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Who gives a fuck.


Black "men" are animals. What else is new?

he wasn't disrespecting the military he was trying to bring attention to police brutality... two different things that some people don't get

Shitty attention whore QB who decided to start his SJW whining the same week he gets benched for sucking.

Black panther detected

You dont get the part where he said " Im turning my back on my flag and country because of injustice." Thats disrespect towards the flag and country.

Hillary voter detected

i don't get it. when did kneeling down become a gesture of protest. it's always been a sign of submitting.

Police brutality is a pretty serious issue. We could raise the standard for recruiting new police officers, perhaps an aptitude test before hand that is designed to test the intelligence of the applicants.

I don't get american football. A game made for commercial breaks is a little over the top for me.

....and I suppose sucking Putins cock on the world stage is as American as apple pie, huh you fucking jew?

How does he put on him helmet?

>that wasn't disrespecting the military
>disrespect towards flag and country
So you agree then it wasn't disrespecting the military.

Hes a liberal semi-black person. Intelligence isnt their strong point.

It's a game where masculine men get to see other masculine men in tight spandex pants tapping each others asses.......and drink beer

With the same lube they use to rail your moms rectum

He didnt do that Hitler and even if in your wildest dreams he did it still wouldnt be considered disrespecting the flag.

that's not even got anything to do with intelligence. that's is pure emotion. kneel before anyone and you're submitting to them.
>kneel before trump
>that will show the trumpanzies
>10k people show up and kneel before him
let's make take a knee against donald a thing

Kek....user has Putin posters on his wall next to a Russian flag. KYS commie faggot

So black man kneels to the white man... what is the problem?

Disrespecting the flag and country goes hand in hand with disrepecting the military. Alot of people were killed defending that flag and what it symbolizes.

old uninteresting news

>Giving a fuck about this stupid sport
If Affro man wanted to actually protest I don't understand why he just doesn't shit on the field during the anthem... This just comes off as a soft protest that is more of a virtue signal.
The funny thing about this dude is he grew up in a rich family and has never personally experienced any sort of oppression... in fact given his job and status - he is in the upper 1% of the most privileged people on the planet.

Okay, first of A lot is two words. Secondly, there are a lot of those people who weren't killed defending your flag and what it symbolizes on the streets right now, homeless and starving. Fuck are you so worried about the dead's feelings when there are literally starving "heroes" (by your definition) suffering right now.0

"Dumb and disrespectful. " - Ruth Bader Ginsberg

he wants cops to stop killing black men. cops kill 2-3 black men a day in the US and they're usually career criminals with guns on their regular crime spree. black men kill over 50 black people a day with guns in the US.

if all cops in the US stop killing all black men, then those same black men will just kill more black people.

>Killing Russians in Syria
>Being pretty strict with them foreign policy wise
>Kissing Putin ass
Pick one you tremendous faggot

>police brutality
What the fuck is the actual number on that? Compared to Chicago Gang violence? Or Black on black crime?
>Mad at the Police... but wants more government fweee shiiieeet.
Who the fuck do you think is going to enforce the laws of the free shit you want from a larger government? You are going to get more police from the stupid policies you support you idiot... more government needs more enforcers.

Even worse. It was the week after. He got benched and then the cameras caught him sitting on the bench pouting during the anthem. After that he said he was protesting and not being a bitch.

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>tbh its just pathetic
>I don't understand his problem
>If he really cared he'd be protesting more
>nigger nigger nigger nigger

Here's the facts. Man's protest was extremely effective. You're still talking about it after all. He riled up the people born to wave the flag, ooh they're red white and blue. Cause when the band plays Hail to the Chief, lord knows they point the cannon at you. Which has been quite effective at showing off the hypocrisy of the far right. They minge and whine about how their rights to free speech are impinged because they can't call people nigger anymore, but here's a man simply taking a knee and they fall into an apoplectic fit.

oh, i should have added, these are only "gun death" statistics. of course more people are killed otherwise without guns.

Who gives a fuck. It's a football game and stupid song about a fucking country.
>A American Citizen.

