I've been refraining from jacking off for 1 week in an effort to defeat my masturbation addiction

I've been refraining from jacking off for 1 week in an effort to defeat my masturbation addiction.

Help me celebrate this milestone because the next one is gonna be two weeks. I don't wanna stop until my nuts are dry. Vainilla, hentai, traps, lesbian, futa, loli, shota ... I don't care, just dump it.

General porn thread.

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Celebrating your attempt to stop masturbating by masturbating

You’re pathetic

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That’s not how it works

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Chad NoFap vs Virgin Fap

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Frogs are nice

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Ass or boobs

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you do know that masturbation is healthy? it is the porn that is the problem.. you should quit that

Masterbation is unhealthy for repeated amount of use

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Breaking in Tim

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High heels!

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But it's too much fun

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Yeah until you longer are able to feel pleasure because you fucked up your body

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needs more shota tbh

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Yeah that's pretty ironic. Take it from me, in order to cure your addiction, you need to quit it cold turkey and possibly replace it with something else. My mother quit smoking and she started drinking coffee instead. Hasn't smoked in 20 years. Nor drank, she quit that the year prior. Oddly when she started smoking.

>posting smelly shotas

The best kind

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How are you supposed to quit masturbating cold turkey? That's like quitting smoking cold turkey with a cigarette permanently in your mouth

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Like any addiction, you just do it.

This gif reminds me of a boy I know irl

where the fuck is all of the shota

Another man of culture

bros i jack off once or sometimes twice a day, is that too much?

jealous I cant draw

I was doing it 5 times a day. Every single day. I know that's too much. If only because of the ammount of time spent doing it.

My last nut was 21/06/2019. Tonight I'm going to fuck.