Lets settle this once and for all. Which is the superior ship building method?
Lets settle this once and for all. Which is the superior ship building method?
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Dude, you shouldn't have rattled the cage. Now you've started it.
Clinker-build, obviously
Carvel is if you want a well made ship that is reliable, efficient, and fast. Clinker is for brain dead retards.
nah salt water expands the slats in a carvel, makes a better fit.
Carvel is objectively superior; it has better hydrodynamics to reduce water resistance, whereas Clinker has these pointless unnecessary bits jutting out into the water creating extra surface area for the water to resist on.
t. hydrophysicist
Clinker is fine for smaller boats, carvel for larger (although that means a lot a caulking).
Nice try sweaty, couldn’t get a job as a dolphin trainer?
I'll have you know that mine is a respected profession that has nothing to do with dolphins.
I did, however, calculate the exact optimum height for the orca tank at sea world so it would splash as many people as possible.
Carvel all the way!