Why do democrats support open borders

Why do democrats support open borders
>INB4 Democrat says "I dont support open borders" yet wants to get rid of ICE, let all beaners that claim to be refugees in, not deport illegals there are currently here, etc.
Like I don't understand. It's actively voting against your best interests. I mean not that voting republican necessarily is, but dems are much worse. The ideal situation is one where the government offers UBI, universal healthcare, and that kind of stuff but also doesn't support immigration. The job of the government is to work in the best interests of its citizens, not to work for foreigners.
>But we need beaners to do cheap work
no we don't. beaner labor will be automated.
>but muh population is slightly declining
then we should create a USA where people want to have kids and families, not replace our people.

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>beaner labor will be automated.
Nigger when?

probably in the next few decades

Lol ok retard

youre a retard nigger.

i bet you're rustled trump lost the ability to detain asylum seekers, huh?

so, we need beaners for the next few decades then

Doesn't matter I'm just waiting for Russia or China to rush in and take control. Can't fucking wait

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Why are you so obsessed with the American government serving noncitizens? The only purpose of government is to serve its citizens you absolute nigger.
No. It will create more dependents and slow the development of automation.

> The only purpose of government is to serve its citizens you absolute nigger.
well it isn't doing that, so we need some people to help make it so

Yeah you're right. It's not doing that if it serves foreigners and big corporations instead. Why do you want it to disregard its primary objective?

because you're such a faggot


Your white kids and grandkids will live under a massively corrupt spic-run "American" government that favors spics and treats whites like shit. Your grandkids will be mowing lawns and cleaning pools for rich spics. If you're white, your future is fucked.

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It was Reagan the great Republican actor who passed the Immigration and Reform Act, 1986 that would punish employers who knowingly hired illegal workers. However, big companies then just hired contract labor releasing them from finding out if they were illegal and illegal immigration rose as a result of this act. I don't think a republican president can do anything but help big business and the rich. Whatever the news noise is about, immigration is already rising because of what Dump is doing, and until he was caught last year, he was still employing illegals on his properties.
So you Dump supporters keep howling like monkeys about the evils of brown immigrants and your politicians will keep getting them 'yer jobs' with less pay because, you support them doing it.

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never claimed to be a 'Dump' supporter, you retarded nigger. I claimed that republicans were better on immigration.
>'yer jobs'
why did you put 'yer jobs' in quotes. Once again a nigger move becaues I never said anything like that.

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crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor. so, I'll treat it like the international version of jaywalking.

>Why do democrats support open borders
Because about 80% of all donations to the DNC come from Jewish mega-donors.

The same Jewish people who are dramatically supportive of open borders for western countries, but for some reason don't support the same open border policies for Israel.

Really makes you think.

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Are you a retard? You understand that the legal semantics don't matter. Allowing these 'people' in fundamentally violates the purpose of the US government: to serve the US citizen.

I don't see my rights diminish at all, honestly. How does another person's existence in my country somehow subvert the government from serving me.

It's like the old argument where free black people somehow diminishes white people's rights.

Because the distribution of government resources is a 0 sum game, you absolute retard. Not to mention the fact that these beaners come over and ruin the culture of the USA along with voting for politicians only who hate white people and implement pro beaner policy among other things. Why are you so obsessed with allowing beaners in?

Waiit, you didn't point out how the government stops caring about me and the brown people subvert the white man's rights.

Because the government is spending resources on noncitizens therefore not fulfilling their primary objective: to serve their citizens to the fullest possible ability. What's so hard to understand about that you dumb nigger?
Now you tell me why you are so obsessed with letting in brown people.

>therefore not fulfilling their primary objective:
please elaborate. I need examples.

There seems to always be one picture omitted. Don't worry, I got you OP.

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>open with false premise
>preemptively complain about people calling out your false premise
Yeah, I'm thinking you're 15 years old.

Calls you a dumb nigger but has no valid examples

... but i don't support open borders
however it should be easier to emigrate here

The fact that you think every undocumented immigrant is a “beaner” proves that you are useless and should be aborted.

Keep believing everything your god-king says you fucking sheep. Why don't you learn to think for yourself.

It's a russian troll or a low IQ low wage incel. There's really no fruit in engaging with them.

Y'all are pretty dumb. They want open borders because social security is going bankrupt. They ran it like a ponzi scheme from the start and it's on track to run out of funds in 2035. They know raising taxes enough to pay for it would either cripple to economy or enrage voters maybe both, so they're trying to increase the tax base. There are some other benefits too. Unskilled foreign labor will rely on the social safety net and as such will vote for Democrats. Business wants the cheap labor that won't complain about anything. Middle class and poor people want cheap crops.

It's not some sort of esoteric conspiracy. This is the economic model the support. Tons of poor people on benefits. Why wouldn't they want this?

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They want more voters, not too long ago Cuomo passed a bill granting illegal immigrants drivers licenses in NY. Look it up.

t. spic

>but dems are much worse
by what possible metric? historically dems are better at basically everything except making rich people richer and they're not complete shit at that either

Suck more donkey cock, faggot.

yeah see, you got nothing on that. GOP exists to grab billions for the wealthiest elite, everyone else can go die as far as they are concerned

>>> Why do some democrats support open boarders.
OPs question corrected.

Question and response.
Why do some republicans want to ride the country of jews and blacks?

Same answer to both: Because they are clueless shitards and thankfully only a small percentage of our countries population so their extreme views don't matter.

Make sense?

The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

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