Post were u r now

Me horse race track.

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man door hand hook car door

i hoep u win tacofren!!!!

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.27.[640x480].[806484EA].v2.mkv_snapshot_19.53_[2017.07.31_09.50.30].jpg (640x480, 221K)

you fat man middle

Come on #5
She said four races this year to seconds and 2/3 so would be a real safe bet to just better to show but that don't pay nothing one of my online tip boards racing dudes. Cam says better to win guess I'm going to listen to him on this one

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oh my? did she eat the pie?

show a timestamped picture of your own face or you are a fake lying fake person full of lies


time trips and dubs on that ticket~~~

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Keen-eyed posters get my respect.

I'm happy that this ticket is checked.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

the power of autism :))))

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

me @ your mom’s house. Me over right, both of us happy after making sex on your bed

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horses can't take photos so I'll have to call this out as fake

its nothing
wen its fugg ure mother
it races into a gif

There's some unchecked dubs. A job for me.

Your fortune: Average Luck

TK u a big retard gambling all the time lole

imagine betting 20 poor

I went back and Bett for t to make it up but I lost on that to came in second

bet more

gambling is a sin read the Bible


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I'm not done yet I still have five lotto tickets that could maybe hit tonight

Try some online poker too

So where is Ellis park ? Never mind I will look it up

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