Trumpism is Fascism

Trumpism is Fascism

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Leftism is LITERAL fascism.

both of you don't know what fascism is, go back to school or read a book, ffs

This pic is giving me a boner

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100% this

>a civic nationalist is a fascist

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its unmistakable when you see it.

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Clean decent girl who can handle a gun vs. a dreadlocked heroin addict liberal feminist who doesn't believe in shaving/bathing/working?

Riiiiiight. Let me think on this one.

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Ya I do. It's the President of the USA.

How many times a day are you going to post this????


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And he makes it look good!

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boxxy- Queen Forever

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you're ignorant and uneducated, pls stop posting

Not like you're disagreeing.

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if only you knew the truth

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Fascism: a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.
UNited states has fit this this description long before trump.
Radical right wing: even DNC is right wing
Authoritarian: america is an oligarchy
Utranationalism: Chirldren are reprimanded if they don't stand for the pledge in the morning.
dictatorial power: the feds
forcible suppression of opposition: Propaganda is legal and independent news is silenced all the time by mainstraim media
strong regimentation of society and of the economy: be a good slave at your job and by the newest iPhone.

The Drones hunger for blood

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fuck me I typo'd the shit out of that.

Obama fired more missiles in the last weeks of his presidency than Trump has fired so far

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Just waiting on the killing to start huh?

ya, he is a neo-liberal war hawk. That's what the establishment does.

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Watch more Beau

you mean autism

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Politics is for brainlets no matter what side you're on. You're all brainwashed.

still mad about that election kid?

you need to leave

still mad about that election kid?

Can't be. /is literally autistic and thinks he's a downie

can't go 5 without bringing him up

he did five this morning

You dont know what fascism is.

>claims your beliefs are wrong and/or bad
>wont elaborate beyond "it's bad"

aw shit, here we go again.

Ya, but it's not just DICTATORIAL power, but also a CULT of the leader. Remember, that Allies won WW2 because every single fucking message sent always ended with HEIL HITLER. It's not just a meme, it was a common saying.

Trumpism follows that closer. We liked Obama but no one was making suicide bomb jackets based on what he said.

>You dont know what fascism is.

I never said it was wrong or bad. Many of his followers like this.


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