bisexuality exists
Bisexuality exists
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this is such a stupid argument
bisexuality is so common it's ridiculous. they've done all the tests. There are millions of dicks that get hard for pussy and dick. There are a million pussies that get wet for dick and pussy. Your body is hard wired to find one, the other, or both attractive and they can literally measure people's responses to see.
Pseudo-bisexuality exists. Nobody is androphilic and gynephilic.
Please elaborate
The fuck are you talking about? You sound like a dimwit
"people get horny for and fuck both men and women but like they're totally still just gay"
Most "bisexual" guys are only into traps and women. Which is basically being heterosexual with a fetish. They are attracted to feminine characteristics in males and females but are still gynephiles because they aren't attracted to masculinity.
Most "bisexual" women just want attention.
Nope, they're actually just straight.
I love women. I love the idea of having a strong child to teach my collected wisdom. I love women's bodies. I love boobs and vagoos. I love sex.
I love men. My best friend is a man. I find the male body to be attractive. I lost my virginity to a man. I love dicks and muscles.
I am attracted to both sexes. I am bisexual by every definition. Anyone who says I don't exist is a fool.
I routinely have sex with both men and women. I have never looked at a trap thread.
Interesting, what kind of sexual things do you like to do with men? if you don't mind me asking.
So if bisexuals exist you concede there are only two genders
I fuck them in the ass and suck their dicks.
They fuck me in the ass and suck my dick.
Likewise sometimes I fuck women, sometimes women fuck me.
careful you don't put out an eye cumming into your own mouth there bud
>bisexual, 2 genders
>the b in lgbtqia+ means
>there are only two genders
>tqia+ is a social construct
>liberal logic
Call him a fascist or a NAZI next! It's the only way to win against these snowflakes
And that's literally all you need for Guaranteed Replies
yeah as you can tell I am practically frothing at the mouth here
Up until now I thought I was the only one who believed this. Now I realize I just sucked at explaining it. I tried to explain to my gf that it feels unreasonable to put me up as some big part of the LGBT community when I may as well just be considered a perverted hedonist.
Thanks, user
Congrats on the hackneyed Facebook joke, gramps, but we aren't even discussing genders here. You just think we are because you've never actually listened to what those annoying libtards keep telling you
>Bicycle, 2 wheels
>The bi in bicycle means
>There are only two wheels
>Tricycles are a social construct
How retarded you sound.
So does wasabi ice cream.
What was your point again ?
His point was the entire text if his post, which I would assume it's in disagreement with retards who think bisexuality is nonexistent and everyone is straight with fetishes. Pansexuality is the biological default, most animals engage sexually with both/all sexes in their species. Social norms and a strong reproductive urge has lead humans to think that straightness is the default and everything else is aberrant.
what does it say about me that I like mostly men and trans men. i cant see myself with a girl well
not to derail the thread but why is this being posted everywhere?