts states that all gentile converts to Christianity are not subject to the Old Covenant, newfag. They only apply to Jewish converts/Jewish Christians. This is why you can not have a mutilated dick and eat lobster rolls.

no, goal post defined, OP took the shot and missed.