>Russian deaths in Syria is fake news
>refused to implement Russian sanctions... then scaled back the sanctions Congress passed.
>own intelligence department says putins is a bad dude....goes around saying how smart and strong Putin is on every camera available.
>Putin sends in troops to a broken Venezuela to keep Maduro on power.....trump conveniently says not our problem it's a Venezuelan problem
>which Putin testicle do you start sucking on first , left or right? Or do you just double barrel them both?

nigger with retarded hair : traitor
white male : proud patriot

This all of my life

I had friends that died in Desert Storm and I dont know any homeless vets but there are lots of programs set up at the VA they can get help from and they choose not to. The military isnt responsible for what happens out in the streets go bother your city leaders with that.

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It was not "extremely effective" but made white people buy more into the stereotype that black people demand respect, but do not give it. It helped people like Trump.

Sucking dick??

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Fuck YOU nigger. The VA is an underfunded and under staffed shit show. The military is taking in young men and letting them get maimed and psychologically destroyed then just turns them out and pretends like its not their problem anymore. Which is pretty disgusting after giving those boys all this "no man is left behind, you're a band of brothers" bullshit. They fill these boys heads full of lies then send them in to die and discard them like a candy wrapper afterwards. You can eat all of my dick.

>I had friends that died in Desert Storm
No one cares.
>I dont know any homeless vets
You right, if you don't know them that means they don't exist.
> there are lots of programs set up at the VA
Irrelevant. You're upset the vets are disrespected when a millionaire gigachad kneels during a song while still living human beings who are vets are suffering on the streets. I call you to repackage your energy and go do things that actually alleviate their suffering instead of crying about disrespect on the internet. Be the change you wan to see in the world, cunt.
>and they choose not to
lol There is no funding to take care of them. Go look at the budget for two fucking seconds, my guy.
>The military isnt responsible for what happens out in the street
That's a shit policy, but not the point I am making.
>go bother your city leaders with that.
I am calling on you to be your cities local leader. You seem to care about respect and the vets, do something useful about it.

What did you want him to do go to war so you would have something else to whine and cry about snowflake?

Kek.....wtf is your point you autist jew bastard......kekitty kek kek

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>it helped people like trump
So you say, but I'd contest that. The people who liked trump liked him before they saw a man kneel at a football game. And yes in fact it is an extremely effective protest because the point of a protest is to make people talk about it. Here are you and I and everyone else in this thread still talking about his protest long after its stopped because he's not even in the NFL anymore if I remember right. That's mission accomplished. He wanted people talking about this shit, and he succeeded.

Thats a whole lot of speculation on your part when you yourself have done nothing in your life to earn your freedom or help out those in need.

I too can post unrelateble pics to distract the actual fucking truth.....watch.....

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Im white and dont forget about all the villages we also burned and babies we ate.

This guy gets it

What is the point of this post?

I am not the one crying about people who were killed defending your wife beater pattern and what it symbolizes.
I offered an alternative to bitching on the internet, you would much rather bitch on the internet, your resolve is meaningless.

Black semen is seeping to your brain faggot.....pay attention

What is there to discuss? White people are triggered that PoC want better treatment.

Ok sure buddy.

Go be Jewish somewhere else...

> that means they don't exist.
I never said that. I just dont know any.
>You're upset the vets are disrespected
Im not but you seem to be.
>There is no funding to take care of them
You should go check your sources the VA has received money over the last couple years since Obama ignored them.
>I am calling on you to be your cities local leader.
Go fuck yourself and do something on your own if youre so worried about it.

mhm, sure thing

Faggots like this are the reason AIDS exist

oh i bet, mhm

Over exaggeration makes you seem weak snowflake. No one is whining and crying here but you.

Those that can play, do.

Do you understand how to use a messageboard newfag? The numbers above the reply is the post that is being replied to.

>expressing distaste about a thing on the internet
>I am not whining it's more manly like roaring
Whatever tint you gotta apply to keep the self-loathing at bay, sweetheart.

Like I said your over exaggerations are weak, Learn how to debate snowflake.

Mhm.....gee willerkers...beav.

>learn how to debate
I am fucking dead.

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Living out of your moms basement, arguing online like a SJW...you should be if you aren't, you should really KYS.

>projecting hurt feelings
Is that an advanced debate strategy?

What kind of faggot manages to die in Desert Storm?