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oh by the way which one's Pink

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Have a cigar brother

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...i guess i'll have to be the one to ask... numbers plz

If I had my way i'd have all of you shot

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eternal this


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Welcome my son welcome to the machine

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you bought a guitar to punish your ma and you didn't like school and you know your nobody's fool
so welcome to the machine

favorite line

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shine on

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Welcome to my machine

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You reached for the secret too soon

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where have you been?
it's alright we know where you've been.
what did you dream?
it's alright we told you what to dream.
you 'mwee'd at the moon~

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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all the pink floyd attention and no grateful dead, okay i'm out



Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Syd Barrett was a mystical genius and Pink Floyd only became as successful as they did after he left because he created a time anomaly for them to exist in. We all currently live in the world that was impacted by this time anomaly.


Barrett, the madcap, got the last laugh, though, when he showed up at that last rehearsal and offered to share a new song he’d written. He was calling it, “Have You Got It Yet?,” and the band ran through the song a few times, but each time they played it, Barrett was changing the song’s structure and its melody during each run-through, and it was proving to be difficult for the band to follow his lead.

He’d play it for them again, and once again it would change, until they realized that Barrett was changing the song each time he played it. The clue was right there in the title of the song: it was all an elaborate madcap prank.
Eventually, they realized Barrett was having them on, and years later, Waters — during an interview he did for The Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett Story — said that he didn’t really enjoy Barrett’s little joke. He put down his bass, left the room, and never attempted to play with Barrett again.

He did, however, call what Barrett had done “a real act of mad genius.”

“Have You Got It Yet?” was never recorded by Pink Floyd or by Syd Barrett.

nietzschean's would have a riot interpreting that

Your fortune: Average Luck

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hopefully one day we will hear it
or at least a version of it's many trollish faces :^)
Epic lulz

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

We probably never will but we can still dream

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Roger Waters has proven himself to be a cunt over the years
Syd died and took the dream with him
He knew what he was doing

Yep also most of his solo stuff sucked

>Wah wah the audience is stupid i hate them
that's my Roger Waters impression lol that guy was a poopnugget

Well I guess he still is considering he's not dead

Still The Wall, Animals are masterpieces
But he's a cunt tho
Dying of cancer all alone dragged down by the stone

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No yeah I'm a big Pink Floyd fan and he definitely did a significant amount of writing on their albums after Syd left. Just sayin' he seems like a bitter dude.

True, and maybe in this endless dream we will meet and see it it all, maybe one day the wall will fall.
Rest In Peace.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

I think it'll take a long long time till I tear down the wall

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Roger Waters still hasn't got it. Some say he never had it.


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